Hi, I'm testing out your build in standard. I'm struggling to understand the proper way to use Lightning Spire Trap. I lay the mine, detonate it, and wait for something to walk near it? I'm sure that I'm missing something. Otherwise, I very much like your build.
Last edited by IchiMorghulis#4560 on Dec 5, 2018, 3:54:51 PM
Posted byIchiMorghulis#4560on Dec 5, 2018, 10:40:09 AM
uruvela wrote:
Hi AnActualHorn, thanks a LOT from a newbie player (D3 immortal kill me)
DON'T LEVEL arcane surge past lvl 3
Maybe it's a dumb question but : can you explain why ?
The higher you level it the more mana it costs to proc it. You want to keep it low enough level so where spending mana on 1 flame dash (which we use constantly) procs arcane surge.
If you have any more questions let me know
Posted byAnActualHorn#3867on Dec 5, 2018, 12:00:15 PM
Is there a big difference between arc traps and arc mines? What are the benefits of each of them?
Thanks for the great guide!
Posted bylucap123#1435on Dec 5, 2018, 1:38:56 PM
lucap123 wrote:
Is there a big difference between arc traps and arc mines? What are the benefits of each of them?
Thanks for the great guide!
Generally, there is not much of difference.
If you want to get into the min-max considerations of traps vs. mines:
1. Traps will have better clear with only having to throw your traps to kill mobs, while with mines you must first place your mine and then detonate it. Since the 3.4 patch, detonating mines became instant so there is not as much of a discrepancy between the clear speed of traps vs. mines.
2. Mines have a higher DPS ceiling, especially considering you can clear with arc mines and gem swap to Glacial Cascade mines for single target if desired. Or just having Arc mines in a pseudo 5L Shaper Helm and GC mines in your 6L.
3. Traps get free frenzy charges from the Master Sapper node, no such node exists for mines.
Posted byRaidingFame#6905on Dec 5, 2018, 2:05:46 PM
Hope to see a min/maxed version of the build when you get your hands dirty for 3.5!
Posted bycrispyexcal#4669on Dec 5, 2018, 3:01:36 PM
RaidingFame wrote:
lucap123 wrote:
Is there a big difference between arc traps and arc mines? What are the benefits of each of them?
Thanks for the great guide!
Generally, there is not much of difference.
If you want to get into the min-max considerations of traps vs. mines:
1. Traps will have better clear with only having to throw your traps to kill mobs, while with mines you must first place your mine and then detonate it. Since the 3.4 patch, detonating mines became instant so there is not as much of a discrepancy between the clear speed of traps vs. mines.
2. Mines have a higher DPS ceiling, especially considering you can clear with arc mines and gem swap to Glacial Cascade mines for single target if desired. Or just having Arc mines in a pseudo 5L Shaper Helm and GC mines in your 6L.
3. Traps get free frenzy charges from the Master Sapper node, no such node exists for mines.
Great explanation, I'm going to add this to the guide!
Posted byAnActualHorn#3867on Dec 5, 2018, 4:38:31 PM
The POB that was linked was only showing around 30k damage, is that correct? Also would you make any changes to accommodate a safer hardcore build? And do you ever switch to GC for bosses?
Posted byiCherishMeli#6381on Dec 5, 2018, 4:54:09 PM
iCherishMeli wrote:
The POB that was linked was only showing around 30k damage, is that correct? Also would you make any changes to accommodate a safer hardcore build? And do you ever switch to GC for bosses?
I think that's 30k x 4 mines but I could be wrong, arc really isn't the strongest for bossing that's why we try to get 5 or 6 link lightning spire.
Posted byAnActualHorn#3867on Dec 5, 2018, 7:10:10 PM
AnActualHorn wrote:
iCherishMeli wrote:
The POB that was linked was only showing around 30k damage, is that correct? Also would you make any changes to accommodate a safer hardcore build? And do you ever switch to GC for bosses?
I think that's 30k x 4 mines but I could be wrong, arc really isn't the strongest for bossing that's why we try to get 5 or 6 link lightning spire.
How is Lightning spire vs. Glacial Cascade?
Have you had any issues with this build in HC?
Posted byiCherishMeli#6381on Dec 5, 2018, 10:46:52 PM
iCherishMeli wrote:
AnActualHorn wrote:
iCherishMeli wrote:
The POB that was linked was only showing around 30k damage, is that correct? Also would you make any changes to accommodate a safer hardcore build? And do you ever switch to GC for bosses?
I think that's 30k x 4 mines but I could be wrong, arc really isn't the strongest for bossing that's why we try to get 5 or 6 link lightning spire.
How is Lightning spire vs. Glacial Cascade?
Have you had any issues with this build in HC?
GC is much better dps with investment. Lightning spire is still great damage with little investment.
Little to no problems in HC, extremely tanky and good all around build.
Posted byAnActualHorn#3867on Dec 6, 2018, 6:52:09 AM