[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth

IAmTheSunliightHi wrote:
Do we really take Oak as Bandit reward? I never took it in any build. :D I think about starting Ritual with a bleed bow and never did a bleed or bow build before :D

I mean you don't have to, but 2 skill points for 1% life regen, 2% phys damage reduction & 20% increased phys damage is pretty good value. Physical damage is one of the limited number of modifiers that do buff bleed ( https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bleed#Modifiers ), and the rest is a nice bonus.

Alira would be purely for resistances, so you'd be looking to ditch her ASAP. Attack speed is mediocre for (non-crimson dance) bleed so Kraityn's functional but unimpressive.

It's just a matter of whether you can get better value out of 2 skill points somewhere, which is going to vary depending on level/clusters. Oak's bonuses would be a very decent but not unbeatable use of 2 skill points.
As you may have noticed i was absent for nearly 3 months, but i'm finally back in business. As usual i'm more active in my CA Raider guide and share my thoughts on different topics in there sometimes. I also updated my Guide to Blight Towers recently with another small update coming in near future. Now about ascendancy changes:

Changes to Gladiator
Small damage nerf and more reliable blind, that's it. I wanted to write something here but it's just little bit of stats which don't really change much. You don't really rely on blind during mapping and bosses should be blinded most of the time (especially with classic build). Most impactful change is likely overall buff to Blood in the Eyes being significantly better as a 2-pointer, making levelling easier and safer. 50% bleed chance saves 1 passive point and effectively gives little bit more damage.

Block chance being global and not tied to shield/dual wielding opens up new options, but that doesn't concern this build at all.

Deadeye, Rupture and a massive bait
I bet Gladiator was nerfed partially thanks to revamped Deadeye's Rupture ascendancy notable. However despite insane damage increase i just don't see it being worth over Gladiator as a whole. Going crit hasn't been reasonable for ailments since 3.2 when i made first successful bleed build. One time i actually made crit bleed build in Harvest i did it because i knew i can push it to the limit. It performed on the same level as non-crit, but with slightly higher damage potential.

There are two major issues with Rupture debuff. First is it should behave exactly like "Faster" modifier, both of them are multiplicative with each other. With 3 Rupture stacks your bleed are going to be extremely short. We're talking like 3-4 seconds at BEST. At very high investment it's whatever since you'll be killing enemies extremely fast anyway, but on budget it's just... no. I already recommend Unbound Ailments for a reason.

Second is that you won't get any damage increase against normal monsters unless you go crit. Without insane gear or completely ignoring defences you'll never get reasonable amount.

The way you can and should abuse Rupture (assuming you go for it) is to do non-crit version and use Ensnaring Arrow - Barrage - Inc Critical Strikes to apply Rupture debuff quickly. Diamond flask or "Lucky crits when focused" belt mod might come in handy in order to quickly burst boss down. You can also combine it with 120-140% increased duration of ailments during focus to mitigate duration problems. You can make use of this notable, however...

Deadeye offer little besides that. Definitely usable and seems incredibly strong for single target if geared properly. Worse in almost all other aspects if you ask me and especially - no bleedsplosions. The only thing worth looking into is Mirage Archer notable.

It's a no from me unfortunately.

New Champion, old problems
Significant buffs for classic build. More attack speed for free and MUCH more defence. I would love to include it in a build, i really do. I don't think it's worth without some form of bleedsplosions, and classic requires specific gloves and armour - no way to get it from anything else.

basta1982 wrote:
We lost 5% more and 30% increased damage and gained 15% chance to blind. Guess the build is still fine, but the "rework" is just a damage-nerf and seems to be one of the lazy ones.

Yep. The only interesting part is block chance from minor nodes being global which opens up bow/staff block Gladiator.

vileArchon wrote:
you have not seen the changes to puncture or split arrow yet...

You seem to not know that true end game build of this guide is the classic one, which doesn't use either of those skills.

I doubt they'll be changed. None of them is fits inside overpowered or underpowered category.

IAmTheSunliightHi wrote:
Do we really take Oak as Bandit reward? I never took it in any build. :D I think about starting Ritual with a bleed bow and never did a bleed or bow build before :D

It's very simple, is 20% phys damage, 1% life regen and 2% phys dmg reduction worth 2 passive points? In my opinion yes. Only very far into late game it might be more beneficial to have 2 points instead.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jan 12, 2021, 10:18:44 AM
In "end game build" section "classic build" subsection "Level 96 - Classic passive tree with cluster jewels" link leads to passive skill tree with no cluster jewels.
DankawSL wrote:
Deadeye, Rupture and a massive bait
I bet Gladiator was nerfed partially thanks to revamped Deadeye's Rupture ascendancy notable. However despite insane damage increase i just don't see it being worth over Gladiator as a whole. Going crit hasn't been reasonable for ailments since 3.2 when i made first successful bleed build. One time i actually made crit bleed build in Harvest i did it because i knew i can push it to the limit. It performed on the same level as non-crit, but with slightly higher damage potential.

There are two major issues with Rupture debuff. First is it should behave exactly like "Faster" modifier, both of them are multiplicative with each other. With 3 Rupture stacks your bleed are going to be extremely short. We're talking like 3-4 seconds at BEST. At very high investment it's whatever since you'll be killing enemies extremely fast anyway, but on budget it's just... no. I already recommend Unbound Ailments for a reason.

Second is that you won't get any damage increase against normal monsters unless you go crit. Without insane gear or completely ignoring defences you'll never get reasonable amount.

The way you can and should abuse Rupture (assuming you go for it) is to do non-crit version and use Ensnaring Arrow - Barrage - Inc Critical Strikes to apply Rupture debuff quickly. Diamond flask or "Lucky crits when focused" belt mod might come in handy in order to quickly burst boss down. You can also combine it with 120-140% increased duration of ailments during focus to mitigate duration problems. You can make use of this notable, however...

I do agree, because even with a really, really high budget i do struggle to fit in so many critical-related suffixes on my gear for being worth it, without losing significant amounts of defense. I do always end up losing most, if not all of my chaos resistance. Balancing the tree kinda works, but the gearing part is really hard in my opinion.
Last edited by basta1982#7340 on Jan 12, 2021, 10:26:38 PM
BTW - what do you think about circle of guilt rings with increased phys dmg to buff both bleed and explosions?
path of building fork got an update with the new ascendancy changes , the changes doesn't affect the build really for me tho damage is bit lower but just a tiny bit
3.12 Guide Archive Post #1


For the longest time bleed was in a rough spot, a mechanic that couldn't be used as a standalone... but is it still the case? Over time, new and more powerful toys were added to the game. Stronger ascendancies, influenced items, fossils, new crafting system. After everything, bleed finally became a force to be reckoned with.

This build features a reasonably tanky and well-rounded character capable of tackling all of the content this game has to offer. It uses Rain of Arrows for map clear and Puncture for single target damage, with bleed being the primary damaging mechanic. Guide also contains optional end game version of the build which uses Siege Ballista for single target instead.

+ Good clear speed and single target
+ Quite tanky thanks to dodge, evasion, corpse removal and Purity Sentinels (bodyguards)
+ Bleedsplosion popcorn sound
+ Relatively cheap to get started
+ Decent but not great for beginners, SSF and league start
+ Almost hardcore viable, almost
+ Reaches around 6000 life

- Requires few key items to really start rolling
- Puncture might feel sluggish
- End game gear is very expensive
- Can be hard to optimize

Passive Tree and Bandits
Level 94 - Base passive tree

Passive tree with all the essential nodes, that makes total level 90 + 1 for extra jewel slot. Besides of scaling life and bleeding damage, the tree focuses on:

* Dodge/evasion as a secondary defence.
* Frenzy charges for extra attack speed and damage.

For levels above 94, just pick up jewel slots. They're way too good if they have 3 mods or more. Shouldn't be too difficult to buy few. In case you don't have any spare money, you can always pick up Hunter's Gambit notable at shadow's starting area.

