{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

@ BootsButt:
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Hercanic wrote:
BootsButt wrote:
Wow, thanks for the detailed breakdown! I'm very excited to give this a shot.

I'm curious about the AG as I haven't used one in the past. Does it need this much of a gear investment to be good? Or can you make it out of any old crap and still have it be beneficial (assuming you have the hungry loop set up). If it's not good until investment, should I put my zombie 5L in a hungry loop until I'm ready to make the investment?

Along those same lines, could the zombies go in a second hungry loop (so one for AG, one for zombies)? I guess big downside that you couldn't have any modifiers coming from your rings at all, but you would gain a free 4L.
I'm very excited to give this a shot.

Looks like Spirit Offering has been gutted. Back to the drawing board, I'm afraid.

Does [AG] need this much of a gear investment to be good?

A Dying Breath AG with Leer Cast is super cheap, but the benefits are minor (~7% more damage). Dealing with him dying for a small benefit is troublesome, but it's up to you.

could the zombies go in a second hungry loop

Sure, though rare rings have many useful crafts, and often carry a good chunk of the resistance burden. It's tough to make those up elsewhere.

@ Kirian42:
Kirian42 wrote:
Well, they did basically say they were nerfing us. Still, yikes:

Spectres are four levels lower.

Skeletons do 40% less damage across the board, and 1 fewer skeleton at level 20 (no info on higher levels).

Spirit Offering grants Chaos Resist instead of ES.

Bone Barrier no longer gives 30% Resistances for free, recovery per minion decreased by a third.

The Baron (not our build but lots of other Zombie builds) nerfed a lot.


My guess is clearing won't be affected that much--Spectres four levels lower shouldn't be too terrible. Boss fights are going to be a lot harder, and Spirit Offering... well, now you can do something else with those four gems you were using. Maybe something Spellslinger? Oh and grab Commander of Darkness instead of Mistress of Sacrifice, I guess?


I was planning on a different build anyway this league. I still haven't played a working fire character, so Fire Trap Sab it is? Should be fun.

Despite the nerf, thanks for the guide Herc!
Spirit Offering... well, now you can do something else with those four gems you were using.

Our best recovery options are going to be the original and 3.8 build's Life/ES on Hit (Shaper rings, Discipline, Watcher's Eye, Ball Lightning), or Soul Tether + Vaal Pact (Baron leech or our own personal damage for leech). Bone Offering recovery and max block may be another option. The new Disciple of Kitava keystone and Devouring Diadem helm are also decent.

Maybe something Spellslinger?

I've been tossing around a Dark Pact Skeleton idea.

It uses two sources of Dark Pact, with CoC and Poet's Pen, to rapidly drain Spellslinger Skeletons, who can Dash around and then detonate with Minion Instability in less than a second. A bit of added cold or lightning damage to spells lets Dark Pact apply EE to benefit the fire damage of MI and VD.

It generates and consumes corpses with a second Spellslinger, keeping Plaguebringer active, and further supplements damage with heat-seeking Volatile Dead, which stacks a huge amount of attack speed with the Corpse Pact ascendancy.

With all the minion life for Skeleton Dark Pact damage (18k * 6% = 1k added chaos damage), it can use support minions without too much worry. Zombies automate stacking Wither with Withering Touch, and Carnage Chieftain Spectres generate Frenzy Charges.

Power Siphon generates Power Charges and Culls. Mana for spamming Power Siphon comes from either mana leech on ring, crafting -9 mana cost on rings, and/or anointing Essence Sap (leech & mana on hit).

This is the Low-Life (LL) version of my DP Skele-slinger build idea. Uses Shavs and Prism, with Discipline, Zealotry, and Haste reserved on Life with the shield.

PoB Community Fork pastebin: https://pastebin.com/5iTu1hSb

This is the original hybrid version of the build I started before exploring LL. The pastebin is less complete, but it can give you some ideas. It'd be cheaper and have more eHP, but less damage.

PoB Community Fork pastebin: https://pastebin.com/AyFZHDUK

  • HELM (Elder, +3, Minion Damage, Minion Life mods)
    1. Spellslinger
    2. Vaal Skeletons
    3. Empower
    4. Feeding Frenzy (Dash spread)

    (55% reservation = 20% * 1.3 * 1.3 * 1.25 * 1.3)

  • BODY (Shavronne's Wrappings if LL. For ES/Life: Dendrobate for Lesser Poison + Plague Bearer? The Covenant for Added Chaos? Or just a simple ES chest.)
    1. Vaal Power Siphon / Kinetic Blast
    2. Barrage
    3. Cast on Crit
    4. Dark Pact
    5. Chance to Crit
    6. Chain

    (This DP can focus on clear, since it'll trigger most against large groups)

