Path of Exile on PlayStation 4 Release Delay

my guess - with next league, march or april
Alot of my frends and i think to we can Play on this weekend. GGG Tell us about relase only for more fame after blizzcon?
So sad :/ still any date... where are support?
Last edited by guciuW on Feb 3, 2019, 6:30:04 AM
Bump it up!
Still no answer?
Oh c’mon!
Dum spiro spero
“We know many of you are eagerly waiting for an updated PS4 release date. We're currently still working towards a release alongside our upcoming 3.6.0 expansion in March. We'll keep you updated as soon as we have a firm date. Keep an eye on the news!”
It mean it won’t be soon... probably next week or MARCH :(
Dum spiro spero
disappointed... nothing else... 3 times lie. I hope you will feel that.
its ok , its march now :P
That's the answer, from Russian forum.
Natalia_GGG wrote:
Точной даты пока нет, но нацелены на 3.6 (март).

There is no exact date yet, but they are aimed at 3.6 (March)
Last edited by Jean_Luc_Btard on Feb 5, 2019, 7:57:35 AM
I still feel like this is all Playstation's(Sony's) fault. They are fricken horrible when it comes to updating games. Look at indie games like 7 days to die, it was a 6 month difference between PC update releases and PS4 ones. Relax guys, i'm absolutely sure GGG is working hard to resolve every hurdle Sony has set up for them.
dont think so cuz on playstation site ( )release date is 02/2019 like ggg predicted long ago, and back on november 2018 when ggg announce release date will be at decembar on that same Sony site release date was 12/18, so i think sony dont have anything to do with that, all depends on ggg
I just hope it comes out soon, I can’t afford to upgrade my phone to play that other crappy game. I enjoy PoE on pc but i really want to play it with a ps4 controller, i think it will be way easier than on the keyboard.

I keep checking playstation store and it says coming… But when I check “this week” or “this month” or even just “pre-oder” games, sadly PoE doesn’t show up on those lists. I really wanted to get the betrayer pack on my ps4, It looks like that wont happen 

Is there any way you guys can offer up the ability to purchase older packs if you guys delayed the release date?

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