Bandit Reward: Oak (recommended) OR 2 passive points

Ascendancy: Gratuitous Violence -> Arena Challenger -> Outmatch and Outlast

Cluster Jewels and suggested Passive Tree
Level 83/98 - Cluster Jewel Tree
Level 70/100 - Cluster Jewel Tree

First tree is what i suggest you should use in the end game. Much higher damage while still having tons of QoL features. Second passive tree is there if you really want to go ham on the cluster jewels and damage at cost of QoL/speed. When using any of these tree i suggest using some form of automatic frenzy charge generations, you can find them in End Game Build section.

Suggested Cluster Jewels:
Large - 12% increased Physical Damage / 8 passives
* Master of Fundamentals (Prefix)
* Battle-Hardened OR Iron Breaker (Prefix)
* Furious Assault (Suffix)

There's not much to do discuss, this is the best possible combination for a large jewel.

Medium - +4% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier / 4-5 passives
* Any 2 of following notables:
* Wasting Affliction / Rend / Compound Injury - highest damage notables
* Vivid Hues / Flow of Life / Disorienting Wounds - defensive notables

Medium - +4% to Damage over Time Multiplier / 4-5 passives
* Wasting Affliction
* Flow of Life
* Optional notables: Brush with Death / Exposure Therapy / Brewed for Potency / Student of Decay

Physical DoT multi has higher damage potential while DoT multi is easier to craft and more defensive oriented. Personally i recommend going full damage due to how extremely efficient these notables are. you can cover loss of defenses in some other ways quite easily. All notables are prefixes in medium clusters.

Small notables aren't covered because they must have very good mods to be worth your time. Standard non-cluster jewels should be stronger in almost all cases unless you need a specific notable.

Major God: Soul of Lunaris

All around best god for evasion based builds. Extra speed is avoidance is always welcome. Solaris and Arakaali can be used too, but Lunaris is what i recommend.

Minor God: Soul of Ryslatha OR Ralakesh

Minor one are more preference based, you can pick almost anything, really. Ryslatha is always a good option for builds that use instant flasks to quickly heal up a big hit. Also really useful for labyrinth.

Ralakesh is very viable option. Corrupted blood is one of the most troublesome mechanics i've encountered while playing. Reduced damage and chance to avoid might help in tough situations.

Gem Setups
NOTE: You can find list of worthwhile Alternate Quality Gems list at the end of this section.

Main Skill - Vaal Rain of Arrows:
Rain of Arrows has very wide area of coverage and often hits enemies multiple times. It doesn't deal high amounts of damage, but it's sufficient to quickly clear groups of enemies. Multiple hits mean it's more resilient to certain map mods and running out of mana.

The biggest strength of the skill is the Vaal version, which is the hardest hitting clearing bow skill for bleed. It also inflicts very strong slowing effect and can be used in variety of ways. Recharges very quickly.

Single Target - Puncture:
Dedicated bleed skill with massive damage multiplier, perfect for single target. It's gonna be your go-to choice against any tough enemy. Grants flat physical damage too, making the progression smoother.

There's one big drawback and it's the 70% attack speed multiplier, causing it to feel sluggish. It's partially resolved with Gladiator's Arena Challenger notable.

Swift Affliction can be used as an optional link but not recommended. Unless you deal very high amounts of damage, Unbound Ailments is a better option. The extra duration gives a lot of room for dodging and applying other debuffs on enemy. This is true especially against very tanky bosses.

Classic version of the build uses Siege Ballista instead with the same support gems. It can be found in End Game Build section.

Debuffing Setup:
Absolutely necessary bossing setup. Ensnaring arrow makes slowed enemies to always take extra 200% more damage from bleeding, which normally happens only if they're moving. It's a vital tool to bring down bosses quickly, plus it's an amazing kiting tool. The setup also curses enemies on top of that.

In order for Ensnaring Arrow to work you CANNOT have pierce, fork or chain on your gear or passive tree.

Frenzy Generation/Upkeep:
Blood Rage is a natural choice. Attack speed is great, physical leech is perfect for this build and frenzy generation during mapping is insanely easy.

For bosses you'll have to use Frenzy skill to generate charges. There are optional ways to automate frenzy charge generation which can be found in End Game Build section.

Guard Skill:
Steelskin for extra durability. If manually cast, it's great for any encounter. If you're lazy and linked Steelskin with CWDT, it protects you from multiple hits in quick succession. The entire setup is optional, but recommended nonetheless.

Primary Aura:
You have to choose ONLY ONE aura. You won't be able to sustain more than that unless you invest in specific gear. What auras offer and when you should use each one:

Grace - grants extra evasion. Default aura for levelling and early maps. Loses impact later on.

Malevolence - grants up to 20% more damage with bleeding. Default damage aura since it works regardless of distance. Watcher's Eye mods for this aura are amazing.

Pride - nearby enemies take up to 39% more physical damage. Superior clearing aura and works for hits, bleed and corpse explosion damage. Pride requires you to stay in close-mid range to enemy in order to work.

Other Reservation Skills:
Herald of Purity grants small amount #% more physical damage. The more important part are the minions who will block projectiles, draw monster aggro and tank enemies.

Blood and Sand is used solely to generate Challenger stacks from Gladiator's ascendancy node. You will have to switch stances during mapping in order to maintain maximum stacks.

Optional reservation setups can be found in End Game Build section.

Movement Skill:

Used to cross gaps and escape tough situations quickly. Your primary way of moving around is still on foot.

This marks maximum amount of gems you can have inside your gear. To include any optional gems you'll have to sacrifice something, use Unset Ring or replace the setup in some other way.

List of worthwhile Alternate Quality Gems
Superior Alternate Quality Gems:
* Chance to Bleed - Supported Skills have 20% more Added Damage
* Deadly Ailments - Supported Skills deal 60% less Damage with Hits / Supported Skills have +10% to Damage over Time Multiplier
* Maim - Supported Skill have 20% increased Effect of Maim
* Unbound Ailments - Supported Skills deal 20% increased Damage with Ailments

* Vulnerability - 10% increased Effect of Curse
* Blood Rage - Buff grants 2% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Unique Enemy
* Malevolence - You and nearby Allies deal 10% increased Damage with Ailments
* Blood and Sand - 20% increased Projectile Attack Damage while in Blood Stance / 20% increased Projectile Speed while in Sand Stance
* Siege Ballista (Classic) - 20% increased Projectile Speed

All alternate qualities listed above are straight up upgrades compared to what they usually give.

Awakaned Unbound Ailments and Deadly Ailments are better than alternate qualities from pure damage / utility perspective. Alternate quality Deadly Ailments should only be used on single target setup, you still want some hit damage for leech purposes after all. Blood Rage is interesting, you could link it with Enhance to boost frenzy on hit chance further. It has potential to be alternative way of gaining charges on bosses, although unreliable. Rest of the gems is quite obvious.

Optional Alternate Quality Gems:
* Rain of Arrows (if you can corrupt it to Vaal version) - Fires 4 additional Arrows
* Chance to Bleed - Supported Attacks have 20% increased Bleeding Duration
* Deadly Ailments - Supported Skills have 20% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
* Puncture - Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets (QoL instead of damage)

* Ensnaring Arrow - 20% increased Area of Effect
* Steelskin - Steelskin Buff can take 10% increased amount of Damage
* Herald of Purity - Minions have 10% chance to Taunt on Hit
* Blink Arrow - +1 Cooldown Use
* Siege Ballista (Classic) - Fires 2 additional Projectiles / 20% reduced Attack Speed

Rain of Arrow's quality is a bit of a gamble, depending how mechanics work. Increasing number of arrows effectively increases radius, but also number of arrows that land directly on top of enemies. This should result in overall more reliable pack clearing. Bleed duration increases are most useful when you want to use Swift Affliction on your single target skill. Puncture one is a straight QoL and nothing else, most people should stick to base quality.

Ensnaring Arrow's extra AoE makes it easier to kite enemies around and ensures longer upkeep of the debuff. Useful only for specific enemies/bosses. Steelskin is a choice between better buff or more reliable upkeep, your choice. Herald of Purity's quality is great, but from my experience sentinels are a little too squishy to make good use of it. Blink Arrow is again a small trade off, however extra cooldown is a VERY good alternative tho. Siege Ballista's quality is extremely good, but then again Rain of Splinters exists and three projectiles is enough plus you can vaal it for Corrupted Blood immunity. It is worth keeping in mind though.


