Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
"After further delving (into my mind) I'm sure I got the mod via Unveiling items in Betrayal. I have yet to find any +1 to Zombies or Skeletons on standard mod yet. I doubt they Catarina's +1 to Zombies was removed, but I have yet to find it. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 26, 2018, 2:10:02 PM
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"Hey jkeer, Great job with your 3 links! New territory is exciting! Good luck and ask all you like! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 26, 2018, 2:27:32 PM
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"Wicked Staff :) It's hard not to dream about Spectres now hey? Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey Viscar, Thanks for standing by the build! At this point, it's not my build at all :). You've modded so much of the build that it doesn't look anything like mine. The tree, items, links...It's all you now :). The build you have and the build I have interact completely different in combat. Looks sweet though! Keep us posted how it goes. It's nice for people to see all the pros and cons of what other people do. Keep the posts coming :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey Ramus and Viscar,
I'm glad you're both liking the build, I'm sorry Betrayal is rough. Ever since the nerf to Syndicate interactions, I've been treating them as casually as Rogue Exiles and they've been dying that easily too. I'm not sure if you saw my post a few pages It's a VOD of my broadcast last week (I'm not sure how much longer the video will be up for.) If you go to just before the 4 hour 1 minute mark (4 hours, 0 minutes, 45 seconds I think?) you'll see that I'm surprise attacked by a 2 Star Vorici, a 1 Star Haku, and a 1 star Korell. Right after that I do a Safehouse too. My setup at that point is also SSF, but two less defense, more offense. I had a five link staff (skeletons) and lucked out by having a Tabula drop for me (zombies). I'll be broadcasting tonight if everything goes according to plan. Maybe see if there's anything I do that could be helpful? Ask whatever questions you like if you're signed into Mixer as well. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Hey Trini, While I appreciate the video (I'll have to catch you streaming if I can!) the issue is that syndicate scales almost exponentially in the higher tier rare maps. Under t8 or so (especially in magic maps), they aren't much of an issue. (Although, as you can see in your own video, they still pack a punch.) But once you get into red maps, the scaling on their damage/hp is pretty crazy. They were difficult, but beatable with skill in lower tiers. It's a coin flip in t10+ to beat them with skill, or be one shot without any chance to fight back. In addition to this, there are a lot of modifiers like items on your syndicate, and the type of syndicate you are fighting (some are worse than others, some do chaos damage, some stick to you with instant attacks etc.) I've done some syndicate reading between this post earlier today and now, and I am noticing many people are having the same issues in high tier maps. So I don't think its a flaw in this build, but something that will either need to be adapted to (or nerfed by GGG). My friends are having the same issues with their builds, and some of them have sank many ex into gear already. Outside of syndicate the only way I have died in t10-13 is by my own stupidity/bad positioning/rushing. The minions can clear a t10+ map with a hundred mods on it in next to no time. So I'd say 9 out of 10 deaths from level 86-90 have been syndicate related. Last edited by Ramus#5300 on Dec 26, 2018, 7:04:31 PM
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This has nothing to do with syndicate (I got labs and skipped them both times) but I just ran two back to back t14 maps, one corrupt and one un-id. 1 death to the boss in the unid one, which was probably the worst case scenario on mods aside from physical reflect. (No health/mana regen) and it still went great! Last edited by Ramus#5300 on Dec 26, 2018, 8:28:37 PM
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"Thank Ramus, I appreciate you standing up for the build. It's too bad the Syndicate are so off balance at the end of the Atlas. I'm looking forward to clearing it...I'll hopefully get a good session in myself tonight. It's been too long. (darn Holidays ;).)) Thanks for your posts and all the effort you put into helping everyone out! It sounds like you're at the end of the Atlas so good luck with all the extra stuff you do and great job! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hi Trini (and all POE players),
Well this is my 1st forum post....and it's just to thank you for dropping such an awesome build for us newbies (yeah I've been a bit lazy with POE) to help get up towards endgame (fingers crossed). You obviously see this as your "love child" and it shows with your feedback pls keep it up. Regards Willie |
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I was a bad exile this morning...
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