[3.4] Null's Agony - Another Agony Crawler Necro with a Twist
With the new Herald of Agony in 3.4, and my love for weird, and/or poison builds, I knew I had to put something interesting together for this league. I like to try to make underused items (Null's Inclination) useful, and I figured I'd try to pair this with HoAg to get a fast, safe clearing result, so here's what I came up with.
Note: I have almost 5000 hours in this game, but have never made a Summoner/Minion build, so there are probably some things I missed. Don't be afraid to let me know! PoB: https://pastebin.com/i92bTdPN Pros: - Very safe mapper - Relatively fast (A-) - Can run all map mods* (See Playstyle) - Has cleared All content - Decent at delve (depth 300+) Cons: - Not the best bosser - Playstyle takes some getting used to - Specific gearing needs
Core Mechanics
- Agony Crawler from Herald of Agony: You'll need to do your best to keep it as close to 40 stacks of virulence as possible at all times to achieve maximum damage. To do this, you'll need attack speed, chance to poison, and lots of hits. - Null's Inclination: This is the "twist" of the build, and will constantly generate SRS while mapping, as well as keep Flesh Offering up at all times (more on this later). At the time of posting, I'm the highest level Null's Build in Delve (nevermind that there are only 5 of us... https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Nulls-Inclination) - Dexterity Scaling: I decided to throw another curveball at this build and go the Dex scaling route. This opens up a few interesting gearing options and helps with mitigate some other issues you'd normally come across. - Defense/Survivability: This build stacks Evasion, Blind, Spell Dodge, Regen, Life Gain on Hit, Arctic Armor, and Range behind meatshields to stay safe. Brings us to a total 83 LGoH. ![]() All naturally occurring defenses, no flasks.
Unlike many minion builds, this build requires you to actively attack your targets. Since you're not doing any damage yourself, your main objective is to "paint" the target/direction of targets you'd like your Crawler to hit. You'll want to keep some distance from your target, and shoot just past them with Tornado Shot, or right at them with Barrage. You generally want to try to position yourself so that the Crawler is either behind you shooting past you, or right in front of/next to you shooting away from you. You don't usually want to find yourself in the position of having a monster between you and the Crawler but it certainly does happen. In packs, the Life Gain on Hit will feel like old Vaal Pact, but it can become an issue against a single target. You'll want to try to make sure whatever you're fighting is Blinded, either via your Stibnite flask, or a Blind on Hit Minion jewel (or both). You can use your Sulphur flask to create Consecrated Ground, and rely on your regen to fill in the gaps. Combining all of these and facetanking bosses often works out relatively well, especially if you have Vaal Grace up. There will be times when the Crawler is poorly positioned, such as against a wall or through a doorway, and you'll have to practice resetting it and managing it's position while leveling to make sure it doesn't get you killed. Occasionally it will get completely stuck (like down a ledge or across a gap) and you'll have to get far enough away from it or let it despawn to get it back to you. Convocation might work in this case, but I don't know if it works with the crawler, and I'm too stubborn to try it now. Mana can be an issue in this build, my current gear level mitigates it almost entirely but you'll definitely want to make sure you're thinking about it throughout the leveling process. Mana gained on hit works great, - mana cost jewelry (since your attack is only a 4L), and clarity should mostly resolve the issue, but you might find yourself at 0 mana if there aren't many monsters around and you're shooting fast. * For Mapping, the only mod I actively avoid is No Life or Mana Regeneration. It's both scary to not regen life, since it's a significant part of our defenses, and it's also really annoying to have to swap in a mana flask to fill up your pool every once in a while. You can run Chance to Avoid Poison maps, but it's a direct nerf to your damage. Other than that everything is runnable, including both reflects, and no leech. TL;DR: - Paint targets - Manage Crawler position - Keep an eye on Mana issues - Avoid No Regen maps, be wary of Chance to Avoid Poison
I'll start this section by first saying I have lot of practice and experience with all of the boss fights (except Delve bosses), I wouldn't expect the same results from someone new to the game/bosses. Bosses Killed: - Red Elder Guardians (all deathless, but some are not consistent) - Red Elder (deathless, easy) - Shaper Guardians (all deathless, with some tough map mods, experience comes into play here) - Shaper (deathless, easy, but a bit slow in spots, experience needed) - Uber Atziri (one death, avoidable, you can shoot the mirror form!) - Uber Elder (NOT RECOMMENDED, 5 attempts, 2 successful, work in progress) Maps: - Cleared every map (haven't done Beachhead) in the game with ease, including Vaal Temple with dangerous mods Delve: - Currently at depth 425, relatively safe, don't die often - Killed Abyss Delve boss at depth monster level 75 while around level 80 (deathless) - Killed Vaal City Delve boss at depth monster level 80 (deathless)
The main idea for gearing is to get pieces that either scale dex, or scale off of dex.
Null's allows us to generate 5L Raging Spirits to help with clear, CC, and defense while mapping. The key thing to note here is that you'll have to get the last hit with this bow (POISON DOES NOT COUNT) in order to actually trigger the socketed gems. (Jump down to the Helmet section to see how we enable this). While clearing, you should be getting the last hit about 75% of the time, more than enough to keep up 20 Spritis, and permanent Flesh Offering. Flesh Offering is the 6th socket in this setup, and I believe the best option, as a 6L SRS isn't necessary and the QoL from flesh offering for you (at 50% from Ascendancy) and your Crawler is huge. Null's also gives us 100% minion damage with 1k Dex, which is a little added bonus. This big downside of this bow is that it does almost nothing while fighting bosses, except when they occasionally have adds, and even then it's not worth it. I'm currently experimenting with alternatives to swap in during tough boss fights (really just Uber Elder). One WIP can be seen below.