My current gear / TL;DR:

Weapon: Elder Bow with 100% more Bleed damage mod, read in-depth explaination for details
Quiver: Life, resists and physical DoT multiplier
Armour: Rare body armour OR Farrul's Fur

Helmet: Life and resists OR Assailum (end game build)
Boots: Life, resists and movement speed
Gloves: Life, resists and added phys OR Farrul's Pounce (classic build)

Belt: Ryslatha's Coil
Rings: Life, resists and added phys
Amulet: Life, resists and added phys, Turquoise/Lapis base pref, Annoint: Cleaving (BASe)

Flasks: 1 Life flasks, 4 utility flasks recommended. Flexible, use what you want.

Jewels: Life and damage on all of them, very efficient if you have at least 3 good mods.
Watcher's Eye with Malevolence mods is also great.

Below you will find the gear explained in-depth. Piece by piece.

Bleed Bow

The core item of this build. The ideal bow needs:

* 60% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage
* High physical damage
* High attack speed.

Everything contributes to damage and smoothness. The first mod is the highest damage mod you can get from gear, but it appears on Elder influence weapons. Before you get your hands on one it's recommended to use any high physical damage bow.

You will most likely have to craft your own bow. It requires a lot of resources to craft almost perfect bow, so don't be afraid to stop at mediocre damage rolls. End game version of the bow would use Elder+Hunter's influence combo for faster bleeding mod.

Details how to craft it can be found in crafting section.

Body Armour

Rare Body Armour
High level chests can give you really high amount of life on top of other potential bonuses. Well crafted influenced body armours in particular can be amazing. Elder armour especially has some really useful mods for defence. Redeemer's influence has a mod that automates frenzy generation/upkeep on bosses.

Farrul's Fur
Optional body armour that automates frenzy generation if paired with Aspect of the Cat. Primarly used in classic build, but not limited to it. It's very expensive.


At the beginning, a rare quiver with life, resistances is all you need. Added physical damage/speed mods are also welcome.

As you approach end game you should consider crafting Hunter influenced quiver for extra damage DoT multipliers. Details how to craft it can be found in crafting section.

Helmet, Gloves and Boots

Packed into same category, as you want same thing from all of them:

* Life
* Resistances
* Movement Speed (boots only)

Evasion based preferred, especially the helmet (can achieve really high evasion).
You should avoid ES based gear due to very low intelligence this build has.
On top of that, gear with ES makes end game crafting much more difficult.

Optional End Game Uniques
Farrul's Pounce are unique gloves that are a core item in Classic build. Don't use them in main version of the build that focuses on Puncture.
Assailum is an optional helmet which gives a lot of single target damage in exchange for survivability and QoL. Used in main version of the build.

Details for both can be found in End Game Build section.


Gloves: of Spite

Nothing else is useful, really. You can totally ignore the gloves enchantments.

#1 - 16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
#2 - 8% chance to Spell Dodge if you've taken Spell Damage Recently.
#3 - 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently

All of them are really good, pick based on your preferences.

Helmet: Any Puncture / Rain of Arrows enchantment

To be fair, helmet enchantment doesn't matter at all in this build. There's tons of fine options but none of them is a clear winner. Just use whatever you prefer, including secondary skills/auras.


Core item of this build.

Ryslatha's Coil is basically a 15-30% more damage multiplier on average. The more hits on an enemy the higher extra damage you get out of it. 50 life on stun is really useful during the map clear, as the bleedsplosions often stun enemies around. It can also be corrupted for one of the very good vaal implicits:

* 6-8% increased maximum Life
* 14-16% to all Elemental Resistances
* Pride has (15–20)% increased Aura Effect
* Malevolence has (15–20)% increased Aura Effect
* 8-12% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
* 8–12% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect

Rings and Amulet

Like majority of other gear and little bit more:

* Life
* Resistances
* Added physical damage
* ~60-70 Intelligence total

Steel rings are obviously the best for additional damage. However you should prioritize life/resistances first and then the damage, unless you have everything required. You can always mastercraft a little bit of added damage.

You'll need around 60-70 intelligence in order to use some gems. Jewellery is most likely where you'll get it from.

Amulet Annoinments:
Cleaving - Black, Amber, Sepia
Cheap and very high damage notable. It might be for axes, but the 2 bleed nodes are global. You can also allocate "Growth and Decay" or "Dirty Techniques" notables instead, they grant slightly less damage but have some extra other effects that makes them worthile. They're more expensive tho. End game build version should use one of the alternatives, since it's passive tree includes Cleaving.

Thief's Craft - Amber, Sepia, Clear
Extremely cheap early mapping node. Extra 30 intelligence for easier gearing.

Hardened Scars - Golden, Black, Teal
Hidden notable. Strongest defensive node for ranged characters, grants Fortify.
Requires a hybrid flask with "Foreboding" or "Enduring" prefix in order to work.

Discipline and Training - Silver, Silver, Black
Soul of Steel - Golden, Golden, Golden
If you prefer permanent life boots that's not tied to flask. Former node is better in nearly all scenarios, the latter is much stronger at mitigating physical damage.

1 life flask for emergencies and 4 utility flasks. Standard for most builds. The setups are flexible, use everything to your preferences.

I VERY much recommend using Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline since this build doesn't have too much movement speed on it's own. Jade/Stibnite flask also seems like a natural choice since it's easy to get decent amounts of evasion, allowing for relatively high mitigation. That's why i pick up life/evasion cluster on passive tree. Quartz flask is also one of my favorites due to synergy with acrobatics and phasing it provides.

From unique flasks:
* The Writhing Jar - Great flask for end game bosses. Allows you to refresh frenzy charges during waiting phases (like Shaper).


There's not much to discuss, you want any 3 out of these 5 mods on your jewels:

* 5-7% increased maximum life
* 16–20% increased Damage with Bleeding
* 14–16% increased Global Physical Damage
* 12–16% increased Bleeding Duration / Attacks have 3–5% chance to cause Bleeding
* +3-4% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier

Life on the jewel is especially valued, get it if you can. Bleeding duration might seem useless, but it works like a dimnishing multiplier. Good to invest into it once or twice.

You also might want a single abyss jewel with chance to gain onslaught on kill, awesome for clearing.

Getting a jewel with all 4 good mods is kinda impossible, but finding one with 3 mods at once should be easy. Be sure to look out for other mods that can be beneficial for you:

* Attack speed mods
* 10–12% increased Damage over Time
* 8–10% increased Damage
* 0.2–0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
* 14–18% increased Evasion Rating
* Any resistance / intelligence mods

Watcher's Eye is an expensive jewel you might want to acquire once you reach the end game maps. It's capable of granting very high amount of damage and some extra defence/QoL. Unfortunately the only good mods it has are for Malevolence aura. Watcher's Eye modifiers for Pride aura don't work with bleed at all. The mods you're interested in:

* +(18-22)% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence
* Damaging Ailments you inflict deal Damage (10–15)% faster while affected by Malevolence
* Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence
* (15–20)% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield while affected by Malevolence

Levelling and Progression
Bleed levelling (Act 1-10)
Gem Progression:
Split Arrow - Pierce - Chance to Bleed
Rain of Arrows - Chance to Bleed - Maim - Vicious Projectiles

Your levelling setups for first 3 acts. Split Arrow is going to be your clear skill for a short moment. Once you hit level 12 you can finally use Rain of Arrows which you'll stick with for the rest of the game.

Rain of Arrows - Chance to Bleed - Vicious Projectiles - Deadly Ailments OR Brutality

Your clearing setup after you finish normal labyrinth and respec to bleed.
You can use Deadly Ailments or Brutality depending on your 4-link colors.

Puncture - Chance to Bleed - Deadly Ailments - Vicious Projectiles OR Brutality

Additional setup for bosses. Hit once or twice and let the enemies slowly die to bleeding. Swap Vicious Projectiles for Brutality when you reach level 38 and have a suitable 4-link.

Ensnaring Arrow - Barrage Support

Extra setup for single target. Use on immobile bosses in order triple bleeding damage from Puncture.