  • WAND (Poet's Pen)
    1. Dark Pact (+3-4 levels from PP)
    2. Void Manipulation / Concentrated Effect
    3. Chain (worth 48% more damage, gives more Gain on Hit, and triggers MI faster)

    (This DP can focus on single-target, since it'll always fire off no matter the aim)

  • SHIELD (Prism Guardian if LL)
    1a. Carnage Chieftain Spectres
    2a. Second Wind / Blood Magic
    3a. Dash / Blood Magic / Flame Dash

    1b. Animate Guardian (risky because of MI)
    2b. Meatshield
    3b. Minion Life

    1c. CWDT

    1d. Discipline (pair with 30-ES-on-Hit Watcher's Eye, which can give ~2280 ES per sec per target from spells and ~1320 from attacks, for a total of ~3600 ES per sec against a single target.)
    2d. Zealotry (8% total regen with 10% ES leech = 18% ES recovery + 110 Holy Relic * 1.2 Bone Barrier rate = 1855 ES per sec)
    3d. Vaal Haste / Precision / Grace / Flesh and Stone / Blasphemy (note: must reserve at least 65% to qualify as low life)

  • GLOVES (Elder, Faster Attacks mod. Poison mod would also be fine, but would make finding gloves with other good stats harder.)
    1. Zombies
    2. Withering Touch
    3. Shield Charge (benefits from Faster Attacks)
    4. Fortify

    4b. Spectres (Slashed Miscreations can apply Withering Touch with their Blade Vortex)

    1. Spellslinger
    2. Desecrate
    3. Volatile Dead
    4. Spell Cascade

    (56% reservation = 40% * 1.4)

    10 corpses - 9 consumed
    x2 per sec = 18 consumed (2 left over for Kitava and Plaguebringer)
    x4 Recently = 72
    * 2% attack speed per consumed corpse
    = 144% attack speed from Corpse Pact.
    Another 8% with Disciple of Kitava.

    (Alternative, but probably won't work:) Spellslinger + Dark Pact + Curse on Hit + Despair (20% reservation)

    1. Minion Instability (35% life = trigger, so we need to remove 65% before Skeletons are replaced in ~1.5 sec. -6% x2 x10 = -120%, so more than plenty)
    2. Disciple of Kitava (5% life & mana regen)
    3. Elemental Equilibrium (added cold/lightning to spells jewel) to help MI

    1. Mindless Aggression (Spiritual Aid/Command = 30% minion damage & 10% minion attack speed benefit us. Another 60% minion damage and 20% minion life from small nodes. 8% cast speed is wasted.)
    2. Bone Barrier (20% more minion life, 20% recovery rate, 10% phys reduction, bone armor skill)
    3. Plaguebringer (30% aoe, 10% more damage, 10% reduced enemy damage)
    4. Corpse Pact (152% attack speed, 15% shock, 10% chill, 30% increased damage, 50% corpse life for Volatile Dead's 3% life explosion)

    55% + 56% = 111%
    * 0.86 from Sovereignty = 96%
    Craft -mana cost on ring if necessary.

  • RING 1 (Life-on-Spell-Hit = 36 hits per sec from VD + 40 from DP = 76 hits * 15 life = 1140 per target hit per sec)
    1a. Carnage Chieftain Spectres
    1b. Holy Relic

  • RING 2 (Life-on-Spell-Hit)
    1a. Chaos Golem (gains +1% phy reduction at L22, so a +level ring can make that happen)
    1b. Despair (other options: Witchfire Brew, Despair-on-Hit ring/corruption/AG gloves)
    1c. Animated Guardian (if Hungry Loop)

  • AMULET (Gloomfang for +1 chain and 0.5% chaos leech?)

How Spellslinger mana reservation works

Oh and grab Commander of Darkness instead of Mistress of Sacrifice, I guess?

I'd take Plaguebringer over CoD.
Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Mar 17, 2020, 9:44:58 AM
RIP Spirit Offering :(
Which summoner would be best for Blight maps?

I am still thinking 6L Frost Sentinels + 4L Skellies.

How does skeleton mage perform now? They didnt get hit by nerfs and can be added using a jewel (Dead Reckoning).
Heya Heranic!

I have been following and using your build for about 2 years now.
And I love it everytime.

But always do my way own with it in the end.

This time, im gona try and make the new Atlas spectres work. Specificaly, im thinking the cold damage redeemer monsters. And for leveling i'll just use the Lunaris knights (since they don't default attack as of 3.10 - they only use their own special attacks now) or Frost sentinels.

Im thinking of a combo of Redeemer sentry (2 of them) and 1 Redeemer Snow Rhex Because the Snow rhex, has a 30% reduced action speed Chill guaranteed on every hit - much stronger than Chill from Skitterbots that is.

