[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

szulerecki wrote:
Leveling this build, atm lvl 71, still have to kill Kitava but going extremly smoothly sincle lvl 60 and on.

My current gear:


+ Clear Mind 55% Spell damage on the tree

Any idea what i should be on a lookout for next?

Get an amulet and belt with mine laying speed.

The Sceptre is REALLY bad and you can find an upgrade for 10 or 15c, refer to the gear section to see what you should be looking for.
hitmantb wrote:
1) Any tip on getting 5L blue 1L green loreweave? Is it just spamming "at least 1 green" which is the off-color?

2) Standing in head out with just wrath activated, my arc damage is 10967 per hit (Arc, Remote Mine, Mine Field, Increased Critical, Lightning Penetration, Added Cold Damage). I know level 21 arc is a big big increase but just curious what is everyone else's damage like for end game one hand and shield. I am trying to see how far do I need to go.

3) I think Watcher's Eye with 8-10% more damage taken in mana is HUGE for this build, 40% MOM is really OP.

4) A lot of hardcore leaders use Atziri's Foible which is a huge mana / regen improvement. I was dying because of mana issues and this in conjunction with Lavianga really took care of it.

5) Other than Loreweave what are some of the luxury items we can work toward? I already got Loreweave thanks! I plan on saving for level 21 arc next.

1. Google "vorici chrome calculator" and it will tell you the best route to color your loreweave.

2. My hideout dps on tooltip is about 78k but that's because I'm dual wielding wands and have a bit squishier of a tree.

3. Yes, clarity watchers eyes are super nice and make you SUPER tanky. They are also much cheaper than wrath ones, I'd definitely use.

4. I used foible in HC and it was a life saver, really nice amulet.

5. Other than loreweave you can find a realy nice wand or a helmet with place an additional mine with life and mana.

woodjwl wrote:
I have a pair of these gloves that dropped while I was farming on another character. What do you suggest I use them for? I feel like they might be a good fit for a trap build, but I've never played trap/mines before. Suggestions?

You can try arc traps they're actually super fun. I switched to them this league for about 25 or 30 regrets and they were strong with malachais awakening, but super squishy :p

However, I switched back to mines because traps felt super clunky so its up to you.
woodjwl wrote:
I have a pair of these gloves that dropped while I was farming on another character. What do you suggest I use them for? I feel like they might be a good fit for a trap build, but I've never played trap/mines before. Suggestions?

You can try arc traps they're actually super fun. I switched to them this league for about 25 or 30 regrets and they were strong with malachais awakening, but super squishy :p

However, I switched back to mines because traps felt super clunky so its up to you.
Hi Horn, I've been running Vaal storm call in the helm instead of lightning spire trap, allowing me to keep a 6l in the chest. Since I have a +1 mines helm, it comes with built-in remote mine. Vaal skills can be supported by mines, (i.e. vaal arc in a mine), so vaal storm call absolutely decimates when it comes to single target. Thoughts?
AnActualHorn wrote:

1. Very easy against syndicates you can basically offscreen them.

2.You do have to get used to it a little bit but after you get the volatile mine node you should be in love.

Ok thanks for the input.

I will keep at it.

I can't remember if I got that node yet or not.

I also loved the Red Arc cosmetic you use in the video.
I think I need to pick that one up now. ;)

I have been playing a version of this with decent success. I just don't feel like i am getting the survivability and damage that i should. What am i missing?
What should i upgrade/change? Will respecing the tree get me there? What about the spell totem? It seems to do nothing, so what could i fill in to improve? Just a bunch of heralds since auras are out of the question?

Looking to eventually do uber elder.

Thanks for your advice.
Last edited by Pred8oar#2189 on Dec 27, 2018, 2:40:34 PM
jhneoh wrote:
I got my helm for 3c, spent another 15 fusings on the crafting bench for 4S(it was originally 1S) and linking it. Getting the colors right took about 10 chromatics.

Keep an eye out for bargains and you can get a great helm.

Thanks, I did that and I got a huge boost of DPS for both trash mobs and mono targets, since Spire Trap is now in 6L
Also I got very lucky with fusing/jeweller/chromatic orbs. Less than 4 of each.

AnActualHorn wrote:
You can upgrade your gear a ton.

First get a wand with crit for spells/crit multi/non chaos as extra chaos

For your rare helm and jewelry get life/mana regen/ and flat mana
With MoM, mana is health.

Try to get boots with 30%+ movement speed

Thanks, I'll look into that.

I have overlooked mana regen (and flat mana).
AnActualHorn wrote:

1. Google "vorici chrome calculator" and it will tell you the best route to color your loreweave.

2. My hideout dps on tooltip is about 78k but that's because I'm dual wielding wands and have a bit squishier of a tree.

3. Yes, clarity watchers eyes are super nice and make you SUPER tanky. They are also much cheaper than wrath ones, I'd definitely use.

4. I used foible in HC and it was a life saver, really nice amulet.

5. Other than loreweave you can find a realy nice wand or a helmet with place an additional mine with life and mana.

Wow thanks!

How do you see DPS for Arc on tooltip? I only see Arc damage per hit and because lightning penetration does not affect it, am level 92 and have loreweave and fairly good gear, I can see you do 50% or 100% more damage than me but not 600% :)
Last edited by hitmantb#6251 on Dec 27, 2018, 4:22:05 PM
Iean wrote:

1.Spam at least one green usualy around 10-20 tries needed to have it
2.Dont even check yet :) Currently testig Tremor Rod
3.Well probably it is awesome didnt had chance to try it i just bought chance to recover mana when affected by clarity and increased lightning damage when affected by wrath and it works realy nice
4.As i mentioned before chance to recover mana when affected by clarity solve almost all mana problems except those realy big hits + im using dream fragments it also helps a lot
5. I think mark of shaper and elder essence worm also "+ to gems" tremor rod or loreweave, helmet with arc chain additional time enchant it all boost your dps to sky but most of it take some survivability from you. Also some realy sick one hand weapons and shield may be also good.

Thanks for the tips!

I bought Mark of Shaper on your tip! It provides more damage than essence worm / wrath aura according to both POB and in-game tooltip, plus the 10% extra health.

My other ring needs to be elder and for now I just have a simple life/resist one. Can be upgraded a lot more.

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