Vulnerability - Curses enemies to increase damage. Use on bosses, tough packs, rares etc.
Blood Rage - Frenzy generation and attack speed against normal enemies
Herald of Purity - More physical damage and Sentinels for drawing aggro. You'll need extra intelligence on gear in order to use it.

Blink Arrow : Your movement skill
Grace : Your levelling aura, grants additional evasion.
Purity of Elements : If you REALLY need resistances. Use instead of Grace if necessary.

Passive Tree Progression
Level ~10 (Act 1)
Level ~22 (Act 2)
Level ~32 (Act 3)
Level ~32 (After Respec)
Level ~39 (Act 4)
Level ~45 (Act 5)
Level ~55 (Act 6-7) respec 15% bleed chance node after cruel Labyrinth
Level ~70 (Blood Acqueducts farm)
Level ~71 (After Kitava)

Bandit Reward: Oak (recommended) OR 2 passive points

Ascendancy Order: Gratuitous Violence -> Arena Challenger -> Outmatch and Outlast

Gem Rewards:
* lvl 2 - Split Arrow
* lvl 3 - Pierce (Medicine Chest side quest)
* lvl 4 - Puncture

* lvl 8 - Maim
* lvl 10 - Blink Arrow
* lvl 12 - Rain of Arrows

* lvl 18 - Vicious Projectiles
* lvl 24 - Grace, Vulnerability (buy other one from Clarissa)
* lvl 38 - Barrage Support

Additional Gem Purchases:
* lvl 4 - Chance to Bleed (Act 1)
* lvl 18 - Ensnaring Arrow, 2x Deadly Ailments (Act 2)
* lvl 38 - 2x Brutality (Act 4)

General Levelling Guidelines
First and most important to remember - when searching for an equipment, your priority on them is Life and Resistances. Links are equally as important, be sure to look out for correct socket colors. Upgrade potions regularely. This applies to all acts.

The exception to the "Life and Resistance" part is your bow. You'll have to upgrade it overtime to maintain high amount of physical damage. In case you cannot find a good rare bow, you can create one on a crafting bench inside your hideout starting from middle of act 3 when you find physical damage recipe. There is also a vendor recipe that gives similar but slightly weaker damage (sell to shopkeeper):

Bow + Blacksmith's Whetstone + magic/rare Rustic Sash

Any of these two methods should easily carry you through majority of the storyline. There are few very notable bases you should be crafting with this method:

Bone Bow (lvl 23, vendor recipe) -> Decurve Bow (lvl 38) -> Citadel Bow (lvl 58)

Starting from Decurve bow, use Whetstones on a white bow to increase it's quality.

Act by Act Guidelines:
First 3 acts are trivial. Stack added physical damage early on since there's almost no danger. You'll be using normal attack based build as bleeding isn't very good just yet. Try to find Lapis Amulet before lvl 16, you'll need a little bit of intelligence to use Herald of Purity.

At level 32, after finishing act 3 and beating normal Labyrinth you can respec, now inferior, projectile nodes. You'll have to finish one of the side quests in Fetid Pool or Crypt to be able to remove all 4 nodes.

Once you fully convert to bleed, the playstyle will change massively. Majority of the monsters should die quickly, but those that don't move much will be huge pain in the ass. You'll be using Ensnaring Arrow to make them take full damage. It is absolutely necessary to take them down quickly.

In act 4 it's important to have good resistances, especially fire resist. At level 38 after you breach the beast, you can buy Brutality support. It's a good idea to link it to your main skills, if you have right colours.

Act 5 is where things get little bit tougher. Monsters out there are quite dangerous and it's recommended to have capped fire and lightning resitances. It's also a time where bleed removal life flask becomes necessary. I suggest to farm Chambers of Innocence until you reach level 45 and then face the Innocence himself. Next boss is Kitava, 1600 life is enough to tank almost all of his abilities.

Once you arrive in act 6, check your resistances. If they're below 50%, you should pick up Purity of Elements from Clarissa (act 3) - use it instead of Grace aura until you solve the resistance problem. It's recommended to have at least cold and lightning capped before the final boss.

Act 7 shouldn't give you any troubles outside of boss fights and spooky ghosts inside Crypt. Progress easily, collect all passive points and before you descend to Temple of Decay - you should face Izaro inside cruel Labyrith. Don't forget to respec Bleed chance node after you ascend for the second time. Now you're ready to face Arakaali.

Act 8 should be a piece of cake, every single fight (yes, even Doedre). It's good to have freeze removal flask for Lunaris area, in case you don't have it already. Defeat the final boss of this act and proceed to Blood Acqueducts.
Preparing for maps:

The area with a long stream of blood is where you'll spend next 1-2 hours. It's a great place to farm experience, i recommend staying there until level 68-70. Look for gear upgrades and slowly adjust your gems to recommended final setups.

You should start looking out for 5-link body armour OR Tabula Rasa which you can farm in Blood Acqueducts. You'll probably end up buying, either the armour or the remaining Humility cards. The gem setup socketed inside should be:

Rain of Arrows - Chance To Bleed - Brutality - Vicious Projectiles - Deadly Ailments
6th link (Tabula): Puncture

You should also try to find/craft/buy a bow with higher damage and attack speed than your current one. There are two amazing and cheap unique options:

* Reach of the Council
* Lioneye's Glare

In case they're out of your price range or unavailable at all (first day of the league / SSF), just craft or buy an Imperial bow with at least 200 max physical damage. You cannot find one in acqueducts, but you can buy it from Irasha starting from level 66.

Once you're ready, go on and finish the storyline. Act 9 should be really easy. The monsters in act 10 hit quite hard so make sure to have a Jade/Stibnite flask for defence. It is a good idea to finish merciless Labyrinth before Kitava. 4000 life is enough to not get one-shot in both fights, might be a little hard to acquire tho.
Mapping Progression
If you're here, i'm assuming you have at least a 5-link AND/OR decent physical bow. Preferably both, but just one one them is enough for smooth experience.

White maps:
Passive Tree Progression (level 80)

They shouldn't be a problem at all. Most map mods are trivial, running them blue is completely viable. No real danger outside of few bosses. The best of all, the equipment you acquired before Kitava is enough to easily kill everything. You have 3 very simple goals for this map tier

* 5-linked bow with high physical damage
* Upgrade your gear that's not a bow (Life and Resistances)
* Level up as much as you can.

If you haven't bought a bow with high physical damage, then it's finally time to do so. Cost of 5-linking it should be low. Simply buying Jeweller's Touch prophecy should do the trick.

There's nothing in particular besides this. You should prepare for what's to come in the next map tier.

Yellow maps:
Passive Tree Progression (level 90)

This is where you'll spend quite a lot of time, recommended level is 80-90. This map tier isn't too risky, but some map mods might be deadly without proper defences/damage.
Gear goals for this tier:

* Ryslatha's Coil
* 6-linked body armour
* Amulet annointment
* General gear upgrades

Ryslatha's Coil is one of the most important parts of the build. Gives insane amount of effective damage and decent chunk of life. Try to get one with as much life and maximum physical roll. Unfortunately it's quite expensive due to rarity.

Acquiring 6-link armour shouldn't be too taxing. Simply buy a good base and craft it with Greed essences or chaos spam. There's also a high chance you can find a good corrupted rare with right socket colors. For convenience it's GGGRRB for single target setup.

It's worth mentioning amulet annointments. It's a relatively cheap yet very strong upgrade. Make sure your amulet is quite good before you use the oils.

Of course, with such major changes to the build you should also adjust your other gear. Never stop looking for upgrades.

Red maps:
Passive Tree Progression (level 94)

That's where mapping becomes tough. Defences has worse effectiveness, monsters can hit hard, map bosses become tanky. Your damage should carry you through most maps easily, but the bosses combined with some map mods can be too scary. The build should be fully functional at this point and all you can do now is improve it to be faster and stronger.
There are 3 following goals for map tier:

* Elder Bleed Bow
* End game build
* Min-maxing gear, self-crafting equipment

The bow is one of the obvious things to upgrade. It will take big amount of money to craft one, so you can postpone it for as long as you want to. 6-linking the bow should also be a part of your plan. Again, all details how to make one can be found in crafting section.

