[3.8] Guide to Min-Maxing Physical Wanders (Standard League)
![]() *note: dps ceiling has since doubled... I've stopped updating this guide because not many people will use it so it's not worth my time. If you're ever interested in making a semi-mirrored or fully mirrored phys wander, just comment on my temp league thread or send me a PM and I'll help you out with the process. Introduction
For the top 0.1% wanting to perfect their phys wander on standard, there are some major differences to note. Access to legacy and mirrored items changes some of the fundamental ideas underlying the build. Rather than worry about a balance between tankiness and damage, our motto is: “the best defense is a good offense”. The biggest difference maker is instant leech, which enables us to facetank any boss with ease. The focus then shifts toward stacking insane amounts of damage to instant phase or “1 shot” any boss in the game. The short duration of boss fights means resist capping without flasks is no longer a concern, so we can substitute resist gear for even more damage and rely primarily on our flasks for resists + tankiness. Enough life to survive one shots, instant leech, and high damage leads to trivializing all content. Lastly, the bragging rights of having the highest dps build also plays some part in the build design. It's pretty satisfying one shotting bosses in 6 man parties.
With an overwhelming number of mirrored gear options out there, and every other crafter claiming their items are #1, it's really easy for people to be misled into buying expensive, non-optimal gear. Knowledge about BIS rare items is not readily accessible, and oftentimes people make purchases without knowing the full range of good options available. This guide will try to point you in the right direction. I'm no crafter, so there's no conflict of interest for what I recommend. My only interest is in min-maxing and preventing people from getting ripped off. Essential Items + Additional IMPORTANT Info
The only mandatory ultra-expensive item for this build is a double Legacy Vessel of Vinktar. This is the GOAT flask that costs >1 mirror, but is well worth its price. Flat Attacks/Conversion ones are ideal, but Flat Spells/Light Pen work too, although you'll have a bit less dps.
Depending on the rest of your budget you can go one of two routes. The first route is heavily based on the temp league version adjusted for standard. Follow this one if your total budget is ~100-400 ex (excluding Vinktar). You will be able to achieve 20mil+ shaper dps, plenty for melting all bosses. For those with enough currency to afford multiple mirrored items you can continue to upgrade the budget version or transition into the dual-wield setup. The latter is a true phys conversion wander setup and has a much higher dps ceiling (50-100mil Shaper dps) depending on the situation + how min-maxed you are. This guide will be divided into two main sections. One will cover the "budget" version with only Legacy Vinktar and no other mirrored gear. The other more in-depth section is dedicated towards the dual-wield setup. "Budget" Setup ~20-25M Shaper DPS
Sample POB: https://pastebin.com/H3Uhna9N The core item for this build is Legacy Vinktar. It gives you virtual immortality (instant leech), a ton of damage, a ton of defenses, and permanent mana sustain. Additionally, it synergizes perfectly with Dying Sun + legacy Taste of Hate, enabling you to easily maintain Wise Oak balance. This allows you to fully utilize legacy Wise Oak's dps and defensive advantages. Gloves
Use a Farrul's Fur... It's the best DPS option available Shield
Curse Ring
![]() This ring will give the most dps unless you run a Hexproof/reduced curse effect map. You can have at most 1 copy in your setup Instructions: 1) Alteration spam an ilvl 80+ Shaper Opal Ring until you hit T1 Assassin's Mark on Hit suffix (~1/532 rerolls). If the mod came with a garbage prefix, yolo annul. 2) Yolo regal. If the added mod is garbage, remove w/ annul. If you brick the base, start over from step 1. 3) Apply Multimod, M1 flat cold, M1 WED, M1 flat life, and M1 all %resists. Scorn DPS Ring
![]() This is the best multimodded dps ring, you can use two of these or replace one with the curse ring. Instructions: 1) Get as high an ilvl Opal Ring as possible; roll using Deafening essence of Scorn on it. 2) Once you end up with a ring that has an open prefix and no suffixes other than the +21-25% global crit multi, apply the following mastercrafts: Multimod + Suffixes Cannot be Changed IN THAT ORDER. 3) Apply a scour orb, and then mastercraft the following: M1 flat life, M1 flat cold, M1 WED, and M1 all %resists. Belt
Follow the same instructions as the temp league belt section. Except make sure you have an additional suffix slot to craft Aspect of the Cat.
