[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth

Hello, i'm interested in this build. I wanted to ask, what do you think about The Crimson Storm bow?
Cliffb wrote:
Hello, i'm interested in this build. I wanted to ask, what do you think about The Crimson Storm bow?

I'm not the OP, but they talked about The Crimson Storm on a Reddit thread for their Uber Elder video:

The bow offers high physical damage and flask recharge, that's everything. Gladiator already offers enough bleed chance and also applies maim. It is good as a starter bow, just like Reach of the Council and Lioneye's Glare. End game you will always want to have corroded fossil crafted bow, nothing can beat 100% dmg multiplier.

Crimson Storm is much, much better for a normal attack build.
Last edited by Haasts#5457 on Jan 21, 2019, 8:09:11 PM
January 22nd, 2019
* Added Abyssal Lich Kurgal, Depth 318 and Grand Architect Ahuatotli, Depth 332 (50% speed)


I have to say, Kurgal is extremely hard without knowing his mechanics. Not at this depth level. Also, his channeling laser can crit.

Haasts wrote:

Ryslatha's Coil is BiS, there are no real replacements. I suggest to try chancing it. Before that, just use normal rare belt with life and resistances. Flask mods are also VERY helpful.

Good to know, and I guess you can always chance on Elder Two-Point Arrow Quivers and Studded Belts if you find them - IIRC "only" two chanceable uniques for each base, though I'm sure that means if I tried it I'd end up with Elder Asphyxia's Wrath and The Magnate. Never hurts to farm The Wretched, but quivers are a little harder to target (are they the only item type with no "random unique" divination card?) - just the beastcrafting shield/quiver recipe, and I suppose you could farm up Ancient Orbs via Zana's Harbinger mod and ... hmmn, I'll have to test the Hyrri's Bite vendor recipe to see if the item level's dependent on character level, but that should give you a 1/3 chance of getting Skirmish with an Ancient Orb on a L19-21 quiver.
(Update: Nope - the vendor recipe on a L20 character gave a L10 Hyrri's Bite, and using the four Ancient Orbs I had in SSF, turned into Rearguard(L28)=>Blackgleam(L22)=>Drillneck(L36)=>Blackgleam. I still don't understand why the Lycosidae trick works but seeming equivalents don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

It's a shame that using a Corroded Fossil on a belt to get the "(30–40)% increased Damage with Ailments" mod blocks elemental resistances.
Edit: Oh, if it's not worth using Siege Ballista until you have Skirmish, I suppose a Kaom's Heart wouldn't be a terrible chest in the interim if you have a decently linked bow and don't mind spamming Volcano maps.


+2 TS enchantment is not necessary, but it MASSIVELY increases clear speed and with that - defence. You will apply more bleed stacks on enemy, starting chain bleedsplosion earlier and destroying enemy corpses faster. Many projectiles/spells just disappear from existence on corpse explosion, preventing you from taking any damage.

Makes sense - I've generally run SSF builds that are fairly helm-enchantment agnostic, or can make use of a Bone Helmet and Spiritual Aid. Speaking of the latter, it's a bit of a stretch to reach Spiritual Aid above Resolute Technique, but I guess it'd scale the bleeds/bleedsplosions a little - have you experimented with it?


I would advice against farming 6-link Harbinger. It has nice damage, but very low attack speed, it's gonna feel awful. I also never found that card personally. Humility, The Dapper Prodigy and Chains that Bind are all viable options of farming 6-link body armour while giving you freedom to craft good bow.

Good to know (I too haven't found a lot of The Bowyer's Dream, but was mildly interested in farming a few hundred Ashen Woods to get some data on the droprate of The Enlightened). I'm interested in how Betrayal content/Jun will be integrated into the main game like Niko/Alva, and how feasible e.g. targeting Elder Scarabs to use in high-level maps to target Elder bases.


I didn't use War Banner at all, not enough mana to use it. Chance to Bleed and Maim benefit the most from +1 level. Especially the former.

Ah, OK, saw the L20/20q War Banner in Mordechai_Heller's gloves and wondered if it was something you were experimenting with. Would be good option to use while levelling, at any rate.