End game version of the build is something you should check out. It has optional QoL and/or damage upgrades. It also contains classic version of the build. You can find the details in section below.

Lastly, general gear upgrades. It's all min-maxing at this point. I cannot tell what combination you should run as it all depends on your current and future gear. Overall, fossil crafted gear can massively increase your damage.

After that, all you can do now is enjoy the build, kill some end game bosses and look for another build you want to play.

Map Mods
Map Mods you absolutely can't run:

* Monsters reflect #% of Physical Damage
Don't shoot, you'll most likely kill yourself instantly. Reroll the map and move on. If you're inside map, leave it immediately.

Map Mods you can run but are slightly annoying/dangerous:

* Cannot Leech Life / Mana from Monsters
This mod is so rare it might as well not exists. It's really awful to run tho and makes clear very, very slow. You can bypass it with Enduring mana flask.

* Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield
Build mostly relies on leech so it's totally fine to run. Just make sure to not run out dry by using non-clearing skills. Mana pool is small after all. Blood Rage degen is going to be really awful

* Player Dodge chance is Unlucky / Monsters have #% increased Accuracy Rating
Scary mod, almost completely nullifies your defences. However you will kill majority of the monsters almost instantly so it's not that big deal. Some tanky rares might be very dangerous tho.

* +#% Monster Physical Damage Reduction
Absolutely awful. Unlike "Monster Life" mod, this also lowers the damage of bleedsplosions. Lowers clear speed and single target by a lot. Obviously doable but it's best to avoid it.

* Monsters have a #% chance to avoid Poison, Blind, and Bleeding
Almost the same as Phys Damage Reduction if not worse. It's annoying as hell during clearing, you'll often find yourself shooting multiple times at one pack. Rain of Arrows should still make it relatively smooth to clear the map. Bossing is where you'll feel the difference the most

* #% increased Monster Movement/Attack/Cast Speed
It's problematic if enemies are able to attack you. It won't happen most of the time, but the possibility exists. This mod bumps up that chance. Be cautious.

* Players gain 50% reduced Flask Charges
Really annoying in low density maps. It's OK for the most part tho.

Other than that, it's standard. Too many damage mods are dangerous, curses are scary for bosses etc.

End Game Build
End Game Enhancements
Considering the build is straightforward, there's not much to do creatively other than constantly upgrading the gear. However there are some improvements to make it more smooth to play and/or more damage.

Assailum Helmet

This is an optional yet very poweful helmet. Bow skill gems socketed inside this helmet cannot be used directly. They can be fired by using channeling skill Snipe, which also grants massive damage multiplier to them based on amount of channeling stages. However, great power comes also comes with big downsides. Breakdown:

* With 4-link Puncture socketed inside, it deals up to ~125% more damage compared to standard 6-link. In majority of scenarios it's closer to 50-100% more damage, depending on luck and time spent.

* Requires you to fully charge the "Snipe" ability to make this helmet worthwhile, roughly 2,5-3 times as long attack time.
* Longer attack time means it's more prone to RNG events and significantly more vulnerable during channeling.
* Harder to use since it's a channeled ability, instead of a single click.
* Almost no useful stats on the helmet itself.

In short, it brings a lot of damage to the table at price of survivability and QoL. I personally don't think the damage is necessary and don't recommend it as a result. However i feel obligated to mention it because it is an interesting and powerful item.

In order to use it, you must socket 4-link Puncture setup inside the helmet. Then you must channel Snipe ability which will fire the Puncture once you stop channeling. You cannot use this helmet in classic build. Suggested setup:

Puncture - Vicious Projectiles - Deadly Ailments - Brutality

Elemental Ailment Immunity
Very easy to acquire and very strong defensively. The primary cost is flexibility on your gear. Thick Skin life cluster grants 20% elemental ailment avoidance. You can combine it with following crafts on your gear:

* (21–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (gloves/helmet, veiled suffix)
* (25–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments and stuns (body armour, veiled prefix)
* (31–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (boots, shaper suffix ilvl 81)

Combining high rolled affixes on gloves, helmet and boots/body armour craft allows to reach 100% avoidance, which in effect makes you immune to all elemental ailments (including scorch/brittle/sap).

You can also get 30% elemental avoidance from Elegant Form notable found in "1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits" small cluster jewel. It's not recommended unless you intend to play classic build, where you have to use it to achieve ele ailment immunity..

Automatic Frenzy Generation
Having to recharge frenzies on bosses is definitely the most irrating part of the build. I mitigate this with 16 sec charge duration so they can last between boss phases. However you can automate this process in few ways. Which option you choose is up to you.:

#1 - Farrul's Fur with Aspect of the Cat.
#2 - Redeemer influenced body armour with "10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit".
#3 - Dropping frenzy charges on passive tree and crafting +1 minimum frenzy charges on both rings and amulet.

Farrul's Fur option is the easiest, but this body armour is also very expensive. You have to craft Aspect of the Cat adds somewhere on the gear as well. Extra crit and other stats from the Aspect are fairly powerful and nice QoL as well.

Redeemer's armour is worse when it comes to charge generation, but should do the job in the long run. With enough currency it should give high amounts of life as well.

Third option is also easy to do and potentially the best one. With 3 minimum and maximum frenzy charges you always get Gladiator's 10% more physical damage buff. This method frees up body armour slot and at least 6 passive points to try out cluster jewels.

Automatic Vulnerability on Hit
Primarly for mapping. While extra clear speed shouldn't be necessary it will help in maps with awful defensive mods. There are two primary ways to get it:

#1 - Warlord influenced ring.
#2 - Ring from Delve node that gives physical themed items.
#3 - Vaal implicit on gloves.

The choice here is that there's none, sort of. You'll likely craft a Warlord's ring and be done with it. Ring from azurite mine is too unreliable and vaal implicit is too risky unless you want to use unique gloves. Methods how to make such ring can be found in crafting section.

Optional Mana Reservation
While i recommend Herald of Purity for extra safety and little extra damage, it's not the only option available. For more damage but also riskier playstyle you can use two other mana reservation skills:

It would replace both Herald of Purity and Blood and Sand for same amount on mana reservation. Auras choices are still the same, but Pride is definitely way to go. In order to make use of all skills you must remain in close-medium proximity to the enemies, which isn't ideal for safety reasons. You can link Flesh and Stone with Maim support to achieve highest amount of extra damage.

There's also a possibility of running TWO auras at once with Blood and Sand, which should give highest potential damage output. To do that you'll likely need Enlighten support gem and extra source of "Aura has X% reduced Mana Reservation". Easiest sources are helmet enchantment and hunter influenced amulet (Malevolence aura). With more investment you can run even more mana reservation options.

The only thing left that's interesting is classic build which you can find below. Other than that, just craft better gear.

Classic Build
This version of the build uses Siege Ballista for single target, combined with Farrul's Pounce gloves to deal damage similar to Puncture.

+ Safer playstyle
+ Significantly more versatile in almost every scenario
+ Doesn't require you to stand still to deal damage
+ Combination of clearing by yourself and totem for single target doesn't feel boring

- Still less damage than just using Puncture
- Unique heavy, requires good rares to cap resistances
- Uses Farrul's Fur so it's expensive by default

Passive Tree:
Level 94 - Classic passive tree
Level 96 - Classic passive tree with cluster jewels

They're not required but heavily recommended. Ironwood cluster makes totems significantly tankier and Panopticon notable is a huge effective dps increase.

What you do with remaining points is your choice. In case you need more than that, you can always change bandit reward to 2 passives.

Required Items:
Build Mechanics:
Farrul's Pounce gloves grant Crimson Dance periodically when combined with Aspect of the Cat. Standard bleed and Crimson Dance bleed don't interact with each other at all, allowing to apply both bleed types simultaneously. This means that if a build is capable of applying all 8 Crimson Dance bleed stacks, Farrul's Pounce effectively doubles the damage.

Puncture's attack speed penalty and necessity to stand still for longer periods of time make it impossible to use the gloves to their full potential. Three (or more) Siege Ballistas can easily achieve this while having relatively high damage multiplier. Everything combined allows classic build to deal similar damage to current version despite massive different in damage multiplier for bleed.

