Announcing Private Leagues

hyyyben wrote:

ARRRRGH you awoken the beast !

rofl, im having more fun reading this thread than playing the game itself ( did uelder 1st time now im bored )
16 dollars for 10 days with 10 players?

OMEGALUL new low.

Akenmaat wrote:
Contrapatior wrote:

you do understand that players have been waiting for paid private leagues since beta, right? there have been people who have wanted to see this for YEARS.

The problem, as I see it, is that you're right with your first statement and wrong on your second. There are, myself included, tons of people that have wanted private leagues since beta. What I'm not convinced of is that THIS is the implementation that most players wanted when they expressed an interest in private leagues.

I can't remember what the consensus was on paid leagues back in 2013 but this implementation will have minimal impact on the league economy and player base.

for example, if they went with this:
Icoblablubb wrote:
when i think of Custom leagues i think about Leagues where i for example can create a league with lets say Breach/bestiary/abyss or whatever past league combination i like + addidional things like increase/decrease overall droprates + what we have here now change mobs all thogether, but just make mobs harder etc is quite boring but well i think they may take it slow and safe and just wanna test how this playes out and build upon it atleast i hope so

this implementation would be catastrophic to the trade economy and would irreversibly fracture the player base
Clutch_Perry wrote:
Are there any concerns that this will damage the health of the primary leagues?

Exactly, why did you do this GGG ?

I am really concerned about a potential divide of the player base.
Well, you know you are not going to be on pair with Diablo:Immortal with this news, but this is the move in that direction.

Question is: WILL this make the game FUN? No.

Its absolutely worst idea ever.

And I want to listen right now the ppl who said: "Oh, we dont need mayhem/turmoil event because it will separate the playerbase". So what you going to say now???

I would love to see an option to run your own private mayhem event, no problem. But this mods absolutely suck and dont make the game more fun in any way for me.

Useless feature.
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate#2799 on Nov 4, 2018, 11:40:28 PM
new void league
Rip Delve league, sadly, can not prolong this masterpeace
That wasn't the kind of announcement I was waiting for and personally, that's nothing for me. I will stick with the leagues. But at least it's no POE Game for our mobile devices. I would have died a thousand deaths.
We were F2P, but please buy a bunch of MTX... Now this... Is it the beginning of a new policy with a final goal to add subscription fees to the game, and if it is will MTX prices EVER come down?
cgexile wrote:
So that was never going to happen without them being void leagues.

it wouldn't even work as a void league. look at the announcement, it says that you can't extend a league beyond two months (which could change but I doubt it). even if you lose all your items at the end of the league, two months is still a decent amount of time. you can do all kinds of shit in those two months, and realistically, most people play this game with the league cycles in mind. once that league is done, you just join a new one for another two months. who cares if the items from your last character didn't go to standard if you don't even care about standard to begin with?

Nozumi wrote:
Clutch_Perry wrote:
Are there any concerns that this will damage the health of the primary leagues?

Exactly, why did you do this GGG ?

I am really concerned about a potential divide of the player base.

take a close look at the permanent mod selection, the pricing, and the implication of no extra loot. private leagues will be used in a niche and novel way for a very small part of the player base, for the vast majority of players there's no incentive for them.

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