Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

Nice thanks for the notes.

Any item that drops very rarely should be justified in being that hard-to-find. Many very rare items have been improved, while a few were made more common.

Guess this makes sense. No specific examples come very clearly to mind, but I guess that's the thing. Some of these items in their current state might almost not be in the game, meaning the effort to design them is currently wasted.

Unique items that are acquired through specific high-tier bosses (for example, Elder and Shaper Guardians) should be balanced upwards where they were not up to par.

This is good.


Uber Elder:
Indigon is super strong.
Voidforge is underrated I think? But might actually deserve to be stronger. Depends on if it should all be Indigon level.
I feel Voidfletcher is somewhat underrated, but still too weak.
Disintegrator is very cool mechanically, which is why it shouldnt have been a staff. Staves are very cool mechanically too, but are hard enough to use without Elder Suicide Item mechanics.
Watcher's Eye on the whole I think is great. Maybe it could need rebalance on individual mods, that's a more in depth question.

Mark of The Shaper/Mark of the Elder could have a more useful antistun mod.
Cant be stunned while casting?
Cant be stunned while attacking?
Cant be stunned while you have energy shield?
Cant be stunned while you have no energy shield?
Cant be stunned while moving?
Cant be stunned while stationary?
Something you can build around as opposed to something that half the time doesnt work at all.

Elder Suicide Items got buffed. Maybe bow would need further buff, idk.
Impresence is cool.
Cyclopean Coil is an item I really like, but maybe it could have 1 more utility mod to make people use it more?
Blasphemers Grasp is an other item I personally like, but I still wouldnt mind seeing it buffed. Especially since wasp nest, dendrobate, lycosidae, etc etc etc are all not elder items.

Memory Vault is cool.
Vulconus is badly in need of some love.

Yoke of Suffering people love and I understand why.
Leper's Alms may be cool but I dont know how then.

Grelwood Shank is great.
Beltimber Blade is great.
Arborix is getting a numerical buff which is nice.

Gloomfang is cool.
Augyre is cool but lacks DPS if you ask me. It was previously also very outshined by shaper sceptres (stat sticks).

Starforge has ridiculous numbers and it's not a staff so has seen use already, despite the drawback. Might see even more with impale mechanics.
Dying Sun was power creep but now it's there. I'm fine with it at least.
Voidwalker had it's glory days with vaal spark. It might need a buff. I think it's cool but I couldnt honestly tell if overly useful atm.
Shaper's Touch is cool. Dexterity needs a buff imo, but if that was through this item it might be kinda mandatory so maybe better not make a Kaoms Heart on your glove.

The Scourge is cool.
Obscurantis I personally think is cool, but it could prolly use another utility stat, or a stronger or just numerically buffed mechanic.

Eye of Innocence is cool and quirky.
Razor of The Seventh Sun is cool but prolly needs a buff.

Slivertongue gets a buff.
Snakepit gets a really cool mechanic that hopefully turns out as useful as it seems.

Brass Dome is cool.
Brain Rattler is cool but noone seems to use it? Numerical buff maybe?

Unique items that dramatically affected diversity in an item slot would be addressed, either by nerfing excessive power, or by looking at what else was available in that item slot.

Ummm.... Better not be the messenger.

Items which were relatively very strong, but did not damage diversity could be made more rare.

Same as above.
Gravity is just a prejudice. A part of Earth's jurisdiction. As an apache helicopter, I find that very oppressive.
♪ ♫ . M u s i c I s T h e A n s w e r . ♫
RNG = Common taboo affect video game players who believe in "fortune" instead of Decimal fraction.
Do you like the new League? No ty, I dont like "Survival" games! (STD best league ever)
Back in the day we used friggin Varunastra with Rigwald's, darn kids! And we ware.. Okay with it.

It's good that people will now have to be slightly creative.
We found that with this change it was important to make skillbinds specific to your weapon set. You can now have an entirely different set of skills bound to your main set of weapons and your second set of weapons.

Now this is the best news so far for my playstyle :D And I don't even dual-wield.
Awakened Combustion Support when?
Ashriel wrote:
Mostly looks good, but the whole Archetypes bit kind of goes against the whole philosophy of Path of Exile's game design, I feel. Adding skill-specific modifiers, especially to Ascendancies, feels much more limiting than it does expanding with new options. I want to make a spellzerker. I want to go chaos, poison DoT inquisitor, and make it work. That does not seem like the road being gone down any more.

Very little players have the will and experience to do that.
I think in terms of percent most just play whatever they see on a stream.
First of all, calm the f*ck down and wait for tomorrow's patch notes.

Some thoughts:

Stat Sticks.
- It always seemed kinda weird to me that you could quite easily get an offhand item that was worth 2 - 3 50% reservation auras. So I do think it is a good idea to nerf that.
- It also seems weird that they would only nerf stat sticks for melee and not for spells. I'm pretty sure that we'll see something about that in the patch notes tomorrow. (e.g. ''Gain x% of Physical ATTACK damage as extra Cold)
- Maybe it would have been better if they just drastically lowered the numbers on stat sticks so they could still be used in the same way but did not impact that game as much as they do now, who knows?

Archtypes / Build Diversity.
- I'm quite sceptical about the whole ''Archtype'' idea. As some people stated before, you should be able to do something really hipster and still have some succes with it. It would honestly be a shame if that would disappear.
- I just don't like having the feeling that I have to pick a certain ascendancy for my build because it is WAY better than the alternative options.

- Patch notes.
- F*ck Poet's Pen? Idk.. just seems like a really stupid item.

Last edited by madmuncher#2683 on Dec 4, 2018, 4:19:51 AM
Stat stick was deserved nerf.
Was too easy to make insanely DMG with dual wield, for a super cheap.
By i really do think, that two handed need some buff, as well as one hander that use shield.
Atleast to the Passive.
Also where Outmatch and Outlast will be reworked, so it`s give endurance charge to Shield players, not only for Dual Wield???
How much more we need to wait for that ?
Last time you nerfed Gladiator patch, and now you nerf stat stick(Dual Wield), melee characters are being constantly nerfed.
I`m not happy with that. Ranger is still superb imba. Can clear maps in a second, while wearing full mf gear. While i`m okay with that, why shouldn`t melee character to not do that, or atleast to have solid clear speed, while Dual Wield have?
And you nerfed to the ground.
While i`m for balance, when you decide to nerf some mechanics, items or build, every time you simply destroy it.
This should not be done.
I feel that current solution to statstick problem is very shortsighted. Not only it's partially addressing the problem, but it also removes interesting interactions. Statsticks and the interactions that they allowed was not an issue until Shaper items arrived. Simply replacing current mods "# of physical as added X damage" with a multimod that also has a negative side, would have been enough. If you wanted more, you could disable dual wielding bonus when skill does not alternate between weapons. But this? It's hard to image what kind of changes are coming to unique items to justify this.

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