Item Explaination:
You already know why Farrul's Pounce is here. It's worth mentioning they're a unique gloves. You can try corrupting them to get Vulnerability of Hit vaal implicit.

Farrul's Fur is used to remove Cat Aspect's mana reservation cost, longer Crimson Dance phase and to generate frenzy/power charges as a bonus. There's almost no reason to not use this chest.

Next is a rare helmet/boots with Aspect of the Cat. You MUST socket Less Duration support into that gear piece in order to cycle through Cat phases quicker. You can't get benefit from the gloves until you cycle through both phases after all. You can socket Swift Affliction or it's awakened version as well, but it's not necessary. Keep in mind that all global reductions or increases to skill effect duration also apply to Aspect of the Cat, this includes bonus from Malevolence aura.

Rain of Splinters jewel while not necessary is great to ensure hitting moving target or for extra clear. Encounters like blight, legions, abysses, breaches and delving greatly benefit from it.

If you decide to use this build version, i hope you'll have a great time like i do. It's nearly identical to the original build version back from 3.4 for which i wrote this guide. It's my preferred playstyle for bow bleed.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
3.12 Guide Archive Post #2

IMPORTANT NOTE: All videos have timestamps and character info in the description. Each video contains conqueror fight and map clear of his citadel. Level of gear showcased in non-harvest gear videos is obtainable with medium-high investment.
My Sirus fights are terrible, especially classic ones. Never really trained this fight due to playing HC and i knew risk of losing my chars was too great.

3.12 Build Videos
Puncture: Crusader / Redeemer / Warlord / Hunter / Awakener
Classic: Crusader / Redeemer / Warlord / Hunter / Awakener

3.12 Build Videos (Harvest Gear)
Puncture: Crusader / Redeemer / Warlord / Hunter / Awakener
Classic: Crusader / Redeemer / Warlord / Hunter / Awakener

Path of Building
PoB code:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently original PoB isn't updated with new passive tree and is unable to open this build. You should download community PoB fork instead. It's up to date with lots of extra goodies in it. Second option is to use old 3.11 PoB build instead. It's working an only misses out on minor optimizations i did recently.

This PoB is based on my character from Delve HC. The default is mostly life/resistances focused, with all crucial equipment pieces equipped. No mirror tier bullshit here.

It features 2 different gear setup versions for budget and end game build. Equipment for end game build is VERY expensive but still obtainable. You can change them at any time for quick comparison. For classic build use end game gear and switch gloves to Farrul's Pounce. Levelling trees, cluster jewel focused trees and classic trees are also available for convenience.

Ryslatha's Coil and Elder's bleed mod don't work in PoB, so the DPS is much lower than it is in reality. For levels above 94 i recommend picking up nearby 3-socket jewel slots. I socketed typical bleed jewels inside all nearby jewel sockets.

Shaper/Guardian config is enabled by default. "Enemies are moving" is NOT ticked since my bleed calculator also has that option.


PoB is really awful at calculating bleed dps, even more if you use Crimson Dance.
For actual accurate DPS numbers, i've created google doc specifically for it.
Bleed DPS Calculator. All the necessary info can be found in the document.

Crafting Section
How to craft your own gear. To remind:

Magic items can have 2 affixes: 1 prefix and 1 suffix
Rare items can have 6 affixes: 3 prefixes, 3 suffixes
To check what mod is prefix or suffix, enable Advanced Mod Descriptions in game (Options -> UI)

Additional resources:
Fossil Cheat Sheet

In case you don't have required crafting recipes, ask a trusted mastercrafter. You can find them on forums under Trading -> [your league] - Shops. They'll require a small fee for their services.

Elder Bleed Bow crafting
Best bow bases:
* Imperial Bow - highest AS with good max phys
* Citadel Bow - highest max phys with low AS
* Spine Bow - slightly worse Imperial

In general i suggest using Imperial bow to off-set Puncture's attack speed reduction. You won't lose a lot of damage but it's gonna be much smoother to use. However either of the bases should be fine.

Key modifiers you want:
* 60% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage
* High physical damage
* High attack speed

The first one is obviously a must and the primary reason you're crafting elder bow. High physical damage should be already known to you. Attack speed is a great QoL and effectively a small damage boost.

There are three crafting methods. You should use Budget Multimod method if you just want a solid bow without paying much. Other crafting methods while produce better bow in the long run can easily end up very expensive for a small damage increase. Fossil crafting is more of a gamble but also gives you chance to craft really ridiculous bow. Alt -> Regal is more deterministic and will eventually net you a really strong bow, assuming you don't go insane during crafting process. Which method you should use is up to you.

Budget Multimod method:
Requires: Elder influenced bow ilvl 83+
Average Cost: ~200-300 alts, 3 exalts, 4 chaos, few regals and scours, few annuls

Step 1: Spam alts/augs until you hit "60% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage"

Step 2: Regal the bow and based on the results:
* If you hit a prefix, use Orb of Annulment to remove it. If you removed the bleed mod, scour the bow and go back to step 1.
* If you hit a suffix, proceed to next step

Step 3: If you have "#% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage", use Orb of Annulment to remove it. If you removed the bleed mod, scour the bow and go back to step 1.

Step 4: Craft mods in following order:
* Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
* (100–129)% increased Physical Damage
* (18–24) to (36–42) Physical Damage

Step 5: If you're unsatified with the physical rolls, use Divine Orbs until they're close to maximum.

Alt -> Regal method:
Requires: Elder influenced bow ilvl 83+, thousands of alterations

Step 1: Spam alts/augs until you hit one of the following prefixes:
#1 - 60% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage
#2 - ~110%+ increased Physical Damage
#3 - ~46+ added maximum Physical Damage

Step 2: If you don't have a suffix yet, use Orb of Augmentation on the bow.

Step 3: Regal the bow:
* If you don't have 100% more Bleed damage mod, scour the bow and go back to step 1.
* If you have at least 2 mods from the list including 100% more Bleed damage mod, proceed to step 4.
* If you only have 100% more Bleed damage mod, but also have "11%+ increased Attack Speed", proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Check if you have "#% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage" mod
* If you do not, proceed to next step.
* If you do and also have 11%+ increased Attack Speed, scour the bow and go back to step 1.
* If you do, craft "Prefixes cannot be changed" and use Orb of Scouring to remove suffixes.

Step 5: Craft "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers" and two of the following mods that you're missing:
* (100–129)% increased Physical Damage
* (18–24) to (36–42) Physical Damage
* (11–13)% increased Attack Speed OR (8–10)% increased Attack Speed / +(7–12)% to Quality

Fossil Crafting Method:
Requires: Elder influenced bow ilvl 83+
Method: Corroded + Jagged

Step 1: Use fossil crafting method until you hit 100% more Bleed damage mod
Step 2: Check how many mods you're missing:

* #% increased Physical Damage
* Adds # to # physical damage
* #% increased Attack Speed

Step 3: Based on missing mods you have:

* If you miss 0 or 1, go to next step
* If you miss 2, consider using Orb of Annulment but first go to next step.
* If you miss all 3, return to step 1.

Step 4: Check if you're satisfied with current mods. Keep in mind mod crafting possibility and the fact it's close to impossible to craft perfect bow. Based on that, decide if you want to proceed with the crafting.

Step 5: Mastercraft the remaining affix(es). In case you used Orb of Annulment and didn't remove important mod, you will need to use "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers".

Hunter Quiver crafting
Let's start with a quick look at the mods you're chasing:

* +(21–25)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier (Hunter suffix, T2: 16-20%)
* +(16–18)% to Damage over Time Multiplier (suffix, T2: 12-15%, T3: 7-11%)

The goal would be to have both of them. Unfortunately chances of rolling both of them is small. That's about it. One more very important reminder: You can't have pierce on your quiver!

Useful non-shaper mods you might want on the quiver:
* +#% to Fire/Cold/Lightning/Chaos Resistance
* #% increased Attack Speed
* Adds X to X Physical Damage to Attacks

I highly recommend Alt -> Regal method since it's cheap and above all - reliable. You will get what you want eventually, but chance of getting ridiculous quiver is slim. Fossil crafting should be used only if you have a lot of currency to spare.

