{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide πŸ’€

Can you pleasssssssssssssssssse post a 3.8 section with the gear, gems, skills. This build is all over the place with over 130 pages...

Thank you thank you!!!
XxARMOxX wrote:
Can you pleasssssssssssssssssse post a 3.8 section with the gear, gems, skills. This build is all over the place with over 130 pages...

Thank you thank you!!!


This post has all that.
Just got my frost sentinels, and got lucky with 5l drop, melting everything atm, can't wait for endgame :D
Levirael wrote:
XxARMOxX wrote:
Can you pleasssssssssssssssssse post a 3.8 section with the gear, gems, skills. This build is all over the place with over 130 pages...

Thank you thank you!!!


This post has all that.

Thank you!
Levirael wrote:
First summoner build, as league starter... gotta say it's the most fun while leveling I've ever had. Damage is insane, Feeding Frenzy makes all my skeletons run around killing everything, and the Blight encounters are really easy.

I am however not sure how DPS is calculated in POB. It says, for example, that my normal skeletons do 20k DPS. Is it each skeleton or all nine? Because while 20k while leveling is kinda normal, 180k isn't.

Its per Skeleton.

Don't worry about PoB at the moment for exact DPS though. At the moment its well out of date. Many gems missing, gems that need updating, etc.

Just treat it as a rough guide at the moment.
Last edited by Max_zero#4553 on Sep 7, 2019, 11:11:45 AM
thank you for directing me to the 3.8 version. the link was at the very top of the very first page. i was too unobservant to notice it. i appreciate your help, thank you, i am dumb.
Hey! I keep wondering what i should lvl with until i can get that Scourge claw or a claw with +1 and maim on it. I do have screaming eagle that you recommend but what can i use after that?

This is my gear, what can i improve on? All commentary is appreciated :)
Regards /Gabbi

My chars are open for public view since showing gear here seems to be "unavaliable".
Last edited by gabriella88#6549 on Sep 7, 2019, 12:36:23 PM
Hey, are you planning to change main weapon to convoking wand in the build. I know wed have to replace cyclone for another skill to trigger ball lightning, but the idea of +1 level to all minion gems seems way too juicy to pass up.
The build is awesome.
Why I didn't play summoner before?
In 3.8 i've completed main story having 50% white gear without even dying... LOL
Insane DPS on bosses with 0 investment
There is a new Ascendency

I am not sure what to pick?

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