Get Bubonic Trails with a good enchant. 10% ele pen is the best theoretical enchant for dps, but 16% attack speed for faster clear, or Flat cold when hit are better enchants IMO for the more reliable proc.
Follow most of the amulet instructions from the temp league guide. If you can't obtain a base in the dead Standard economy, you can also try crafting one yourself on a shaper strength base with Deafening Essences of Scorn + some lucky annuls.
Instead of +1 frenzy and %damage while leeching, mastercraft M1 flat cold and 27% increased crit chance respectively. Jewels
Mirrored Setup ~50-100M Shaper DPS
There are currently three mirror-worthy phys wands, but only two of them I would recommend buying. For this build, you must use two to take advantage of the significant dual wield bonus and the dual wield crit cluster. Since your mainhand and offhand alternate attacks for kinetic blast/barrage, both wands must be high pdps. Using a budget shield such as lycosidae or a mediocre offhand wand can reduce your dps by 35% or more.
#1: Blood Thirst - Victheslik - currently the best phys wand in the game and will probably remain so for a long time. This wand comes with a hefty price tag, and should probably be the last mirrored piece to fully upgrade. If you haven’t fully upgraded all your other gear slots yet, I would suggest a pair of Foe Bites instead. #2: Foe Bite - Rayamn (crafted by JakeAlmighty) - the difference in dps between this wand and Blood Thirst is about 9-10%, but since it's an old item, you can find a lot of them on the secondhand market for relatively cheap. Note that there's three different versions: an old 428 pdps with legacy implicit, a 428 pdps current implicit, and 432 pdps newly divined version. Go with the 428 pdps one, since it's usually much cheaper than the newer version. The spell implicit doesn’t matter #3: Rift Weaver - Clicky - this ridiculous wand was IDed off the ground during Incursion League. The wand itself has nearly identical pdps compared to Foe Bite, but overall the wand is slightly worse (~2%). Although the 10% phys as extra chaos looks impressive, we have no chaos scaling and not much phys scaling, which means the contribution of this mod is negligible. In all other departments Foe Bite wins: crit chance, crit multi, attack speed, accuracy, and of course, overall dps. Plus, this item hasn’t been around for that long, so there's not too many on the secondhand market, and with Foe Bites costing much less than a mirror, there's really no reason to mirror this. Body Armor:
Mirrored Options:
*both the 8% max life/mana hybrid mod and additional curse mod are available for either chest upon request. My personal preference is the 8% max life/mana b/c it's useful in all situations, unlike curses, which can be mitigated by map mods, and can be hard to squeeze into an optimized setup.
#1 Tempest Mantle - Mai_Cedere - this chest is the powerhouse of the build. Implicits ensure permanent charge sustain, and the explicits give you a ton of survivability + damage + QOL. The difference between this chest and Farrul's is substantial. - gives more life than any other similar type of chest. - attribute requirement is lower so you can recycle it for non dex-based builds. #2 Apocalypse Pelt - UIFreezer - gives slightly less life than Tempest Mantle. - Assassin's Garb base means very high dex requirement; harder to recycle for other build types. - might be cheaper than Tempest Mantle, especially on the secondary market. Farrul's Fur - this is the "budget" option. You get permanent power AND frenzy charge generation in all bossing situations. Power and frenzy charges account for around 40% of your dps which is why this chest is the best unique option. On top of this you get free mana reservation for aspect of the cat (great dps boost), which is mandatory for this chest. *If you're interested in a corrupted version, the order from best to worse damage corruptions are: %increased damage > +1 to socketed gems/+2 to socketed projectile gems. For defensive options, my personal preferences are: 50% reduced crit damage taken > 1% max res > %increased life. Amulet:
Mirrored Options:
*for most of the amulets, you can choose between 6% attack + cast speed or 27% crit chance as the mastercraft. In most cases 27% crit will give more dps but it really depends on your setup. Make sure to double check on POB or pm me in-game for help before making your purchase.