Alt -> Regal Method
Required: Hunter influenced quiver ilvl 82+

Step 1: Spam alts/augs until you hit at least one of the following:

* +(21–25)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
* +(16–18)% to Damage over Time Multiplier
* +80 to Maximum Life (or more)

Step 2: If you don't have 2 affixes yet, augment the quiver.
Step 3: Regal the quiver:

* If you have at least 2 desired mods, proceed to next step.
* If you still have only one, scour the quiver and return to step 1.

Step 4: Depending on your mods and suffixes, do the following:

* If you don't have any life, craft 40-55 life at crafting bench and finish crafting.
* If you have life below 40 and both DoT multiplier suffixes, go to step 5a.
* If you have life and any 2 suffixes, craft remaining suffix and finish crafting.
* If you have life and any 1 suffix, go to step 5b.

Step 5a - Do in following order:
* Craft "Suffixes cannot be changed".
* Use Scouring Orb to remove prefixes.
* Craft 40-55 life at crafting bench and finish crafting.

Step 5b - You have two choices:
#1 - Craft suffix and finish crafting.
#2 - Craft an extra suffix with an exalted orb. You need to craft cheap prefix at crafting bench, afterwards use exalted orb, and then proceed with choice #1.

Fossil Crafting Method
Requirement: Hunter influenced quiver ilvl 82+
Method: Corroded + Jagged

Step 1: Use the one of the methods until you hit two out of three following affixes:

* +(21–25)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
* +(16–18)% to Damage over Time Multiplier
* +80 to Maximum Life (or more)

Step 2: Craft anything you need on the remaining affix (assuming you have one)

These two fossils block majority of the unwanted prefixes while increasing chances of good mods. That's about it, just roll until you're happy with the results.

Damage crafts - Amulet, Gloves, Helmet
Elder/Hunter Amulet
Crafting method: Alt -> Regal -> 1 Craft/Multimod
Fossil Method: Jagged + Corroded (optional) + Pristine (optional)

Influenced mods:
* +(13–16)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier (Elder/Hunter)
* (1.6–2)% of Life Regenerated per second (Elder/Hunter)
* (7–13)% increased Attack Speed (Elder)
* Malevolence has (20–25)% reduced Mana Reservation (Hunter)

Crafted mods:
* -9 to -8 to Total Mana Cost of Skills
* 0.7–1% of Life Regenerated per second

Both influenced mods should more or less the same. Hunter is probably slightly easier to craft.

Provides very high damage boost. Using both Jagged and Corroded will give you highest chance of rolling damage affixes and phys DoT multiplier. You'll have to be a little lucky with the life tho. You can add Pristine to increase chances of rolling life, but it will also affect chance of physical life leech mod that's not needed at all.

Marble amulet is really cool base to craft, it's always that little extra regen to mitigate degens (like Blood Rage). Not necessary by any means, only a personal preference.

Elder/Hunter Gloves
Crafting method: Alt -> Regal -> 1 Craft/Multimod
Fossil Method: Jagged + Corroded (optional) + Pristine (optional)

Influenced mods:
* +(13–16)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier (Elder/Hunter)
* (31–35)% increased Damage with Bleeding / Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Chance To Bleed (Elder)
* +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges (Warlord)

Crafted mods:
* You have Onslaught during Soul Gain Prevention
* (31–36)% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Focussed
* Non-Vaal Skills deal (51–60)% increased Damage during Soul Gain Prevention

Elder influence has higher potential, but Hunter has much higher probability to craft phys DoT multiplier.

Gloves have high damage potential in general. Elder gloves can grant up to 16% phys DoT multiplier, increased bleed damage AND pseudo 5-link for clearing if your damage is high enough. Any approach to fossil crafting is viable pretty much.

Rolling high life might be hard, so you'll probably end up having to mastercraft it. Similarly to amulet, you can add Pristine fossil to increase chances of rolling life at cost of lower chance to hit damage mods.

Alt -> Regal method for methodical approach or spam fossils and pray to make a decent one.

Elder Helmet
Crafting method: Alt -> Regal -> 1 Craft
Fossil Method: Jagged + Pristine

Influenced mods:
* Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage (Elder)

Crafted mods:
* 7–8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
* (121–140)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focussed

9% damage increase is quite big damage increase, as it's a straight multiplier to the damage dealt. The increase is additive with Vulnerability/Maim debuffs. Because of this, helmet crafting shouldn't be prioritized over amulet/gloves.

Focus craft can be useful, but most of the time enemy will die before you take advantage of the massive duration increase.

Other crafts - Rings, Boots, Jewels
Warlord Rings
Crafting method: Alt -> Regal -> 1 Craft/Multimod
Method: Jagged + Pristine (optional)

Influenced mods:
* Curse Enemies with Level 8 Vulnerability on Hit (Warlord)
* (18–22)% increased Damage with Bleeding / (9–10)% increased Bleeding Duration (Warlord)

Crafted mods:
* -9 to -8 to Total Mana Cost of Skills
* 17–20% increased Damage

Unlike amulet, rings don't have global physical damage prefix. If you want to craft the ring, you're probably doing it for Vulnerability on Hit mod. In this case the curse's level doesn't matter since benefit per level is minimal.

Alt -> Regal method for methodical approach or spam fossils and pray to make a decent one.

Elder/Redeemer Boots
Crafting method #1: Chaos Orb spamming
Crafting method #2: Alt -> Regal -> Multimod
Essence method: Screaming/Shrieking Essence of Greed
Fossil method: Pristine + Dense (optional)

Influenced mods:
* (7–10)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill (Elder/Redeemer)
* (9–10)% chance to Dodge Spell Damage (Elder/Redeemer)

Crafted mods:
* All 3 hybrid movement speed crafts
* You have Onslaught during Soul Gain Prevention
* Non-Vaal Skills deal (51–60)% increased Damage during Soul Gain Prevention

Elder influence is easier to roll in general.

Great defensive craft. There's no tricks to easily craft these unfortunately. I suggest chaos spam or alt -> regal if you have something specific in mind. High life, desired mod and movement speed/open prefix are the key mods. 20%+ MS can be crafted, it's enough for the build. Essences will guarantee high life roll, but might be really costly.

You can also use fossils if you only care about endurance charge on kill. It'll remove nearly all prefixes (elder), making it somewhat easy to hit movement speed and charges. Craft 70 life / movement speed mod afterwards.

Crimson Jewels
Crafting Method: Alt -> Regal
Fossil Method: Jagged + Corroded (optional) + Pristine (optional)

Jewels have a really high pool of mods, so hitting the right mods might be really hard - especially hitting life. Getting right combination of damage mods should be relatively easy with either method. If you're seeking 5-7% maximum life mod, it's probably easier and cheaper to simply buy the jewel if you have the possibility.

Crimson Jewel is the base with highest chance of rolling physical/life mods. Don't craft any other jewel base.

Q: Is this build good for a new player?
A: It's decent because it's easy to get good damage on a budget. Survivability might be a problem since build's defences aren't top tier, which means mistakes will be punished.

If you want a new player friendly build, you should check out my Caustic Arrow Raider guide.

Q: How's the hardcore viability?
A: On the edge of viability. It's fairly safe until red tier maps where mistake or very unfortunate event might take your life. I would only recommend it to exprienced hardcore players.

Q: How does it perform in SSF?
A: Mediocre. Due to limited gear acquisition you will often hit a wall starting around ~white/yellow maps transition. It's caused by Ryslatha's Coil being ridiculously rare and lack of it heavily hinders the build. It forces you to have 100% bleed damage elder mod which also might be hard to obtain early on. Same issue with acquiring oils for amulet annointment. All combined slows progression considerably. If you're fine it, feel free to try.

Q: How do you level with twink gear?
A: Using bleed with high damage bows should be fairly fast. Other than that usual Goldrim/Tabula/Wanderlust and you're good to go.