And using the new Skitterbot ring, I can ignore the chill from Skitterbots and use a curse.

I might also path into Whispers of Doom since im going that way to get a jewel slot for cluster jewels.

For defense, It's life and Bone offering for early/mid game, switch to Flesh offering when I have the new Kitava Cluster jewel Notable (5% life gained everytime you consume a corpse).

ES is hard to leaguestart as unless you are occultist or trickster in my opinion. So Life it is.

My build is quite beta, im just gona generally follow your leveling guide, pick up the generic stuff.

Im gona spec into EQ when I have a wand with some local fire damage on it to trigger EQ.

Skitterbots I won't probably use untill I have the new ring for skitterbots - will use Herald of purity in the meantime (or both later on)

Obviously im going cold damage. Maybe get 4 green Triad grip for 100% cold AW.

My build might be socket starved into maps, There will be Curse, and a wand with Kinetic bolt/Spellslinger and AW. Self-cast Spellecho Bladefall should be good enough untill I get the "cast socketed spells when you use a skill" veil mod on a wand.

Best base wand will be high APS, redeemer influenced for Cold exposure and for min-max in the wand case, it should be a Redeemer Convoking wand but that is way later.

The rest of the gear is generic rare gear, all the good stuff.

Only uniques that are "requirerd" is the Skitterbot Ring, Victarios Charity and Spectre Jewel (endless hunger).

Pretty standard Spectre build.

Might not use Phantasm depending on socket starvation.

Might not use summon skeletons either, might not use Zombies either.

I will use a carrion golem to buff minion damage across the board ofcourse.

For leveling, well it's just standard stuff, but im gona use a wand with spellslinger+Bladefall+Kinetic bolt.

Could also put the wand setup into a 4L helm/boots or gloves. With gloves influenced we can get some juicy socketed gems supports for AW. With influenced boots we can get Fortify, increased duration or even +1 spectre lvl.

Might aim for 3 curses, but then I'll have to drop the influenced boots and use windshriek maybe.

Damage will come from Minion dmg converted to cold, exposure, curse/ele weakness/EQ. And ofcourse Hatred.

Attack speed/cast speed for minions I think will be quite desirable because according to poedb quite alot of the Atlas influence monsters have skills that have 1-2 second cooldowns and some have 10 second cooldowns. I will experiment if either spellecho or Multistrike works with them.

The redeemer sentryarchers use projectiles, so I will use projectile related curse aswell for pierce thereby increaseing clear speed.

The nerf to spectres I dont think is gona be a problem, alot of the Atlas influence monsters have base HP's of 400%+ , basically they are nearly all of them like Stoneskin Flayers but they have more skills, Skills that convert to elemental damage and more base damage.

Delirium will be very interesting. The ease of my build will depend on how rare or hard it is to get any usefull Cluster Jewel Notables.

We will see how the drop rate feels like.

EDIT; For stronger Cold Exposure, I could use Elemental Army linked to my specters. Feeding Frenzy will be a must since the aggresiveness is a huge quality of life factor, the nerf to Feeding Frenzy is not that big of a deal honestly.

My 5L setup for my spectres should be something like: Spectre, Minion damage, elemental army, Multistrike, Feeding frenzy. for the 6th link I might use Empower or cold penetration or Power charge on crit - if I get the new minion crit notables from a Cluster jewel.
Last edited by Chargcake#1157 on Mar 11, 2020, 2:37:39 PM

What do you mean with EQ?

AW is Animated Weapon I assume. Will they be summoned without weapons on the ground now?
Rakio wrote:

What do you mean with EQ?

AW is Animated Weapon I assume. Will they be summoned without weapons on the ground now?

By the context it would seem to be Elemental Equilibrium.
Rakio wrote:

What do you mean with EQ?

AW is Animated Weapon I assume. Will they be summoned without weapons on the ground now?

Elemental equilibrium

Animated weapon can be summoned from Blades left behind from Bladefall or etheral knives.

If summoned from etheral knives the Animated weapons gain additional flat phys.
Last edited by Chargcake#1157 on Mar 12, 2020, 11:11:26 AM

I am leaning towards 6L Spectres with great clearing and either Vaal Skellies/ AW for single target. Zombies, AG and Golem for defence/meat sheild.

Rakio wrote:

I am leaning towards 6L Spectres with great clearing and either Vaal Skellies/ AW for single target. Zombies, AG and Golem for defence/meat sheild.

Mm. I was leaning towards 6L spellslinger - animated weapon - bladefall, but that would reserve something like 70% mana. A bummer.

So spectre for damage for me, Animated weapon+spellslinger if I can juggle around the mana reservation better.
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Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Mar 12, 2020, 6:08:23 PM

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