For Farrul's Fur Users:
Tempest Locket (old version) // Pain Noose - Croppie - provides the highest dps for Farrul's users - has 20% "phys as extra lightning" instead of T1 life. 20% phys as extra light is worth ~4 passive points while T1 life is worth ~2 passive points, so damage roll is more efficient than life roll on this slot. Death Gorget - Hitma47 - has T1 life roll instead of 20% "phys as extra lightning" - overall gives ~7% less damage than Tempest Locket/Pain Noose but you get ~4% more life. For Mirrored Chest Users:
Golem Noose - Mai_Cedere - provides the most dps possible in the amulet slot. Corpse Locket - Mai_Cedere - similar to Golem Noose, but without the 29% crit chance mod. You can get 27% crit chance as a mastercraft though, which means the real net loss compared to Golem Noose is 6% attack speed + 2% crit chance. - the dps difference between Golem Noose and Corpse Locket can be made up with 2 passive points. However, 14% all res from Corpse Locket is impossible to get with only 2 passive points. - if you crave more resists, this amulet is arguably better than Golem Noose. - if you are a firm believer in having resists on both rings, getting Corpse Locket will enable you to swap one resist/damage ring for a pure dps ring, which could result in more overall dps than Golem Noose depending on the parameters you set. Non-mirrored Rare Amulet
Read about amulets in the budget section to figure out how to buy or craft a decent amulet. Shaper bases are better than elder bases. Avoid single resists so you don’t screw up wise oak balancing. Given how scammy the prices for jewelry are in standard, you're better off trying to craft one yourself.
Mirrored Options:
there are quite a few options out there, so I've organized them into three tiers
Tier 1 (best):
Behemoth Grasp - Mai_Cedere - objectively the best ring for this build; gives far more dps than any other mirror-worthy ring and also provides 16% all resists Blood Hold - Plushiess - if you're near min-maxed and want to include some MF into the build, this ring provides the most dps. The all-res implicit is good QOL and preserves Wise Oak balance Tier 2 (solid):
Grim Nail - pNR - similar to Behemoth Grasp but gives less dps. The 16% all resists is a huge QOL buff for the build. - essentially a budget "Behemoth Grasp" Hypnotic Whorl - Mai_Cedere - gives almost as much dps as Behemoth Grasp ≈ 6% more dps than Grim Nail - lacks resists - might gives less dps in certain maps with curse effectiveness reduction/hexproof Bramble Eye - Rayamn - in some ways this ring is like a slightly worse "Grim Nail" since it gives less dps, and 6% less all res. However, the ring’s attack speed roll does give a slight advantage in clearspeed and for certain bossing scenarios (ex: chimera). It's also usually cheaper than Grim Nail. - you could go with 1x Grim Nail + 1x Bramble Eye for slightly more mobility/clearspeed. *note that there’s two versions of Bramble Eye. One with 10% all res, and the other with 16% crit chance. Don’t buy the crit one. Tier 3 (average):
Loath Grip (new version) - Ivygreen5 (crafted by Mortalo) - this ring can give more damage than Grim Nail + Corruption Knot - lacks resists - if you do consider this, get one with the mastercraft: 20% damage. Flat phys is the second best mod following by cold. Everything else is inefficient. Corruption Knot - Ahfack - probably the worst dps ring for this build currently. - +50 Strength gives some extra flat life I suppose. Non-mirrored Ring:
For the most part, follow the instructions in the budget section.
Don't spend 100+ ex on non mirrored jewelry if you eventually plan on upgrading to mirrored ones. Higher end non-mirrored jewelry is often not worth the price tag, and if you're spending that much ex trying to squeeze out marginal improvements in dps, may as well just save up some more and get the BIS or less pricey older generation mirrored jewelry, which you can then recycle for future builds. Mirrored jewelry is a good long term investment for those who want to make other min-maxed builds in the future and saves you from the inevitable frustration of shopping for subpar, overpriced jewelry. Make sure you get aspect of the cat on one of your jewelry pieces. Mods to avoid: single resists, especially fire, unless you can balance it on your other jewelry pieces (for wise oak users). Helm:
Getting a helmet with legacy barrage enchant should be one of the first upgrades to your build. Each projectile will give ~10% more damage and slightly reduces the time between each projectile, which helps maintain full life while using vinktar.
