3.5 Arakaali's Fang BladeVortex, Uber Elder/HOGM ✓ Betrayal HC ✓ Tank✓ All Content✓ Spider Army✓

Noob here.

1 what is the most optimal gear for uber elder this league?

2 will Winter Orb be better then bv for he range?

Some_Day wrote:
Current POB: https://pastebin.com/QuEngSFF (Note Melee damage on Full life doesn't show minion dps on POB, so I added 'Vile Toxins' to give it a more accurate dps display.)

With 20 spiders, the total damage is 500k spider damage alone

Does that mean Full life doesn't work on our minions and should be replaced with Vile toxins? (kinda like how the ghost in that other build doesn't get support from some gems like they should).
Last edited by magicdownunder on Dec 17, 2018, 2:56:44 PM

So, build mentions leech... where's the leech source? I can only assume you mean life recovery on block cuz I don't see any leech.
but uh

Does that mean Full life doesn't work on our minions and should be replaced with Vile toxins? (kinda like how the ghost in that other build doesn't get support from some gems like they should).

No, as he said, he changed it to more accurately display dps. It does work.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated on Dec 18, 2018, 4:10:14 AM
so the little spiders can be supported with gems in the dagger?

What's your block chance with the arakaali setup?

Can the agnoy crawler and the little spiders get charges (frenzy, endurance, power)?

How do u leech life/mana without warlord's?

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― Christopher Hitchens
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Last edited by Antigegner on Dec 18, 2018, 6:25:19 AM
Antigegner wrote:
so the little spiders can be supported with gems in the dagger?

What's your block chance with the arakaali setup?

Can the agnoy crawler and the little spiders get charges (frenzy, endurance, power)?

How do u leech life/mana without warlord's?

I guess he meant you CAN leech, if you choose to get a warlords mark elder ring, unlike other builds that don't or cant fit it in.

I just leveled this build and it's lovely. +1 block, resists and life jewels are cheap, and I got a open ring slot for a warlords mark ring now that doesn't need any particular resist, so...some day.
can you add leveling trees like 25 / 50 / 75 /85?
can you add leveling trees like 25 / 50 / 75 /85?
I'm super nooby and this is going to be my first HC char. I've played 5 seasons so far and made a dozen or so characters, but scared to level this thing. Could someone give me some advice on leveling / item / gems for this during the leveling process? I'm in act 2 now so not very far in. I've been leveling with SRS to be honest lmao. It feels nice and i get to run away constantly!

Edit: Already ripped. I'm gonna wait for a response before starting again.
Last edited by BoopersBoop on Dec 20, 2018, 3:23:45 AM
BoopersBoop wrote:
I'm super nooby and this is going to be my first HC char. I've played 5 seasons so far and made a dozen or so characters, but scared to level this thing. Could someone give me some advice on leveling / item / gems for this during the leveling process? I'm in act 2 now so not very far in. I've been leveling with SRS to be honest lmao. It feels nice and i get to run away constantly!

Edit: Already ripped. I'm gonna wait for a response before starting again.

Hey, sorry just saw your response! Well done going to HC, leveling is a bit weird since you dont get access to spell gems to level and start it straight away. It helps if you already have an established character beforehand.

I personally started with ek until I got bv, you get herald of agony from vendor at lvl 16 and just follow the same tree till spritual aid.

Here is my gear and get setup while leveling:
Can you write ascendancy passives order?
This sounds like an intriguing build, was just curious about a couple of things like is there any map mods you stay away from and I saw that you are releveling the char as jugg instead of glad, is that something you recommend for new people trying out the build? :)

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