[3.9] Omni-golem Primordial Chain Elementalist
" I honestly wouldn't recommend golemancer as a league starter...you need VERY specific uniques that are gonna be quite popular and costly towards the first few days. just the dozen jewels you need are gonna really expensive, not even to mention the rare gear with this much res + ES. Its probably a smoother experience to start with something less gear dependent, make some money, pre buy at least the jewels, the neck and some good gear pieces and then just trash the game as a golemancer when you're prepared... I did golems (also as CI) as my second or third build in bestiary and I did red elders with way worse gear than the author of this thread. The power level is definitely there...It just needs investment |
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" I actually skipped most of bestiary so I didn't even think of that. Beastcrafting aspect of the spider might be interesting, but I think I would lose too much ES on any of the uniques. I need to look in to that. Thanks and GL! |
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Hello, is it possible to use Skin of the loyal chest piece on this build, or would it be bad (sorry if this is a stupid question)
Thanks :) |
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Hi ! I really like your build and i'm currently playing it in the league. I was wondering, what's tips would you give to "build" the hungry loops. So would you have any tips as were and how to farm gem xp ?
Thank you <3 |
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" It is doable, but most of the ES from this build comes from the chest piece. You will gain damage, but IMO you lose too much survivability from the change. However, if you can pull it off and live through stuff, then more power to you. |
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" It is admittedly easier towards then end of a league. But, I typically buy level 19 gems off of poe.trade with like 99% exp til next level that only takes like 2-3 maps to finish off leveling. Also, the quality doesn't matter so that makes it much cheaper. |
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Hi, Thank You for the great build. I have a question, base on your lv 100 tree, if we take out all the minion damage nodes, we can get back about 16-21 passive points back. putting those points for jewel slots, we can get about 3-4 jewels slots, and my understanding is each jewel slot is about 100% increased golems damage(we use 5 golems type with primordial harmonies). Is this worth doing? 3-4 jewel slots is about 300%-400% increased damage, and we can fix our strength issue if we aim for the jewel slots on the left side of the tree. I am quite new to the build, so any input is greatly appreciated
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" I did it this way for a few different reasons: First, the leech that the golems get in the minion damage tree is really important for their survival in harder encounters and should not be overlooked. The minion life is equally as important. Secondly, don't forget that you also get all the generic minion damage from the tree (and from your bone helmet) so it is applied twice. This makes arc hit hard (and increases the effect of shock/burns). Next, while 300% damage sounds like a lot a face value, consider that you already have around 1200% golem damage from your 11 PH and the ascendancy tree without even mentioning generic minion damage in your tree or on your gear. So, at best you might gain around 20% damage or so but lose a ton of golem survivability for harder content. I am not saying that you can't do it, but it is not worth it for me, personally. |
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Video would be nice...
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Hi Vivan,
Thank you for the build, currently having alot of fun playing around with this. I've made a few adjustments here and there, - 1 Clayshaper for a high ES shield. Shapers Touch, and Str+ES(ES Recharge enchant) Rings to further boost ES. I'm using Flame Golems x5 + all others. ( 9 Total ) Flame Golem, Empower, GMP, Spell Echo, Combustion, Minion Damage. Might have to switch one of the support gems for Minion life for T16+. I have yet to find enough resists to free up a ring slot, to use one of the rings that you use. Unsure if the change will be beneficial to the way i'm building this character. I wanted to try the potential of this build straight away, when I had most of the gear available(70). T16, Pit of the Chimera. - It was so easy, phase running around while taking the occasional hit from his teleports. Damage seemed very high! Recently found an insane Bone Helmet, have yet to try that out. Destroy everything even faster? Yes please. At time of posting this, im only lv 73. I have not taken the left most minion ring on the tree. ~ Raz
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