Resources for New Players and Super Stash Sale

Sweet, I'm gonna buy some more stash tabs because they're apparently pay to win...
DrDraids wrote:
Ziggy cucked.

Do we even need him now low effort guides don't cut it?

GGG still needs him (and all the other streamers) to peddle the fun and excitement of lootboxes each league.

Function: Can you add a purchase exchange?
Explanation: It is the purchase of the specified attribute. The specified price of the transaction line. Finding something very slow. Getting a two-way transaction. It is convenient to quickly get the items you need to save time. Speed up the game. Can you add this function?
Last edited by 1655576806#2474 on Nov 10, 2018, 8:45:18 PM
my take on stash tabs here. i played breach mostly ssf because i was new and learning what i was doing. i was a longtime d2 player. i didnt buy a stash tab until legacy, i had been playing about 3 months. THREE MONTHS! HAPPY AS A F***IN' CLAM (why are clams so happy anyway???). somewhere in there i learned about acquisition. bam! i could trade. no problem. worked just fine. even better? i could list items i was still using, or what i had just found w/o leaving map to put in stash. FREE!! was it terribly inconvenient? not really. then one day a sale came around and i bought a 6 pack of tabs. now i have a few premiums, map tab, currency tab. are they awesome? yes. necessary? nope. i was fine and game was fun with 4 non-premium tabs. is life better now with more tabs? yes! and should GGG be rewarded for making a game that got me to play free for a few months? YES!! i was HAPPY to buy those tabs as a poor college student.
keep rocking GGG when will the Android/Mobile version gonna be released?
CEO of Nintendo, Shuntaro Furukawa, doesn't agree this is a freetoplay game, he says is only freetostart. He says this business model is a cash grab and Nintendo doesn't support it.
I think this highly successful bussiness man knows a thing or two about the industry and I won't take the word of some scrubs over his.

It's not about if it is the fairest, being the best of something that is wrong doess't make it good.
IGN: TwoTrouble
I think I'll save my points for the upcoming delve tab.
Is it possible to combine existing premium stash tabs into a quad tab? I have enough tabs that scrolling through them all is getting to be a pain.
Kamahl wrote:
CEO of Nintendo, Shuntaro Furukawa, doesn't agree this is a freetoplay game, he says is only freetostart. He says this business model is a cash grab and Nintendo doesn't support it.
I think this highly successful bussiness man knows a thing or two about the industry and I won't take the word of some scrubs over his.

It's not about if it is the fairest, being the best of something that is wrong doess't make it good.

Wait the games not free to play? Like I literally have to pay money to play it? Where's this bill then cause I've put in hundreds of hours and never spent a dime to play.

Somebody better DM me cause I'm not gonna log in if I gotta pay...


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