Q: Why can't i have pierce/fork/chain on my gear?
A: In order for Ensnaring Arrow to work and apply the debuff. It can only happen if the arrow hits an enemy and stops. Any of the mechanics above allow the arrow to hit the target an keep flying towards next victim, preventing debuff from being applied.

Q: How about Mirage Archer?
A: Sure, why not. If your damage allows you to run then there's nothing stopping you from using.

Q: Why don't you use War Banner?
A: Using it would mean having 5% of you mana pool unreserved. With some investment it should be possible to run it. Keep in mind that this build has very little room for extra skill gems.

Q: I don't like Rain of Arrows, can i use Split Arrow instead?
A: While not advised, yes you can do it. However you must link it with Pierce or Chain support. Without these supports, it won't clear well.

Rain of Arrows is simply much more versatile without giving up too much damage.

Q: Have you thought about using Lioneye's Fall and taking melee nodes in Marauder's starting location?
A: Yes, it's a very viable alternative. However it heavily encourages armour as a defensive mechanic which i dislike in general. Performance-wise it's very similar to the passive tree i provide. Overall going to shadow area is easier for newbies, has smoother progression and much less demanding gear requirements.

Q: I have problems sustaining mana, what can i do?
A: This shouldn't be happening to be fair. Best course of action is to craft "-X to Total Mana Cost of Skills" or even flat mana might solve the problem. Linking Enlighten (at least lvl 2) with mana reservation skills should do the trick as well. If you can't do any of those, you can always disable Herald of Purity/Stance until you can support every mana reservation skill.

Q: How does the bleed work?
A: Mechanics are quite simple:

#1 - Each hit that applies bleeding is inflicted on the enemy, but only 1 ailment can deal damage (or 8 in case of Crimson Dance).
#2 - Bleeding damage is based on source physical damage. That means it also inherits the high or low damage rolls.
#3 - Game ALWAYS proritizes stacks with highest damage.
#4 - Having previous points in mind, that means hitting target multiple times will increase the damage output since you apply more high damage bleeding debuffs.

Q: Are you sure Ryslatha's Coil works with bleed?
A: Yes, i'm certain. This video should dispel all your doubt

Q: How do Farrul's Pounce two different bleed types interact with each other?
A: They're completly separate debuffs. That means you can have up to 9 bleeds total, 8 from Crimson Dance and 1 standard bleed.

Q: If Farrul's Pounce have such potential, why don't you use it with Puncture for more damage?
A: That's a great idea that fails in practice. Use Vaal Rain of Arrows to quickly stack up Crimson Dance and Puncture for standard bleed and long term damage. Timing it felt awful and overall playstyle was more dangerous. While it dealt higher damage, the playstyle was significantly worse and gearing more difficult.

Q: Is it good for party play?
Should be fine overall. No matter what, bleedsplosions will contribute greatly to the team.

To do list (for me mostly)
* Low priority: Bleed calculator update

* Proof read every single time there's a new big update.
October 17th, 2020
Gem Setups:
* Blink Arrow setup somehow ended up inside alternate quality gem list. Fixed it, now it's properly inside main section.

* Fixed a couple of typos and adjusted commentary for few questions.
* Removed "Why do you take two handed melee weapon nodes?", since those nodes aren't part of the build for... very long time now...

October 6th, 2020
* Added 20 new videos, 5 conquerors with their citadel for Puncture and Classic builds, with and without harvest gear.
* Updated note description to better fit this format (and to let people know i suck at Sirus).

September 18th, 2020 - Heist League
Passive Tree:
* Added level 70/100 cluster jewel tree, in case you love dealing tons of damage. 2 large + 4 medium jewels.
* Performed minor clean up of cluster jewel section.

Gem Setups:
* Added List of worthwhile Alternate Quality Gems.

* Removed Kintsugi armour. With addition of Wind Dancer, there's no need to use it anymore.
* Adjusted Ryslatha's Coil estimated damage gain to 15-30% from 20-30%. 15% is only achieved if you hit enemy once/twice at best, so something that should never happen unless you use Assailum.
* Replaced many showcased items and added a couple new ones.
* Minor improvements to commentary across whole section.

Levelling Section:
* Minor fixes to levelling gem setups and commentary in order to be consistent with current gem setup/passive tree.

Classic Build:
* Added two classic specific passive trees, basic and cluster jewel focused.

Crafting Section:
* Removed Harvest Crafting methods
* Removed B route (two high tier physical mods) in Alt -> Regal Bleed Bow crafting.
* After launch i'll add extra route to include DoT multiplier suffix.

Path of Building:
* Updated PoB build to the newest version.
* Added new cluster jewel focused tree, heavy investment.
* Added optimized passive trees for classic build.
* Changed boots base to Slink Boots.
* Modified suggested medium cluster jewels. Now both of them are Physical DoT based. Notables:
Jewel #1 - Wasting Affliction + Rend
Jewel #2 - Wasting Affliction + Vivid Hues

Changelog's... changes:
* The changelog has been cleared out to keep it clean.
* You can still find whole changelog prior to 3.12 update on page 83 inside the archived guide.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
January 13th, 2021 - Ritual League
Passive Tree:
* Fixed a problem where cluster passive trees had more passives allocated than they should have. Allocated cluster jewel sockets which aren't visible on website counted towards total amount.

* Added Replica Farrul's Fur as an optional body armour. BiS for Puncture based build. (Heist added to core game)

Levelling Section:
* Super minor update to Act 3 - 7 passive trees. Build has 1 passive point extra and i adjusted levels/trees/act guide accordingly.

Crafting Section:
* Readded old harvest crafting methods. IIRC they're still valid despite tag revamp in Heist league. I'll check later just in case and update them if necessary.

Path of Building:
* Updated PoB build to newest version.
* Added (PoB) to section's name so people who use search function can find it much easier. Not like it was difficult to do before this change.
* Removed warning about PoB build not working with original version. Guide now answers this question in FAQ.

* Added new question: "Path of Building (PoB) gives me an error when loading your build!"

Changelog's... changes:
* The changelog has been cleared out to keep it clean.
* You can still find whole changelog prior to 3.13 update on page 83 inside the archived guide.


Not many changes overall. Little bit of QoL, fixing and guide specific changes. Build itself remains identical.

agarwean wrote:
In "end game build" section "classic build" subsection "Level 96 - Classic passive tree with cluster jewels" link leads to passive skill tree with no cluster jewels.

I checked and you're right, i definitely messed up here. Issue fixed itself when i updated all passive trees to 3.13 version (which isn't yet supported but will be on launch).

basta1982 wrote:
I do agree, because even with a really, really high budget i do struggle to fit in so many critical-related suffixes on my gear for being worth it, without losing significant amounts of defense. I do always end up losing most, if not all of my chaos resistance. Balancing the tree kinda works, but the gearing part is really hard in my opinion.

Crit on majority of gear and passive tree options is totally not worth for bleed. You only need so much, and investing beyond certain point is lots of work with close to no return.

I mean, in my ideal setup i had ~35% crit and ~44% during Cat's Stealth. That was the best and most efficient setup i've figured out with ridiculous harvest crafted bow (featured in those 3.12 harvest videos, and each video has character PoB). With lucky crits and RoA you it should be more than enough to make Rupture work. However investment it requires to make good enough bow for this purpose is enourmous - and my old crafting method which made it doable no longer works.

Like i said, you CAN make it work. However other problems are still present and there's not much you can do about it. Gladiator is simply more consistent, faster, tankier, easier to gear and deals only slightly less damage. When i simulated Rupture in PoB i got only 10% more damage compared to Gladiator.

One. Massive. Bait.

agarwean wrote:
BTW - what do you think about circle of guilt rings with increased phys dmg to buff both bleed and explosions?

Good for damage and that's it. You lose huge amount of defensive stats which makes them awful in my eyes. There are better options to increase your damage while retaining defenses.

Back in Synthesis people used them to "make bleed viable" and nearly every single build i know about was based on my guide.

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jan 13, 2021, 2:53:31 PM
Im slightly puzzled. You have one pob with siege ballistas. Is it possible to have pure siege ballistas build as glad bleed? So the gameplay would feel less hectic (pressing too many buttons).

And second question - why so little uniques? Even started build must get great rares instead of uniques? thanks for reply
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.

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