[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

if on console don't even boher trying this I got to lvl 90 39000 dps and didn't even touch sirus the curse thing is any ones guess , the dps is no were near and the price is quadrupled for everything in trade
alckipone wrote:
if on console don't even boher trying this I got to lvl 90 39000 dps and didn't even touch sirus the curse thing is any ones guess , the dps is no were near and the price is quadrupled for everything in trade

I suggest you read through everything first. There are alot different ways to build this. You dont need exact the items as described on page 1 or page 173. Use your brain.
Last edited by Kharadas#5625 on Apr 15, 2020, 5:47:35 PM
Kharadas wrote:
alckipone wrote:
if on console don't even boher trying this I got to lvl 90 39000 dps and didn't even touch sirus the curse thing is any ones guess , the dps is no were near and the price is quadrupled for everything in trade

I suggest you read through everything first. There are alot different ways to build this. You dont need exact the items as described on page 1 or page 173. Use your brain.

I have and I did since you didn't ill explain
First xb1 has less players , so less gear up for sale , what is up for sale is at a much higher price ie awakened curse on hit is 30 exalts , kaoms heart minimum 2 exalts how many vaal orbs to get plus one arrow do you think that's going to cost , Console is very different from pc and for what ever reason exalts are not easy to come by and yes there is the pros that know how to make hundreds of them every league and reach lvl 100 kill sirus and reach 1500 in delve but like me most people don't so far I have managed to run solacrum thing to lvl 16 (chaos boss chewed me up on 15) I am running t15 highest maps mobs are very easy bosses however take more time and cautious work , I don't delve never understood why I would go there to much work no reward , same for most of the content really , I do maps and syndicate just for the recipes
Vei wrote:
So, finally I did my 1st ever run at Simulacrum. Didn't really research a lot into it before this, just know that it was a closed area 20 wave thing.

And I completed it.

Grats! I can get to the last mob but I have to have my friend come in and kill it.

I like the changes you have made, I might have to play around with my tree to see if I can increase my DPS. 11 totems is crazy.
I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
hey, why not getting the 2 additional curses with awakened and anointment?
how big is the dps loss compared to awakened + armor switch?
unklipe wrote:
hey, why not getting the 2 additional curses with awakened and anointment?
how big is the dps loss compared to awakened + armor switch?

Hi, I answered something similar like your question before, here's the quote. Also have added some comments at the end to answer your question which the quote doesn't cover.

DTBA wrote:

One more question one the 3 curse setup. For a cheaper but the same life pool can't you use the following setup?

1 Curse that you get normal

1 Curse from the awaken gem

1 Curse from the amulet anoint

Or do you get less damage by changing the anoint on the amulet?

Good question, I did research what you mentioned before in POB(Base on my 1m DPS POB equipment). Here's my comments and you can see why that setup is not ideal.

VS Normal Mobs

Normal Mobs are basically dying instantly already even without any curse, so even though the 3rd Curse gives much more DPS "on paper", there isn't really any point or practical use to having the additional DPS/Curse.

VS Shaper/Guardian

3 Curse Option(i.e. What you mentioned)
- Using Awaken Curse on Hit(Level 5) to enable 2nd Curse
- Using Whispers of Doom for Amulet Anoint to enable 3rd Curse (Thus sacrificing the DPS from Shaman's Dominion but gaining lots of life by letting us use Kaom's Heart)

DPS is 653k

2 Curse Option
- Using Awaken Curse on Hit(Level 5) to enable 2nd Curse
- Using Shaman's Dominion for Amulet Annoint

DPS is 660k

You can see that the DPS is actually a decrease when VS Shaper/Guardian using the 3 Curse Setup(No Shaman's Dominion) compared to the 2 Curse Setup(with Shaman's Dominion). Not to mention you also need 1 additional Gem Socket + a 6L bow for the 3 curse setup.

Because of the above reasons, it's better to just go for the 2 Curse Option.

Hope that explains.


unklipe wrote:

how big is the dps loss compared to awakened + armor switch?

