The Oriath Mystery Box Concept Art

When are we able to upgrade our dumpster tabs to quad tabs?

Not buying anything until then!!!!!!!
If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
This is reminiscent of ancient Rome obviously, very cool!
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
I absolutely LOVE the concept art that you guys make!! I might actually have to rebuy the Path of Exile Artbook (which I already have the hard copy) but only this time I will get the digital version via iBooks or whatever the Amazon ebook app is called that runs on my iPhone. Keep the awesome concept art coming please! Thanks again! Nice job!
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
Got the full Faith Guard Armour Set, Bow, Pet, Portal, Blood Guard Footprints, Character Effect, and Combined Wings in 45 boxes. I'm quite happy and content with that.
Last edited by _Canadian_#7603 on Sep 19, 2018, 11:04:36 PM
Mystery boxes may not be my "cup of tea" but I really enjoy seeing the concept art. Good work as always :)
very cool!
drenched 👌
blue blade flurry mtx plssss
also crystal earth shatter
TauOrigin wrote:
very cool

Also, they have a lot in common

Wow. You may have actually found a more fitting reference for that image than a new episode of Doctor Who with a new Doctor.
TauOrigin wrote:
very cool

Also, they have a lot in common



These artwork showcases DEFINITELY make me want to buy more mystery boxes.
FOR sure.
At release I saw pretty much negative comments about this mysterious box. In my opinion it is amazing. I like this oriath box and it's art a lot. Won't buy it though. I have learned from shitloads of duplicates from previous boxes. Fuck this gamble thingie. X-D
Can the bow skin be used on only one bow? I swap between and it would be a shame to have to buy two.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214

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