Mirrored Option:
Blood Visor - TheTempests (crafted by Mai_Cedere) The tri res on here provides a lot of QOL. Unless you use 2x rings with T1 all resists (32% all res), it’s pretty much impossible to be ele weakness capped in a min-maxed setup even with all flasks up. The +132 flat life is also equal to 2-3 passive points, which can be specced into damage nodes to close the dps gap between this helm and Rat’s Nest. It’s by far the best defensive option and my personal favorite. If you plan on mirroring this, request the new 8% physical damage taken as fire prefix rather than the 12% WED for added tankiness. Rare Non-Mirrored Tri Res + Life Helm I highly recommend a rare tri res + high life helm if you plan on taking this build to the min-maxing limits. Damage will not be lacking, but survivability can be if you focus entirely on former. This slot is the best place to get your resists and some extra life. Ideally you want to be resist-capped relying only on Wise Oak. If you need both Wise Oak + your other 3 resist flasks to be resist-capped, it'll be much rippier unless you are a very skilled player because there will inevitably be times when not every flask is up. If you rely only on Wise Oak for res capping it'll be much safer because Wise Oak has the longest uptime. But what if you don't want to pay 300 ex+ for a mirrored tri res helm? Aside from the cost of mirroring the helm, there is also the drawback of not having socket color flexibility. Luckily crafting a similar rare helm yourself will most likely be much cheaper than mirroring although a bit more time-consuming. Read below for detailed breakdown on how to create one. Crafting Your Own Helm:
1) Find a +2 barrage enchant base. Crafting a helm with tri T2 resists (45%) is much cheaper/easier than tri T1 (48%). I will provide a cost comparison for tri-res T1 vs. T2 below. You must decide whether to go for T2 or T1 before crafting. If you want Triple T1 you need to buy an ilvl 84+ base whereas for Triple T2 you want one between ilvl 72-83. I suggest an evasion or low-tier armor base because the chance of rolling life is higher than on an ES base.
2) Spam the helm with Shrieking (T2 resists) or Deafening (T1 resists) essences of Hatred/Wrath/Anger until you get triple resists of the same tier. It doesn't matter which of the three you use so go with whatever is cheapest/available. The chance of hitting triple T2 resists will take around 2.5k essences and shriekings are 3x cheaper than deafenings. Depending on the market, and especially if you can hoard some essences from temp leagues, it will on average cost ~50 ex for this step. 3) Mastercraft either %armor or %evasion depending on your base type and yolo exalt. You ideally want a 80+ life roll. If you get a low tier flat life, craft suffix cannot be changed (2 ex) and scour. If you hit another mod such as hybrid life or item rarity, yolo exalt again. 4) If your helm now has 80+ total flat life, then you're almost finished. If not, remove your mastercrafted mod and apply suffix cannot be changed (2 ex), and scour. Repeat step 3. 5) Remove the mastercrafted garbage mod and craft 8% physical damage taken as fire; this will provide a good chunk of survivability. If you want some more KB buff, you can apply the +1 level of proj gem, extra pierce mastercraft or if you want more life you can craft hybrid life. 6) Divine your helm until all three resists are identical so you can maintain wise oak balance. Your helm is finished! Average cost of crafting triple T2 resists, 80+ life helm = cost of base + 80 ex Average cost of crafting triple T1 resists, 80+ life helm = cost of base + 180 ex Rat’s Nest This is definitely the best dps option for the helmet slot, and if you prefer damage over safety, then this is undoubtedly BIS and also a more budget option. Starkonja’s Head A more balanced option than Rat’s nest and costs roughly the same. In a fully optimized tree, you won’t be able to reach same dps as Rat’s Nest even if you give up equivalent life nodes, but the 100 flat life is really nice. Boots:
From a theoretical dps standpoint the 10% pen enchant is by far the best. However, if you want faster clearspeed, go with “16% attack speed if you’ve killed recently”. “Flat cold if you’ve been hit recently” helps you for the longer duration, multi-phase boss fights like uber elder. Bubonic Trails (2 abyssal sockets) The BIS damage option, and also provides more life than rare boots if socketed with 2x T1 flat life searching eye jewels. No other pair of boots comes close to providing this much dps. The drawback is less gem sockets, which can be a problem if your wands don’t have the right colors, or if you want more gem setups. Crafted rare boots Not recommended, unless you can balance your resists for wise oak. May as well use bubonics or fossil craft %life/flat life + 1 abyssal socket etc. for more damage/tankiness. Gloves:
Legacy Tombfist (2 abyssal sockets) - pretty much the best pair of gloves. It’s cheaper than good rare gloves and gives an unrivaled amount of dps + life. Make sure to socket a murderous eye (see jewel section) to get the 10% more damage from intimidate. Glove Corruptions:
Several of the glove implicits are really powerful. I would suggest buying at least a pair with single corruption.