From experience, i tried to run 10 elder items for ailment removal perk of Blasphemer's Grasp. That includes me trying to chance both Skirmish and Ryslatha's Coil. Estimate results:

* Quiver ~1000 chances - 3 Asphyxia's
* Belt ~600 chances - 2 Magnates

That being said, Skirmish is not that rare. I think i found 4-5 of them this league. Ryslatha's on the other hand is quite rare. Overall, i wouldn't advice chancing the elder base in SSF.

Harbinger Zana mod is awful from what i heard and experienced in the past. I would rather use chaos to spam a nice elder boots instead.

Yes, Kaom's Heart seems OK, but only if you have 6-linked bow which is going to be very unlikely for a long time.

I did not experiment with minion nodes. I would have to sacrifice some good nodes to get there. Honestly, the bleedsplosions already destroy everything. There's little bit of everything that scales the explosions quite hard in the long run.

I'm sure Betrayal is going to be integrated pretty much the same as other masters. Initial quest is going to be in act 9 (with Forbidden Vault lore and all) and Betrayal simply being added to master rotation. Probably minor tweaks to veiled mods, perhaps? Have in mind that's only my speculation.

I have this War Banner since the levelling and i honestly don't know why. I just kept it there forever. Never used it.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
DankawSL wrote:
January 22nd, 2019

From experience, i tried to run 10 elder items for ailment removal perk of Blasphemer's Grasp. That includes me trying to chance both Skirmish and Ryslatha's Coil. Estimate results:

* Quiver ~1000 chances - 3 Asphyxia's
* Belt ~600 chances - 2 Magnates

That being said, Skirmish is not that rare. I think i found 4-5 of them this league. Ryslatha's on the other hand is quite rare. Overall, i wouldn't advice chancing the elder base in SSF.

Harbinger Zana mod is awful from what i heard and experienced in the past. I would rather use chaos to spam a nice elder boots instead.

Oh, yikes, that's rough re: the number of Chance Orbs. Out of curiosity, do you remember how many attempts of Corroded+Jagged fossil crafting you used for both your starter and endgame bows?

Zana mods aren't as juicy as they used to be, but a necessary evil in SSF if you're trying to feel like you're progressing towards the Beachhead/Lich/Breachlord challenges :/
Haasts wrote:
Oh, yikes, that's rough re: the number of Chance Orbs. Out of curiosity, do you remember how many attempts of Corroded+Jagged fossil crafting you used for both your starter and endgame bows?

Zana mods aren't as juicy as they used to be, but a necessary evil in SSF if you're trying to feel like you're progressing towards the Beachhead/Lich/Breachlord challenges :/

You should be able to craft OK bleed bow in ~5-20 tries depending on luck. 7-link bow will take much, much more than that. Based on my experience, you can hit 7-link with bleed mod every 20 tries, so every 60 tries on average (3 different 7-links) - without guarantee that you have open prefix to craft flat damage or a good roll. It shouldn't be too hard finding the fossils if you delve at lower levels.

Yeah, i think it's a shame about Zana mods. They're only good if you want specific type content/item. Beachhead shouldn't be a problem, just farm Cameria in Fortification (Horizon/Harbinger orbs). Lich is RNG, you will find one eventually - abyss sextants can really help with it. Breachlord itself is a matter of time, Uul-Netol challenge might be a pain tho.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
This is the exact type of build I'm looking to play. With less than a week before next season I am considering running this build when the new season drops. How can you be so sure it wont be as viable? Do you see this build having any flexibility going forward in the new season? Thanks.
It seems so far that the build won't change this league at all. It's going to be stronger if anything (curse changes). Still decent, fun build that handles all the content with small survivability issues.

I'm hoping that new implicit mods improve the build in some way.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides

Really looking forward for this build in Synthesis. I will give it a try for sure (not as starter). I am really keen in your updates!

Good luck for all next league.
March 8th, 2019
Passive Tree
* Updated passive tree to 3.6 version

Levelling and Progression:
* Updated passive trees to 3.6 version


Yep, that's it. Basically no changes at all. Build lost 1 passive point due to changes in shadow area, unfortunately. There might be some good synthesised mods that might shake things up a little, but we don't know them yet.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Is it just me or does the "Level 94 - Base passive tree"-Link not work?

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