[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth

DankawSL wrote:

I don't really do gear checks as a principle but this time i'm very interested in build's performance in Ritual. Everything seems to be in order, as it was myself who's playing that character. Based on my experience you shouldn't have any problems with survivability. However i do know a lot of people still die often around those tiers even on tankiest evasion characters.

I did voice my concerns recently about Rituals being intense and possibly too dangerous for the build. Here comes my question - what do you die to? Normal mobs while playing? Bosses? Rituals? Sirus dominated monsters?

For tips - endurance charge generation is obvious step if you want survivability (tbh, why do i not have it listed in end game upgrades?) but other than that there's not much you can do. You can try getting your hands on cluster jewels. I would fix prefixes on your flasks too. You should get 20% quality on your gems, GCP recipe is totally alright. I also suggest you to try out Pride aura instead of Malevolence. Get one with 20% quality right away, it's only 5c when i checked.

I've recently invested in my cluster jewels and noticed a notable DPS increase which is nice and i've definitely been doing better in all round mapping but I've been struggling with the sheer density of mobs in tight spaces such as rituals. Bossing has been a big struggle as well, maven enchance endgame bosses such as shaper/elder guardians have been particularly bad since she ensnares you and i'm always running out of flask charges making me an easy target.

I actually used to use pride and have a level 21 in the stash but i swapped it for malevolance so i could play it safer and attack from a good range since i used to die from normal mobs quite often in red maps.

Awesome, I will gcp recipe them now was just not wanting to take a hit to my DPS and was saving up for 21/23 versions of the gems instead.
How would you suggest i implement some endurance charge generation apart from replica farrul's fur? :)

Thank you :D
Last edited by EU_Rogue#6759 on Jan 21, 2021, 6:27:09 PM
Just need some advice on crafting on what to do next with these bows. i dont know if i should try to annul and hope i hit the right mod off. Or is there something else i could do?
agarwean wrote:
This time I have looked at FAQ and didn't find an answer here - outmatch and outlast seems not working with bleed kills. Do you know if it's a bug or it is intended? (I know we use frenzy on bosses and blood rage on maps)

Works as intended. Main hand means from your main hand weapon hits, and ailments are not hit damage despite being applied by hits.

Nico89 wrote:
Thank you for the respons on my wonders about crafting a bow before, thats very kind of you. I have another question, what is the real DPS for this build? My brother has way worse gear than me and his PoB says 800k dps with his hexblast/ignite build, while mine says 43k and I do equal or better damage, is bleed wrong in PoB? Or how do you make out your real DPS?

PoB is terrible at calculating bleed damage and fork only partially solves in a very lazy way, which means it's still not working.

Calculator that was already linked to you does good (but not perfect) job at estimating your real damage. Needs an update for some new mechanics but still very solid for it's purpose.

MartiniHenry wrote:
Playing a Version of this build and dropped a Ryslatha in a Heist , was so happy. I just wanted to get rid of this story Heist in my inventory bc didnt liked Heist to much .... then a dc right before leaving it ...... what a bs .... im raging now , all gone

I feel you. I got Ryslatha's Coil back in Heist league, but i never got to use it. League was too terrible for me performance wise so i skipped instead. Same energy.

I lose characters all the time in hardcore so things like that are bread and butter for me.

EU_Rogue wrote:
I've recently invested in my cluster jewels and noticed a notable DPS increase which is nice and i've definitely been doing better in all round mapping but I've been struggling with the sheer density of mobs in tight spaces such as rituals. Bossing has been a big struggle as well, maven enchance endgame bosses such as shaper/elder guardians have been particularly bad since she ensnares you and i'm always running out of flask charges making me an easy target.

I actually used to use pride and have a level 21 in the stash but i swapped it for malevolance so i could play it safer and attack from a good range since i used to die from normal mobs quite often in red maps.

Awesome, I will gcp recipe them now was just not wanting to take a hit to my DPS and was saving up for 21/23 versions of the gems instead.
How would you suggest i implement some endurance charge generation apart from replica farrul's fur? :)

Thank you :D

That's a valuable info. I can only do so much when people tell me "i'm dying" without telling me specifics. Detailed feedback like this is appreciated.

Rituals - i figured they might be a problem. I doubt armour versions of bleed gladiator have it easier. There's not much i can advice besides trying classic build. Constant barrage of high damage shots should take care of the problems... should. I'm not 100% certain it will. Ballistas also can tank some hits for you.

Maven's snare is easy to avoid if you just keep moving. Guardian fights are mostly mechanical, you have to dodge their mechanics anyway. Maven creating boss copy seems like the worst case scenario honestly.

