Announcing Private Leagues

Really keen to try this out.

I strongly hope the mods exist in some scaling form.

Eg. Not just "Monsters have +340% life", but there is also an option for "Monsters have +5% life per zone level" or "Players have -1% resist per zone level".

Some of the proposed mods will make very low level play dull and boring as currently proposed.

Edit about splitting leagues. Who really cares? Leagues have higher population now than they did at comparable times in, say, Nemesis league. Every key consumable (maps, essences etc) is available.
Le Toucan Will Return
Last edited by sirgog#5608 on Nov 4, 2018, 7:28:25 PM

The only reason I'd want a private server is to test stuff with items and skills and stuff without it affecting the main game. The fact that the only viable builds are obtained from copying people with too much time on their hands to test expensive setups and hope that they work out as well for you as they do for them has always been the worst aspect of PoE.

I keep my character slots maxed out at all times just so I get full respecs in standard every other month. That's the only feasible way to test any build idea, and it's not exactly ideal. I was hoping private servers would be a way to fix that, alongside a myriad of other problems, but apparently not.
Last edited by Ablationer#7882 on Nov 4, 2018, 7:24:19 PM
Valechka wrote:
You shouldn't anounce that after failed BlizzCon.

Builds need uniques, crafting needs currency, farming needs currency too - league need PLAYERS. Bad idea. You're making mmo game look like solo game.

If you want to give good solo experience to players, then you should make another "solo mode" with custom "leagues" list, which players can buy (one-time payment) and play there without ANY time restrictions. Friends can play with you in same "league" with "Solo Mode" characters only. No trading through api, no seasons, only you and any of your friends. You can do what you want. Also you'll need to rebalance drop chance for solo mode. That will give huge amount of fun to solo casual players and solo hardcore players.

But you want players to pay for some marginal pseudo-mmo content with time restrictions. Only few will do it. But if you'll make 3 months time restriction, parent league will lose even more players. So it's even not about price. Though idea overall is not so bad, but looks like chaos, and now you need to EXPLAIN how that chaos should work to players.

For players. There're not many companies which produces so much FREE content each year. And nothing changes. You just now may pay for difficulty. That's all. If you dont want it - dont pay. You dont have to pay for main leagues, for skills, for classes.

i don't care much for this, would've rather had this been royale...
Yeah this is something that I wont be apart of.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
DamageIncorporated wrote:
Lame. What is the point to this?
Are you asking what is the point in allowing player driven communities to play the game however they want for a small monetary fee? This isn't meant for everyone but I'm sure it will be popular with top content providers and their fans
Last edited by xpose#1651 on Nov 4, 2018, 7:25:48 PM
TokeMcBong wrote:
duude wrote:

can u shut up plz if u dont understand whats going on !
it will kill HC leagues it will splite comunity

You have no actual proof of either of those. That is a slippery-slope fallacy at best. The game creators have planned on adding a function to their game. They have outlined the prices and that is all the actual information we have.

Making claims that this will ruin the game or split the community without any proof of that actually happening with this change is "posing a question" or a full blown slippery-slope fallacy.

Also if you're going to use arguments lacking any logic, please don't tell others to shut up because they are raising points you don't like. It makes you seem childish and your point feels less valid.

are u stupid ? or what ? alrady HC league trade died !!!
Geechee wrote:
Who gives a fuck if its a feature from alpha.

Its a shit ass feature.

Do you understand it will literally break the leagues down more? I don't know if you play outside of standard or not but leagues die off quickly as it is.

We went from entire leagues being active down to a month of activity to shit being a ghost town after 2 weeks now.

Now when the league rewards are trash, ugly, or whatever have you & people really have no reason to stick around its gonna be worse.

Or when you get a fuck all shit ass league like beastiary or some simple shit people are gonna bounce twice as fast because why suffer through this garbage when I can fabricate a league worth playing..

Oh and I can invite a huge group of people, oh and we can extend this shit by crowdfunding it to last long enough so we don't care about the shit league mechanics.

Its not as simple as oh 5% of players will do it who cares.

It effects more than that in a lot more ways then I took the two minutes to write.

"Foot in the door technique" at its finest.

If they start charging for game system/content like this now, it "Doesn't seem so bad" to most players - but it makes it FAR easier for them to justify charging for more inherent content in the future.

Goes from "Hey we created this new great system but we've placed it behind a paywall"


"Oh well look, this league took a lot more development we're going to charge for access to it"

Not a good sign at all. Looks like Tencent didn't waste any time getting their fingers into the pie.

This will be the first major detrimental thing to happen in PoE - the start of the downhill slide in exchange for more profit.
Last edited by Alcsaar#1714 on Nov 4, 2018, 7:29:14 PM
And here I was hoping Paid Leagues would let us put multiple League mods, and create a better SSF experience.. oh well. (Since the game is balanced around trading, SSF isn't that good of an experience, and I was hoping Paid Leagues would be the answer for ages.. really hope they add the option in the future, or else it'll be pointless.)

Should give the option to make it a Void League to add League Mods, or just make it NEVER go to Standard (and you just keep the League going.)
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Nov 4, 2018, 7:34:08 PM

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