3.4.3c Patch Notes

tkgroovy wrote:
The map owner must now be present in order for anyone to receive credit for the "Defeat a Delve Boss" and similar challenges.

So everybody who has not had enough time to farm currency to pay for the taxi gets the short end of the stick? Will the spawn rates be improved, at least?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Spawn rates improved!?? You're a funny guy. Thanks for the chuckle. ;)
POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums.
Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all."
Hell yeah arctic armor fix. That one hit me hard.
Never really understood WHY you guys arent able to fix the massive slowdown at this boss encounter..
1080Ti, 7900X, 32GB ram, PCI-E SSD.. My FPS that is usually 120+ drops to 20.

Small improvement but kinda meaningless as after the encounter you wont really stay there lol.

"Tornados are now removed after the Garukhan encounter ends."
Mathils actual cat
The map owner must now be present in order for anyone to receive credit for the "Defeat a Delve Boss" and similar challenges.

not fair since some people got 40/40 using that. this has to stay, you made the challenges way too difficult anyway (and by difficult i mean just gated by RNG)
"Using a Fractured Fossil to mirror an item with the "Item sells for much more to vendors" implicit modifier now generates a new vendor sell price on the Mirrored copy."

After couple of guys makes 300+ mirrors
Nice speed guys! Why you didnt do this in the last month? :DDDDD
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The Zana Mods to Shape a Map now correctly require 5 Memory Fragments, 10 Memory Fragments, and the Elder Orb acquired respectively to become unlocked.
I really wish this was not the case.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Nephalim wrote:
The Zana Mods to Shape a Map now correctly require 5 Memory Fragments, 10 Memory Fragments, and the Elder Orb acquired respectively to become unlocked.
I really wish this was not the case.

Yeah. This sucks hard.

The entire pacht notes suck.
Still no changes to the encounter of the delve bosses, the terrible RNG required to get this leagues challenges is what killed it for me
And still you force your new light-system and shadows into the delve where you yourself EXPLICITLY told us that it is only for high end PCs... people still can not play because of this or have heavy issues.

Make delve respect shadow and light settings finally
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Please use http://pobb.in for your guides instead of pastebin!
Nephalim wrote:
The Zana Mods to Shape a Map now correctly require 5 Memory Fragments, 10 Memory Fragments, and the Elder Orb acquired respectively to become unlocked.
I really wish this was not the case.

Way to take a nice QoL change that smoothed out Atlas expansion/Zana Quest progression and shoot in the god damn face. Sure, being able to run T15's at 6c a pop is strong, but you still need Zana 7 to do so. This double gating takes QoL and turns it into a mediocre to modest reward for already being at the tiers of map that you need some fragments for. The one reasonable exception being the Elder mod/orb setup, perhaps.
Last edited by Jecht#3595 on Sep 27, 2018, 4:32:19 PM

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