Dying to normal monsters in maps - i unfortunately cannot relate. I did reach lvl 98 in HC with this build last time i played. No real danger, as long as you avoided too many dangerous mods. Only died because i brainlagged very badly. I usually assume that this problem is caused by movement. You can dodge majority of projectiles by walking slightly to the side instead of straight into monster pack. Bleedsplosions when they destroy corpses also erase most currently monster projectiles from existence which is a big defensive mechanic.

Endurance charges can be gained from:
* +1 Minimum endurance charges craft on rings and amulet for permanent 22% phys dmg reduction.
* Replica Farrul's Fur
* 10% Endurance charge on kill boots/talisman, but only works for clear. You can combine it with "Gain 1 Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently" modifier on body armour. All mods are influenced obviously.
EDIT: Totally forgot manually casting Enduring Cry is also a possiblity. It's pain in the ass tho, but not bad against unique monsters.

Not much else i can advice honestly. I'll try playing a little in standard so i can see build's performance myself.

WinniedaP0oh wrote:
Just need some advice on crafting on what to do next with these bows. i dont know if i should try to annul and hope i hit the right mod off. Or is there something else i could do?

They're perfect target for Orb of Annulment. Technically with Imperial Bow you could craft #% physical damage and call it a day, but that's your choice. I definitely value attack speed a lot.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jan 22, 2021, 4:40:24 PM
This is my 2nd time trying this build. The first time was in mayhem event and I love it since then.

The build is well written and it explains everything. Kudos to you.

I have a question, as I am reaching to red maps I am looking for upgrading my armor to farrul's fur. Luckily got it from beastcrafting. However, it's not 6 linked yet. Should I use it (5L) and use aspect of the cat or should I just wait until it's 6 linked?
How does the survivability of this build compare to something like a max block lacerate?
thx for the build
Last edited by Netherlandman#2898 on Jan 23, 2021, 7:42:50 AM
today I enchanted a Assailum with 24% ROA AOE is there anyone here that can help me price this thing?^^
cant find anything on the Trade site
Hello everyone!
first of all - thanks for this detailed build! Especially the crafting section is superb!

I crafted a pair of gloves and I would like to hear your opinion about it:

Should I put my map clearing spell (Split Arrow) into it?
Or reroll the shit until I hit phys DoT dmg + flat phys?
Selling them would be an option too, what do you think?

right now, I'm using this pair

thx for response and stay sane!
GloriousKONG wrote:
This is my 2nd time trying this build. The first time was in mayhem event and I love it since then.

The build is well written and it explains everything. Kudos to you.

I have a question, as I am reaching to red maps I am looking for upgrading my armor to farrul's fur. Luckily got it from beastcrafting. However, it's not 6 linked yet. Should I use it (5L) and use aspect of the cat or should I just wait until it's 6 linked?

If you have another 6-link then sure. If not then it's a tough choice to make but i would prolly still go for it anyway. Amount of QoL from perma frenzy charges + other goodies should make up for a little bit of lost damage.

DamagePlanX wrote:
How does the survivability of this build compare to something like a max block lacerate?

How am i supposed to know when i never played max block Lacerate? There should be more than enough information in the guide to help you answer it yourself.

This build is tanky enough to survive stray hits and overall doesn't get hit often, but it's not capable of soaking up large amount of damage.

Michl3m wrote:
today I enchanted a Assailum with 24% ROA AOE is there anyone here that can help me price this thing?^^
cant find anything on the Trade site

I can't help with pricing since i never really engage in SC trade even when i play it from time to time. I can tell it's lower than you think. Most SC players use Split Arrow and this RoA enchant is alright but nothing amazing.

Swagger_tron wrote:
Hello everyone!
first of all - thanks for this detailed build! Especially the crafting section is superb!

I crafted a pair of gloves and I would like to hear your opinion about it:

Should I put my map clearing spell (Split Arrow) into it?
Or reroll the shit until I hit phys DoT dmg + flat phys?
Selling them would be an option too, what do you think?

right now, I'm using this pair

thx for response and stay sane!

If you have no 5-link yet (you should, Jeweller's Touch is cheap), then sure. Faster Attacks is a little extra for quicker clear.

Overall i wouldn't prioritize gloves for damage, there's plenty of other QoL/damage upgrades you can do instead.

I doubt these gloves will sell unfortunately, it's not a rare combo. Maybe they will if the base is high ilvl enough.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jan 23, 2021, 12:48:15 PM
Wasn't there a Harvest crafting section on the main page when we were in Harvest league?

Was looking for that again since we got Harvest back.. I think we started with getting Liquefaction on the Elder bow first?

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