Skill Reveal: Armageddon Brand

I am very excited about the brand development and think they will find their niche in many end game builds. It’ll simply depend on exactly how they are used.

Could you equip one to a secondary weapon and either focus on clear speed or single target in order to compliment various builds? Or will the effect expire as soon as you unequip the weapon?

Can brands be used to proc elemental ailments (primarily shock).

Will there be a limit to 1 brand? Will veiled modifiers and/or new unique gear increase the limit?

How effective will Curse on Hit and other “on hit” support gems be with this gem?

Will Recall have a cool down? Will it and/or brands be effected by CWDT?

I’m personally playing an Arc build at the moment. This would be a huge boon even for mediocre damage if I could use a 6-Link secondary weapon and focus on a single target Storm Brand in it. Cast it once (or once per phase if necessary) on a boss and revert back to my weapon and shield.
OMG OMG OMG i wanttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt it NOW S2
So these enemies are shoting nets if i will spectre them they will catch my monsters just like einhar do, right?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
too much need for key-binds we dont have?
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
New skills, new builds, nice work!


IBSPL wrote:
New skill. New key.
More skills.
Brand Recall.

Another key binding in our limited binding space. That is what I was waiting for.

What is wrong with everyone and "limited" key binding? Max number of sockets doesn't increase so where is a limit how much skills you can use/put in gear and honestly I don't think there is a good build there need to use ton of sh... active skills at the same time. You either build for a skill/ skill combo or ask someone else do all the content for you. Played (and my favorite) summoner of all kinds - never had a problem, you will first run out of space for gems in gear.

OP as F and um giggity!
I like it! :D
Awesome !
Hype, please we need to be able to sort our character selection, at the moment its sort by name :/
Thanks keep the good work!
IGN: | Default : ConnardLeBarbant
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Not bad.

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