And to answer your question,

3 Curse Option()
- Using Awaken Curse on Hit(Level 5) to enable 2nd Curse
- Using Body Armour to enable 3rd Curse

DPS is 719k

So the loss from not using Shaman's Dominion and instead using Whispers of Doom for 3rd Curse is 59k per Totem versus Shaper/Guardian.

Ahewaz wrote:


Ahewaz wrote:
I like the changes you have made, I might have to play around with my tree to see if I can increase my DPS. 11 totems is crazy.

Indeed, have been enjoying the 11 Totems so far, feels so good! 11% Life Regen, 11% Increased Damage Taken by Enemy etc. DPS is superior compared to the 9 Totems build. Though it comes with some with some requirements on equipment which I have wrote in more detail below.

Other than that, changing from Acrobatics to Iron Reflex does takes a bit of getting used to. We get hit more often, but there's less 1 shot or "1 hit that take most of your life" scenarios.


Just to highlight for anyone looking at the 11 Totems setup I am currently using on Vei_Delirium, if using my Passive Skill Tree, we will need to look for certain things in our equipment

1. Dexterity

As the Passive Skill Tree will be taking less Dexterity, we will need to get some source of Dexterity on our Equipments.

Using my recommended Equipments, depending on the amount provided by Quill Rain, say lowest roll of 10 Dex, we will need 45 Dex so we can reach 159 Dex to be able to use a Level 21 Elemental Hit.

2. Flat Accuracy

We will be losing a lot of Accuracy with the Skill Tree Adjustment to be able to use 11 Totems which means a great loss of DPS for us, as Flat Accuracy is the Affix that provides us with the most DPS of all Stats(Can refer to "21 Stats in order of DPS boost" on my writeup)

Thus, we will look for 3 Sources of Flat Accuracy, ideally Tier 1's if possible on our gears. These can come from

- Gloves (481-600 for T1)
- Quiver/Ring/Amulet (351-480 for T1)
- Abyssal Jewels (121-240 for T1)

Our aim is to reach as near 100% as we can for our Chance to Hit%(Chance to hit Evasive is not important, ignore that) for this build, regardless of the versions we using.

Other things of note

The other thing I would like to highlight is the Large Cluster Jewel. The Notables on them seems to vary in position even if two Large Cluster Jewel have the same exact Notables and other rolls.

I didn't manage to find any source on how to determine their positions, if anyone has any info and willing to share on how their positions are determined, that will be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.

Thus, if anyone intend to buy one, especially if it's expensive, it might be worth asking the seller on the Notables Position before buying.

These will be the things to note if anyone is looking into converting to the 11 Totems.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Last edited by Vei#5870 on Apr 17, 2020, 2:00:05 AM
I didn't manage to find any source on how to determine their positions, if anyone has any info and willing to share on how their positions are determined, that will be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.

When i looked for mine large cluster i just pasted every jewel grom trade to pob. That seems pob correctly recognize positions of notables on em.
Vei, many thanks for the intersting build and your supportive attitude in this topic!

Asking for your advise regading the next steps of upgrading my charecter.

Currently killed Sirius 4 without deaths. Want 8th with the same result:)

Here is the PoB.

Profile is also opened.
Know that double corrupted frostferno is obvious option but it is too expenceve.

Waiting for your recommendations.
Thank you!
Last edited by WMDigger#5655 on Apr 17, 2020, 1:09:06 PM
Vei wrote:

Ahewaz wrote:
I like the changes you have made, I might have to play around with my tree to see if I can increase my DPS. 11 totems is crazy.

Indeed, have been enjoying the 11 Totems so far, feels so good! 11% Life Regen, 11% Increased Damage Taken by Enemy etc. DPS is superior compared to the 9 Totems build. Though it comes with some with some requirements on equipment which I have wrote in more detail below.

Other than that, changing from Acrobatics to Iron Reflex does takes a bit of getting used to. We get hit more often, but there's less 1 shot or "1 hit that take most of your life" scenarios.


So you no longer worry about piercing shots? I did not see it anywhere in your build.
I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
How do you get 11 totems same time ? im trying to check that out but can only get 9 :/

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