Ice Spear Rework

Good stuff but the visual we have now looks so much better than this rework

Pls keep these awesome looking blue spears !
UlfgardLeo wrote:
SonicPLD2 wrote:


Okay, from now on, GGG will increase monster life overall by 100% and buff everything except your precious little builds :)

Yeah that would be so much better.

It's annoying to lose a build we loved and took time to understand to make work. Learning a build is an investment in time and energy, testing, doing researching, trying out different classes and gear setups. Can take a whole league to master a build.

Just don't kill a build that used to be cool. Rather add new bosses or new content rather than deleting what was working imo.
xMustard wrote:
as well as what? you're assuming its crit strike chance. it could also be referring to "as well" as piercing after it arms, like what was said just before.

The skill still arms after travelling a short distance, but instead of piercing before it arms, it now pierces after arming. It now has bonus critical strike multiplier while armed as well, further enhancing its damage, and the projectiles move much faster once armed, delivering their powerful punch rapidly.

while armed as well. could mean while armed as well as piercing after arming, the way its structured.

you're assuming its as well as increased critical strike chance, but inc crit strikes isn't mentioned about the gem new or old in the entire post.

I was curious as well and asked Natalia & Mark if it still has the inc. crit chance. Answer is: yes.


Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Oct 29, 2018, 3:45:15 AM
Yadeehoo wrote:

Just don't kill a build that used to be cool. Rather add new bosses or new content rather than deleting what was working imo.

Imo this is not how balancing should work. This is not about "making harder content for the over the top guys" but "make it possible that the current difficulty level can be kept for everyone". Your chars are still good, even after a nerf. The char is just more in line with how it should be. See it that way: when I started, a few years ago, everyone used CI. There was no diversity, because nothing could compete with ES. So they had to take the decision: either a) make the game so hard that it was challenging for the current meta b) buff all other builds and increase difficulty or c) directly nerf ES and Vaal-Pact and keep most of the game as is.

c wins for obvious reasons. a) would instantly kill all non-CI builds. And you all would tend to cry if option b) was used, because "hidden nerf" - even though it is just "bringing the rest in line and adapt the game to the expected difficulty level". Also, rebalancing a complete game just because one overtuned mechanic? No way!

Nerfs are good.

Last edited by UlfgardLeo on Oct 29, 2018, 6:00:24 PM
So eventually, Sire of Shard will become core to the build
Finally, I've been waiting a long time for an Ice Spear rework!

If the single target damage potential is at least competitive with Freezing Pulse, I already know what I will be playing next league ;)
11.02.2013 - 11.02.2017: four year PoE anniversary!
Will this be a channeled skill?
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
Question is if they will change frost sentinels as well. Exiting to see, kinda hope they will change the spectres as well. Looks like a lot less spam, and realy strong.
Furywrath wrote:
Question is if they will change frost sentinels as well. Exiting to see, kinda hope they will change the spectres as well. Looks like a lot less spam, and realy strong.

I was asking myself the same question if a member of GGG staff could answer it would be awesome
A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?
Last edited by Earendel on Nov 28, 2018, 1:09:10 AM

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