- For single corrupted, get +1 frenzy or base crit. If you’re using Wise Oak, an average rolled base crit implicit will give more dps than +1 frenzy, but frenzy charge also gives attack speed which is a clearspeed/mobility boost. If you decide to go the diamond flask route, +1 frenzy will be better than base crit. For double corruptions, get +1 frenzy and one of the following: 8-10% attack speed: for more clearspeed and solid chunk of dps. My personal preference. 0.5%-0.8% base crit: the roll really matters for this one. A base crit lower than -0.6% will be worse than attack speed. But a base crit close to 0.8% will be BIS for damage (if you're using Wise Oak) Ele weakness on hit: the best dps boost on paper, but not my favorite, since map mods such as less curse effectiveness + hexproof render it sometimes useless. Enfeeble/Temporal Chains on hit/%increased life: if you prefer a more defensive setup Atziri’s Acuity (Legacy) - the only reason I recommend these gloves is for the instant leech on crit. If you’re not good with flask management, these gloves could save you. But with pathfinder, your flasks are always up anyway unless you fall asleep while playing. Rare Elder Gloves (map clearing) - elder glove mods improve KB clearspeed for a smoother mapping experience. Look for gloves with at least life + socketed gems supported by faster attacks + faster projectiles. Supported by additional accuracy is also nice too. Other than those 3 mods, socketed gem is supported by Chance to Bleed/ +50% crit multi/flat phys are also decent, especially since KB damage was nerfed significantly in 3.4 - if you’re running T15 maps or below, may as well put these on for faster mapping. You should have enough single target dps to melt T15 bosses even in 6 man parties without the DPS boost from Tombfists. Mirrored Option:
Skull Hold - RicTran - this is the best pair of rare KB gloves available. You will lose some bossing dps but if your setup is near min-maxed this is a solid QOL buff to consider. Belt:
Mirrored Options:
*a mirrored belt will provide more dps/life than a headhunter in multi-phase bossing scenarios such as Uber Elder/Shaper/Chimera/Uber Atziri. For Phoenix/Minotaur/Hydra and map bosses w/ a single phase, headhunter is much better for dps/clear.
#1 Entropy Lock Stygian Vise - Mai_Cedere This is probably the greatest dps belt that will ever exist. Pretty much the best theoretical combination of dps mods possible, on a legacy base. Don't expect any amount of power creep to overtake this in the next few years at least. #2 Nemesis Tether Stygian Vise - pNR Don't bother mirroring this. Only buy from the secondary market if you can find one for relatively cheap. Headhunter Best belt for clearspeed/farming. The strength roll lets us drop 2 str nodes on the tree and spec into more damage. Make sure to use a Conqueror’s Potency jewel to make up for the lack of % flask effect, that way you still get +3 from Dying Sun. Flasks:
Conversion Vessel of Vinktar (double legacy) This is the single most important item in the build. Despite the new leech nerfs that cap our leech to only 10% of our max life per projectile (compared to instant full life before), barrage's rapid firing rate will let you heal back to full life approximately 4 times per second (compared to 40 times per second before 3.6). This is still plenty to facetank any boss in the game. This flask also allows you to take advantage of the more multiplier from Damage on Full Life support gem and accounts for 99% of your survivability. The 10% more damage from shock (not factored into POB) is substantial, the 20% phys to light conversion allows you to run phys reflect. The instant mana leech is also OP and trivializes problems with mana sustain. Pathfinder negates the only drawback to this flask. If you don’t have a double legacy vinktar, you should play the budget version instead. * A flat attacks vinktar needs to be max roll to give the same dps as a conversion vinktar, and those can be several times more expensive. A pen vinktar gives less damage than both, and a spell vinktar gives no damage aside from shock, but if that’s the only one you have, you should still use it because the instant leech is essential. These 3 versions will not let you safely run phys reflect however, since 20% of your damage is not converted to ele. Dying Sun (legacy or