The Night Lotus Toxic Rain Effect

Based on Chris' Beta Black Lotus right?
Dominating Blow when?
i did not want to do toxic rain... but now i want to

brb rerolling!
I need more purple titles
Ill wait with buying this. Would be such a waste if I would buy a MXT of a skill which is nerved to dead and joined the pool of the dead unused skills. First let see if TR survives next legue. ^^
Tbh the original looks better i think.... i like the green thingys exploding on my enemys face!
why do new released skills get more love than old veterans?
Phykke wrote:
I'd like to see some old skills like viper strike, molten strike, barrage...

molten strike for sure. i already stopped playing my toxic rain guy for the most part

this is very nice though
I really like the effect but it's hard to justify using it when it only increases the ground clutter - Toxic Rain already has a visibility problem as it is, but the lotus pods persist longer than the default pods do, and are much more detailed.

Holding down attack while you're using this MTX with a Quill Rain basically makes it impossible to see anything else in the area - It could really do with the lotus effect expiring in half the time it currently does.
I wish I had a job now, more than ever before. Playing a TR build right now, and I am DYING INSIDE not having the funds for this. D;

But that's the sign of QUALITY MTX!

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