[3.6] The Blizz Sorc - Icestorm/Winter Orb CI Occultist - Viable For Everything

oh i think gear will be much better IF the implzits are often enought. If the unchangable implzits will be rare as an ex they dont make differnce. but if not good es int boots or chest will be much more easyer to get. I hope so. ok perhaps no moonstone or opal rings with both implizits.:-(

And 24 es on two toned vs 49 on sorcerer but 2 res is for me a good deal as i have more flexibiltiy in gems and rings. And get rings with inc int is a pain. And get good rings with inc int for normal player unreachable.

on the other side i did often maps with elemetal weakness without changing gems if the boss (chimera) has no ele dmg. so i did many t16 with res under 50 without dying as the normal mobs dont hit me with the cold version.

so perhaps you dont recognice the not capped res in normal situations.
lilianmarius wrote:
Few thoughts about what got better and what got worse for WI seeing it from my point of view:

Let the numbers speak!


I would say that we need to add ZO to that, and some kind of regen on top of that to mitigate "less max leech". Considering easy access to consecrated grounds, it will not take much to reach previous cap, and even better than that considering that "30% leech + 10% regen" is better than "40% leech"

If not, atleast you should add that we can use "The Sorrow of the Divine" flask without sacrificing anything other than flask slot. And that already will bring us to 36% of "regen+leech"

Also, now we can use boots with "2% regen if you was hit recently", cause now we most certainly don't need leech enchant on those.

Also, i want to test what will happen with consecrated ground spawned by new flame totem, when totem is destroyed.
Last edited by Med1umentor#6844 on Mar 6, 2019, 9:49:01 AM
Another option for your Skill tree, is to grab the Shaper node, the two regen nodes, and another jewel socket. Then also grab Zealot's Oath. Doing that gave me quite a bit of ES regen made Blood Rage have very little effect, and enables the use of other regen sources (like Consecrated ground). In addition to opening up another jewel socket.

Taking the Shaper node also helps with Mana regen if we aren't grabbing the life/mana boot enchant.

With my tree (a bit more defensive focused) and gear. I ended up losing about 80 int, I actually gained about 40 ES and 1300 or so damage

So yes, the build is still super viable and even buffed.

Here is my WIP POB link based off my Betrayal gear if anyone wants to take a gander.

Last edited by Breken#4127 on Mar 6, 2019, 10:02:58 AM
ichbinwerichbi wrote:
And get rings with inc int is a pain. And get good rings with inc int for normal player unreachable.

I agree it's not easy to craft them on your own but corrupting strongboxes or even high level delves sometimes pop up a few.

My two endgame Inc Int rings I got rather cheap and I bought a few more just to keep around that had lower stats. It took a while, but I don't think too many other builds use them.
Med1umentor wrote:

Also, now we can use boots with "2% regen if you was hit recently", cause now we most certainly don't need leech enchant on those.

That enchant I would take in consideration for single target setup, but no way will change the mana leech enchant with that for trash setup where I need to sustain a 5-link WO. Getting rings with % int corruption, decent ES, decent resistances and - mana cost to skills to not bother with mana leech boots enchant is almost impossible in my opinion.

Regarding ZO I don't have much experience with using it together with a CI + GR char, maybe is a good option to compensate the lower max leech value, we'll see.

SasoriOtoko wrote:

My two endgame Inc Int rings I got rather cheap and I bought a few more just to keep around that had lower stats. It took a while, but I don't think too many other builds use them.

All MS HOWA builds use those rings, and typically people playing these builds are players with deep pockets, we compete with some of the meta builds when it comes to this type of gear; the only parts of gear we don't share with HOWA are the weapons and gloves, all the other parts are almost best in slot for us and for them!
Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Mar 6, 2019, 10:18:04 AM
lilianmarius wrote:

And one more thing that does bother me a bit, it will be way harder to reach level 100 and get the max out of the skill tree this league since Breachstones were nerfed too much on top of their availability which would is normally lowered also.

Well I got to Lv 96 and only ever used one pure breachstone. As soon as I saw the exp gain I knew it would get nerfed...it just seemed too OP. And I really wasn't trying too hard...the build was so strong I just kept going even when I was taking stupid risks.

Low 90s seems just fine for this build.
lilianmarius wrote:

That enchant I would take in consideration for single target setup, but no way will change the mana leech enchant with that for trash setup where I need to sustain a 5-link WO. Getting rings with % int corruption, decent ES, decent resistances and - mana cost to skills to not bother with mana leech boots enchant is almost impossible in my opinion.

Regarding ZO I don't have much experience with using it together with a CI + GR char, maybe is a good option to compensate the lower max leech value, we'll see.

I actually don't think so. You need "-mana cost" only on 1 ring, so it's already 2 times easier than you portraying.
And sings with about 30 es, over 100 res, and free prefix, in previous league i bought with prices like 1-5c, i don't believe this is impossible at all. Atleast for 1 ring it's not so much a hassle.

Also, i used 6-link WO, and still sustained without problem. In the next league channeling skills should be with lesser mana cost, so it would be even less problem. Probably will also add "shaper" node for "life regen", so my mana regen would be even higher.

I don't know, i don't see any mana problem even remotely close. If anything, i find "mana leech enchant" as quite bad and unreliable solution in the first place, not even mentioning that i hate to farm enchants :)
lilianmarius wrote:
Few thoughts about what got better and what got worse for WI seeing it from my point of view:

Let the numbers speak!

That's assuming that your new tree is final and can't be optimized. I'm going to ponder on it for a while longer before doing any comparisons.

Also, I wouldn't worry about lower INT (which could probably be increased back anyway). INT = damage + ES. In your draft version, you are doing MUCH more damage and have SLIGHTLY lower ES. If you really feel that you need 19k ES, damage can always be traded for ES.
Last edited by Kelvynn#6607 on Mar 6, 2019, 10:48:53 AM
Here's a scary little thing: a lv 85 Occultist with my 3.5 items, without 1 DPS gem (since LL can now be replaced), perfectly capable of farming Uber Elder:

Of course, you can't even get to Uber Elder at lv 85, you'll be at least a few levels higher by then. And you won't have these items at lv 85 either. Still, in theory...

The only issue is that you will need 1 more Lightning res mod somewhere, most likely rings. But I never got the 2nd Int corrupted ring in 3.5 anyway, may as well get more resists on rings. Or jewels.
Last edited by Kelvynn#6607 on Mar 6, 2019, 3:04:04 PM
I like the changes - but ... rip Mirror Jewel :-(

Any plans of using the changed hatred aura? Currently i don´t see a way to implement another 50 % aura without dropping something else.

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