current) This flask gives you +3 projectiles and is the best dps flask for wanders. The AOE helps with KB clear. Taste of Hate (double legacy) This flask gives a ton of damage since we scale cold most effectively, but it’s phys damage taken as cold mod is arguably more important, because it scales up to 45% with Pathfinder and makes you a lot tankier for bosses that deal phys damage, which is the majority of them. Without this flask, having 5.3k life as a wander would be very painful. Alchemist’s Quicksilver of Adrenaline You need to use this for clearspeed since wanders have no real movement skill and can only run. I would suggest an Alchemist prefix for the extra ms boost. Wise Oak (legacy) or Diamond Flask of the Order (80% crit chance) Since sources of crit are so easy to get (ex: base crit on gloves, base crit from watcher’s, dual wield crit nodes, etc.), diamond flask is no longer the optimal choice for dps. For maximum damage you want to pair Wise Oak with a Hatred Crit + Conversion Eye. Diamond Flask of the Order with a Hatred Pen + Conversion Eye is not a bad “budget” option. However, the main advantage of Wise Oak is that you get the added benefits of capping resists more easily and 15% reduced ele damage taken is a significant defensive boost. The drawback of not using a staunching flask is of course, lack of bleed immunity, so make sure to vaal or buy a decent abyss/rare jewel with “Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you”. KB’s offscreen clear will pretty much ensure you never die to a normal bleed. You can also take Soul of Ralakesh as an extra layer of safety. Even if you can’t afford a Hatred crit + convert eye, I’d still sacrifice some dps and use a Wise Oak mainly for its defensive advantages. Bottled Faith or Atziri’s Promise Swap out Quicksilver of Adrenaline for either of these two flasks for the maximum dps possible during hardcore e-peen stroking sessions. Bottled Faith will most likely give more dps than Atziri's Promise. Jewels:
Watcher’s Eye
- The Hatred 40% phys to cold conversion mod is essential to this build. This mod is the one that any viable Watcher's Eye must have. - There are three options for 2 mod Watcher's #1 Hatred Crit + Conversion - this is the best 2 mod combination for damage, the base crit from the eye lets you swap out diamond flask for Wise Oak without losing any damage. Since it’s BIS, expect to pay a lot. #2 Hatred Pen + Conversion - this 2 mod combination is way cheaper, and is only 20-30% worse than the #1 eye. If you use this one, Wise Oak will provide less dps than a diamond flask. #3 Hatred Increased Cold + Conversion - this is the most budget 2 mod eye I would recommend. Much cheaper than the #2 eye and only 15-20% worse. Murderous Eye Jewel (Intimidate)
You need one well-rolled Murderous Eye to take full advantage of Tombfist’s Intimidate on hit mod. All prefixes besides life are pretty much useless for a wander, so this is essentially a 3 mod abyss jewel at best. Prefixes: T1/2 flat life, Mana (optional) Suffixes: Attack speed if crit + crit multi are the best. Attack speed, flat phys/cold are also decent, check below for the list of suffix mods to look for. Rare Jewels:
*abyss jewels have been nerfed in 3.7. Unless you have legacy abyss jewels, non-abyss jewels will most likely be better for dps and life. Try to keep the number of searching eyes at a minimum.
Searching Eye Jewels:
Mirrored Options:
The best legacy abyss jewel will always give more dps than the best non-abyss jewel. This dps difference depends on how well-geared you are. At the extreme upper limits of min-maxing the average difference is ~700k per jewel socket, but it's more likely to be around ~300k for the typical min-maxer. These values were determined by calculating the total dps difference between 6 BIS abyss jewels and 6 BIS non-abyss jewels and then dividing by 6 to figure out the average dps difference per jewel. However, note that this is only the AVERAGE DPS DIFFERENCE PER JEWEL. The law of diminishing returns dictates that the fewer BIS abyss jewels you have in your setup, the more damage you get per jewel. For example, the first BIS abyss jewel you add into your setup might provide ~500k more dps, while the 6th provides only ~100k. One caveat to consider is that in most cases, a T1 flat life roll will give slightly less life than a %life roll.
