Zed's Mirror Shop! #1 Ele/Dex Bow, #1 Dex Ammy, #1 Dual Curse Ring & More! 270+ copies!

News wrote:
Mai Cedere is currently running the mirror service on all items listed in this shop. Contact him if you need a mirror service

Hello and thanks for taking a look at my shop!

For mirror services, click here to go to Mai Cedere's shop

The easiest way to reach me is by sending me a PM right here on the forums. If you prefer to contact me in game, feel free to add me as a friend and I will get to you as soon as I can.

If any item is not verified, I still have the item. If I ever sell an original, the item will be quickly removed from this service.

IGN: Xeno_Kratos

Items Available for Mirror Service:


I can change the crafted mod to whatever you desire.

If requested, I will provide collateral for your mirror at 2/3 the cost of a mirror.

Pastebin for all listed synthesis gear

This pastebin contains all of the synthesis gear listed in this thread so you can easily copy and paste the items into to your pob.

Note: I have changed the mod "Socketed Skill Deal 20% more Attack Damage" to "20% more Attack Damage" for your convenience. Please note that the affix will only work for socketed skill.

Dire Strike, Thicket Bow

Legacy synthesis base with an additional arrow and an additional 3 to 5 cold damage to attacks per 10 dexterity. On a typical bow build that does not stack dexterity, this stat adds roughly 220 flat cold damage to attacks. On a dex stacking build, this stat can provide over 500 cold damage to attacks. Along with the huge increased elemental roll, 20% ele pen, an additional arrow, and a pseudo-7 link, it does not get better than this for any elemental based bow character.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 180ex

Copies: 106

Honour Scarab, Onyx Amulet

One of a kind synthesized dex amulet crafted with deafening essence of scorns. This amulet will give you more power than anything else available. I recommend either Tenacity or Heart of Ice anoints depending on what you're going for. 55 life or 16% proj damage/20% proj speed are the best crafted mods.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 120 ex

Copies: 45

Cataclysm Beads vs. Honour Scarab

I recrafted Cataclysm Beads into Honour Scarab in 3.10 league. These are the stat differences:

Rune Knot, Opal Ring

The best dual curse ring possible, now legacy.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 120 ex

Brood Hold, Steel Ring

The best and, as far as I know, only Assassin's Mark Steel Ring with 5 perfectly combined t1 mods. Most impale builds will need at least one accuracy roll on their items to cap chance to hit at 100%, and getting it on your ring is the best idea, since amulets provide roughly 35% higher rolls on most damage rolls, but they have the same t1 accuracy range. Along with 25 multi and the new catalyzed prefixes, this ring will complete your impale character.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 90 ex

Maelstrom Lock, Stygian Vise

The flaskfinder belt. Legacy flasks are the strongest slot in PoE and it is important to have 100% uptime on them for actual dps. With 20% reduced charges used, a typical 30/60 flask will use 6 less charges, and on something like a soul ripper it will use 12 less charges. Since Abyss League, many have searched for these rare suffixes, and now they are finally here.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 120 ex

Copies: 2

Cataclysm Jack, Sentinel Jacket

Another legacy synthesis chest, this one crafted with deafening essence of scorn to give it t0 dexterity, and the only one in the game right now with resistances. This thing will add a lot more damage than Hyrri's Ire, if taking advantage of the extra curse, while providing the best charge generation in the game.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 100ex

Copies: 8

Fate Pace, Two-Tone Boots

100% perfect Tailwind/Elusive boots for Dex Stackers! Tailwind provides 10% more action speed which translates to 10% more movement, attack, and cast speed--and this no longer affects flasks, which is a huge buff. Elusive provides 40% movespeed and 20% attack/spell dodge that decays over 5 seconds. "Cannot be Frozen" is a great option for deep delvers who don't care about life.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 120ex

Copies: 5

Sol Span, Slink Boots

Highest Dex Boots in the game with legacy Onslaught implicit which gives you permanent onslaught. 48 fire resistance matches the 48 cold and lightning on the chest, which gives great synergy and utility. On top of all that, the abyss socket is a huge power spike, making these the highest damage boots available for dex stackers.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 70ex

Copies: 10

Maelström Horn, Lion Pelt

With onslaught boots coming core, finding resists is easier than ever on a phys bowyer, which makes this helmet the best available for raw DPS.

~b/o 1 mirror

Fee: 50ex

Copies: 2


Posting all vouches here, but there are also pictures of all my services throughout the other mirror thread.

FatKidsLag_IRL wrote:

Vouched, smooth and easy. Thanks again.

dalehh wrote:

Saw that beauty in the Global chat before it even had it´s sockets and knew instantly i have to have it.

A fast and friendly service, i recommend bow and seller!

yoyee wrote:

Vouched thx for your time :)

heff4222 wrote:

Vouched, quick and easy. Great bow, thanks.

greenkll wrote:
thanks for the beautiful amulet !!

sokevin wrote:

darkatma2 wrote:
can confirm got my dire strike copy!

Probert wrote:

dire strike bow <3

mmilesi1 wrote:
thanks for the bow !

heff4222 wrote:

Great ammy, quick service. Thanks!

Callovs wrote:
very nifty, ty

PhDBayesian wrote:
just mirrored this nutty bow. This is god tier.

inthepast wrote:
Fast and super nice !

Mainaccountlocked wrote:

Fast and reliable service. +

mfranko wrote:

FireSword5 wrote:

Ty for the bow! And the advise!

kazeshi wrote:

quick with clear communication about potential options. much appreciated.

Please proceed to the following thread for more information!

Items for Sale
Legacy Flasks & Watcher's Eyes




Maps for Sale
Message IGN: Family_Man_Zed for purchase

How this works: You message me in game and request however many maps you want, and I trade you random maps of the tiers you requested. This is for bulk purchase only and all maps are of the current map series.

Current Stock:

Tier 15: 15 for 1 exalt
Tier 14: 22 for 1 exalt
Tier 13: 35 for 1 exalt
Tier 12: 35 for 1 exalt
Tier 11: 40 for 1 exalt

Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
Last edited by FamilyManZed#6883 on Aug 21, 2020, 2:46:45 PM
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2020, 2:46:53 PM
fixed OP
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
sold quite a few items.
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
sold most of the original items, added a bunch of new stuff. introduced a chest for mirror service
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
Added my recent double corrupt queen, which is the best winter's orb legacy qotf in the game
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
Removed some of the items I've sold, added a new +2 barrage lion's pelt, which is the highest dps version available.
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
landed 3 white on the barrage helmet
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188
Mirror Service: view-thread/2466500
Ultimate Dex Stacking Guide: view-thread/2466188

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