Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

Aynix wrote:
LordVilango wrote:
Rest in RIP almost every melee build

In loving memory of:

Blade Flurry
Tectonic Slam
Double Strike
Ice Crash
Ground Slam
Consecrated Path

And always remember, It's NERF or nothing.

I played both Ice Crash and Consecrated Path with 2H Staff and I had over 2M Shaper DPS. Just because you suck at the game and cant do anything w/o abusing statsticks doesnt mean melee is dead.

The problem with 2H builds was NEVER damage. It is how poor it feels to play a 2H build and clear maps with a 2H build. It is SLOW compared to literally any other build archetype in the game.

I tried to make a 2H Vaal EQ JUGG using a Brain Rattler and even with over 6.5k life it felt squishy and not mobile enough to escape damage when I needed to, which was pretty often given it is always in danger of being hit with something (the benefits of being melee, yey). I didn't feel confident in T11 Shaped UGS on this build, and it is wearing this:

Just to give you an idea of the level of investment. Even with a near mirror tier 7L hat, EQ just felt bad, slow, and squishy (on a JUGG mind you).

The problem with 2H isn't damage, it never was, it is how the build FEELS to play and how quickly it clears compared to literally every other build archetype in the game (ranged, traps, totems, trigger skills, self-cast, etc).
Arizel wrote:
Shit change for totems as you HAVE to summon 2 at the same time if you want the 50% placement speed which suck as you can't scatter them anymore

Yet another issue. Who want's to drop two totems in the exact same location, especially in situations where the totems are being killed off.

When I play totems, I typically always strategically spread the totems out.
Freeloaderz wrote:
GGG did you know that most of the complaints about stat sticks where about the OP shaper mods and not the actual mechanic? There was nothing wrong with uniques like Prismatic Eclipse or Princess Sabre enabling this interesting mechanic.

Should have just nerfed the Shaper values to fix this.

Also the most OP melee skill was Molten Strike which didnt even use stat sticks and will now be even more powerful compared to all the melee skills you just thrashed.

this x 1000
garamaganda wrote:

[Removed by Support]

There is literally no skill involved in getting any level in poe, neither is in getting challenges. Sincerely your dude with 6 100's.
The only fun thing about this game is finding new ways to blow up screens full of monsters. Preventing that by binding skills to classes is questionable at best. Also stat sticks were the only reason melee was remotely playable in the first place
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG#0000 on Dec 4, 2018, 12:00:06 PM
Yet another issue. Who want's to drop two totems in the exact same location, especially in situations where the totems are being killed off.

When I play totems, I typically always strategically spread the totems out.

We found that with this change it was important to make skillbinds specific to your weapon set. You can now have an entirely different set of skills bound to your main set of weapons and your second set of weapons.

As a casual player this makes a lot of sense. Semirandom shange in skills when changing weapon set have always made using them in actual combat versus just a place for leveling gems rather hard.
lightning totems with 50 change to flee and other flanking stuff.
dialla is in horror of lioneyes watch burning in the morning glory.
something in eye. proofing boofing ceiling a top
teleports to distant vacuum
is there cockroaches?
rip statsticks. Guess I'll get level 100 on another character, or not.
vegetables make you sick
I took almost a year off and am excited about the new league, but probably won't spend anything on microtransactions. Although this is nowhere near as bad as the Diablo Immortal fiasco, in my casual opinion, it seems like GGG is on the slow road of "Game publishers and devs know best . . . shut up all of you toxic, entitled gamers."
The new way how stat sticks are going to work is dump and now that most melee build's is going to suffer at the end game bosses this change is silly i would've just lower the percentage off all the stat sticks just my personnel opinion.
So Double Strike now hits 4 times? what? if not you can just call it Dual Strike and guess what, we got that Gem allready?
that new system makes no sense at all lol
IGN: Maphan_Meep

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