With perfect abyss jewels going legacy, it becomes more tempting than ever to mirror them. However, this should only be considered once you've min-maxed all other gear slots, as abyss jewel upgrades provide the lowest dps gained to currency spent ratio. Morbid Globe/Foul Globe/Hollow Goad - Enahkra - this is the best 4 mod life jewel available. If this jewel doesn't give you the highest dps possible of any life jewel, your build is extremely unoptimized. - mirror service is free to promote phys wanding :) Ancient Needle - JeNebu (crafted by thanhnahn) - this jewel provides unrivaled dps. There will never be something able to beat this in terms of pure damage, especially as Onslaught becomes easier to get (ex: future onslaught on hit ring/onslaught boots) - doesn't have a life roll, so you should have at most 1-2 in your setup unless you're okay with being rippy. I’ve categorized all the useful abyss jewel mods and ranked each category from best to worst to make things easier: Category 1 (best) T1 flat physical damage to WAND ATTACKS T1/T2 flat life *Every searching eye should have at least these 2 mods Category 2 (excellent) Attack Speed if you’ve crit recently Crit Multi T1 Flat physical damage to attacks *A good searching eye should have one of these 3 mods. Attack Speed if crit is the best one, followed by crit multi/T1 flat phys Category 3 (good) T1 flat accuracy T1 flat lightning to attacks T1 flat cold to attacks Attack speed (non-conditional) *Depending on how much accuracy you have on other gear, a T1 flat accuracy here may actually be more dps than any mod in category 2 or otherwise completely useless. I recommend checking POB to see which scenario applies to you. Category 4 (decent) 2% ele pen if you haven’t killed recently %Phys as extra fire T1 flat fire to attacks %chance to gain Onslaught on kill %chance to blind on hit *These mods are only slightly worse than those in category 3. The 2% pen mod gives the most dps in this category, but is least recommended since it won’t work in some boss fights. The chance to gain onslaught mod is good for general clearing and some bosses with lots of adds. Having just one of them is enough for perma onslaught sustain during map clear. Blind on hit is a solid defensive boost for bossing. Normal Jewels (Viridian/Crimson)
Category 1 (best) %maximum life %crit multi while dual wielding *Make sure every rare jewel you buy has at least these 2 mods Category 2 (excellent) %global crit multi %projectile damage %increased attack speed Category 3 (decent) %increased damage %attack and cast speed %global critical strike chance* *Global crit chance roll is only good if you aren’t using a diamond flask. And don’t have this mod on more than ~2 jewels because crit chance has huge diminishing returns. Corrupted Blood Immunity Jewel:
You must have Corrupted Blood Immunity on one of your rare jewels. I would just buy one with at least 2-3 good mods, but you can also try your luck with crafting. Buy/craft decent 3 mod rare jewels, and then yolo vaal. It’s about a 2.5% chance to hit CB immunity, so expect to brick ON AVERAGE 40 jewels for this implicit. Gems:
Barrage Single Target (chest): Barrage - WED - Damage on Full Life - Vicious Proj - Ele Focus - Slower Proj Kinetic Blast Clear (helm) Kinetic Blast - IIQ - Pierce - GMP I prefer using IIQ for the extra loot. A 3 link KB has enough damage to clear all trash mobs in the game. You can sub in WED for IIQ if you want more damage, but there shouldn’t be any problem one shotting packs with only 2 support gems. Auras/Heralds: Hatred + Herald of Ice + Herald of Purity + Enlighten 4 Another option is to replace HoI with HoA for more dps, but I prefer HoI for the extra shatter/AOE. Herald of Purity is by far the best herald for damage. If you’re using Tombfists + Bubonics, you’ll need to socket heralds into your wand and use two Enlighten 4s, so try to get RGB wand. This will give you the flexibility to switch between Herald of Ice/Ash. Otherwise, a GBG (Hatred + HoI) or RBR (HoP + HoA) wand works too but will give you less flexibility If you’re concerned with accidentally weapon-swapping and unreserving your aura/heralds, you can socket the exact same gems into your secondary weapons, which will let you keep your heralds reserved if this happens. Vaal Haste I use this mainly on the boss for an extra spike in damage/mobility. Usually lasts the entire duration of the fight. Utility: Ice Golem Best golem for damage, although you could also use Lightning Golem for the extra attack speed Depending on your setup, you will have anywhere between 2-6 free gem slots. Below are some suggestions but feel free to customize. Portal gem Flame Dash CWDT - Steelskin - Increased Duration CWDT - Curse - Enhance Temporal Chains/Enfeeble for more defense, Projectile Weakness for more dps *Don't use Blood Rage, because it messes with Damage on Full Life support. Passive Tree - Bandits - Pantheon
Link to Passive + Ascendancy Tree - Farrul users need at least 1 frenzy + power charge duration node for permanent charge uptime. Otherwise, for 2 seconds every 12 seconds, you won't have any charges. - if you’re using diamond flask instead of wise oak, make sure to drop Twin Terrors cluster and spec into Forces of Nature. Alternative pathing options: - if you want more survivability for leveling, you can sacrifice some dps clusters and take Revenge of the Hunted. If that’s still not enough, take the Melding cluster also, which should give you more than enough tankiness to reach lvl 100. This will require sacrificing ~30% of your total dps. - Heart of Oak is nice QOL node, especially the life regen. - if you’re struggling with resists, you could also take Nullification for life/resists, or Survivalist cluster. Bandits: Alira is the best since resists are so hard to get, and the crit multi/mana regen is perfect for the build. If you have enough resists, switch to +2 passive points and take a 2nd Frenzy charge (Fervour) or 2 life nodes. Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King: getting stun locked can be an issue, especially since we don’t use life flasks, so this one really helps. Soul of Solaris: best for bossing if stun isn't an issue for you. Soul of Shakari: I prefer this since we don’t invest in chaos resists. It’ll make opening strongboxes less risky too. Soul of Ralakesh: if you want more normal bleed protection. POB
True Min-Maxed POB: https://pastebin.com/Cr5kcqyG Farrul's ""Budget"" Min-Maxed POB: https://pastebin.com/RS3VC2q7 Videos (3.6):
Suggested order of upgrade
Before you can play this setup, you need at least a legacy vinktars, a Farrul’s Fur, and a very good pair of phys wands (350+ pdps with crit). I would suggest just waiting until you can afford 2x Foe Bite wands before starting the build if you’re on a tight budget. And you will need 100-200 ex for the rest of the gear. You can buy decent 3 mod searching eyes with wand phys, life, and a good mod (see list in jewel section), and yolo ex the last suffix or use decent normal jewels with less optimal mods like %phys damage. Also get a solid corrupting blood immunity jewel.
1) Wands: The most important items to min-max first are of course the wands. If you can afford to min-max all slots, or have that as a realistic goal, I would suggest getting a pair of Blood Thirsts first. Otherwise a pair of Foe Bites can serve you almost as well and frees up a lot of currency to min-max other gear slots. 2) Legacy barrage enchant helm: get Rat’s Nest/Starkonja’s. Should be around 60-80 ex. You can also attempt to craft a high-res helm on your own using a +2 barrage base. 3) Legacy flasks: Get double legacy Taste of Hate, Legacy Dying Sun, Legacy Wise Oak if you haven’t already. 4) Amulet: Tempest Locket will likely be your cheapest/best option, especially if you don't plan on switching from Farrul's to mirrored chest. 5) Watcher’s Eye: Get one with Hatred crit + conversion, or at least a Hatred cold pen + conversion. Spend 10-25 ex per jewel slot and get 4 mod (with life) BIS normal jewels or very good searching eyes. They should be around this price range. You will eventually need 11 of these, and this will give another ~20% more damage to your build compared to the 3 mod budget jewels from before. An easy way to get good jewels for cheap is to play temp leagues and buy them for much cheaper and then wait until merge. 6) Upgrade to Blood Visor helm: if you want more survivability/resists, and maintain Wise Oak balance. 7) Rings: Get two mirrored rings. I suggest having all resists on each ring since damage shouldn't be an issue at this point. 8) Upgrade to mirrored belt: You can skip this step if you're satisfied with your damage using Headhunter. Mirrored belts are a luxury and really only help for bossing and showcasing dps. 9) Blood Thirsts: upgrade from Foe Bites to these if you haven’t already. Last edited by Enahkra#7073 on Dec 22, 2019, 5:50:51 PM Last bumped on Mar 21, 2019, 7:06:58 AM
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Cool guide. It's interesting that in standard, rare items are treated similar to uniques.
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I was wondering what links were you using for the GGG blood thirst?
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" I currently use it for ice golem - portal - vaal haste/some random gem I want to level. The GGG color combo is pretty bad for life wanders, but for old CI wanders, it was decent since we could socket in Blood Rage. If I could go back in time I would probably have gotten one with GGR, but the other wand should definitely be RGB. Last edited by Enahkra#7073 on Oct 19, 2018, 8:09:13 PM
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" Yea Acapella was selling a GGG foe bite for 150 that I couldnt pass up as someone on a budget. Your links are pretty much what I came up with. |
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Good for kb :D
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One thing about your guide regarding Conqueror's Potency is that they can't roll the "Corruption Blood cannot be afflicted" mod since they require ilvl 33 jewels, and unfortunately Potency's are ilvl 1 :( My dumbass wasted a bit of currency trying to roll one.
Last edited by illmtk#1047 on Oct 21, 2018, 8:47:07 PM
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" Those gloves are nice; if you are interested in a pair of BIS clearing gloves, I suggest you check out Skull Palm by Casta (AmazonPrime). " Wow sorry dude, that completely slipped my mind. Glad you caught that for me thanks. I'd be more than happy to help you cover the loss of currency attempting the corruption, since it's partially my fault. |
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:D wander :D
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