Alternatives WIP
This helmet basically enables the Null's portion of the build. It prevents minions from killing anything unless it's ignited, allowing you to get the last hit, and triggering the gems socketed in Null's. Even without that interaction, I still believe it's BiS for this build due to the Dex scaling. You and your minions get 40% attack speed, and your minions get 40% movement speed. This essentially eliminates the need for the Minion Speed support, and also gives us a huge attack speed buff, allowing for more Poisons and more LGoH. The only downside here is not many people enchant this helmet, and as you can see, I still don't have a useful enchant. Ideally, you would want reduced Herald of Agony or Vitality mana reservation. Both work equally well. The 2 additional projectiles for the Crawler would be a decent 2nd place option, but it's not necessary and won't help much where it's needed (bosses).
Standard Dex scaling gloves, BiS, really no alternative. These give us 250 flat life with 1k Dex, as well as some other useful stats since our other attributes aren't so bad either. Try to get the Vulnerability on Hit corruption if possible, but it's definitely not necessary.
Again, standard Dex scaling boots. These are BiS in my opinion, since they give 30MS, some regen, 100 life, and immunity to elemental ground effects. You could probably craft a pair of rare boots to rival these, but I'm not sure it would be worth the investment. Regen enchantment is best for this build, dodge is a close second.
Dex scaling status quo again, this belt is BiS for me. You cannot be frozen, and with proper attribute management (really not much work), you cannot be shocked. As well as having a healthy portion of life, the 15% increased attributes is perfect for the build. Once again, you could probably craft something similar, but losing out on the status immunity doesn't seem worth the minimal gain you might be able to get.
Body Armor
Sort of non-standard for Dex scaling (Wildwrap is the norm), this chest offers some serious defensive stats, as well as another decent % Dex boost. Combined with Vaal Grace, you'll be at 64+ spell dodge, and close to 50% chance to evade with everything included. I have considered trying to replace this chest with a crazy rare, but as before, I'm not sure the difference would make up for Phase Acro and free Arctic Armor. +1 gems would be amazing here, unfortunately there are no +2 gems options that would work for HoAg.
Other Accessories
Try to get an amulet with as much Dex as possible, and life as well if you can. Obviously Astramentis would work well here, but I prefer slightly less Dex (80+ at least) with some life. Your Rings are going to be one of your biggest sources of Resistance, so try to get some good ones. Life Gain on Hit with attacks would be an amazing stat here too. Same with your Quiver. Resists, Life, Dex. I chose the pierce base as it increases the chance of me hitting multiple enemies, thus gaining more Virulence and more LGoH. Additional arrows here would be great, but probably not worth the effort. You'll want some flat Cold or Lightning Damage somewhere on some accessories to allow for Fire EE for the spirits.
These are necessary for Dex scaling, and perfect ones are relatively cheap so you can buy many and get some good corruptions. You'll need a jewel or 2 with some good resistance to help reach cap, and the 2 mana gained on hit is a huge help for preventing mana issues. The leech is pretty useless honestly, but if you can get both, why not. Try to get a jewel with Minion Blind on Hit, as it'll affect most things you encounter, and Blind is very strong. This is the ideal Watcher's Eye for this build, as it helps alleviate mana issues and gives us 50% more LGoH for our Virulence attack. Regen Rate Vitality would be great but getting all 3 is not realistic.
I need a new life flask since I can't be frozen, but otherwise I've found this to be the best setup so far.
Gem Setups
Main 6L: 1) Herald of Agony (Try to get level 21, 40% inc attack speed, ~11% more damage) 2) Vile Toxins (enemies will always have >10 poisons, and lvl 21 gives 5% more damage) 3) Minion Damage 4) Vicious Projectiles 5) Pierce (helps with clear) 6) Maim It's still not 100% clear the exact phys/chaos ratio of the Agony Crawler (ZiggyD says 60/40 respectively in his video here: https://youtu.be/8Ax1_cOgcjM?t=1m25s). I think Maim would be outclassed by a level 4 empower or Damage on Full Life, but I'm not completely sure. Maim would probably also work well in a main attack 6L for bossing, with Empower in the Crawler, as you'd still get the extra phys taken bonus. You could also probably replace Pierce when fighting bosses, but I haven't fleshed out that idea yet. Depending on the amount of Chaos conversion, Void Manipulation could be a good support. Also, the DPS difference for a lvl 21 HoAg vs lvl 20 is massive. Not only is it about an 11% increase in base phys, it's also up to 40% increased attack speed, since you jump up 1% per Virulence. You also get a small damage buff, but that isn't as significant. Further levels continue along the ~11% more damage path, but they won't get the jump in attack speed. Clear 5L: 1) SRS (would like lvl 21, but not necessary) 2) Vile Toxins 3) Minion Damage 4) Melee Physical Damage 5) Melee Splash (this is for clear) Pretty typical here, with the addition of Vile Toxins which just works so well with this build. I might consider trying Animate Weapon here too. Attack 4L: 1) Tornado Shot / Barrage (keep low level for mana cost) 2) Life Gain on Hit (21/20 or 20/23 preferred) 3) Poison (gets us to 80% chance to poison) 4) Greater Multiple Projectiles (quality important This setup's goal is to create as many poison stacks as possible. Tornado Shot works well as a blanket clear option, while Barrage is best for most bosses, since it hits single targets more consistently. LGoH is our best means of survival, as we don't do any real damage to leech with. In packs (Delve) it's very significant, but it definitely drops off in usefulness agains bosses, but we have other means to buff healing (Regen, Vitality Watcher's Eye) Vaal Grace 2L: 1) Vaal Grace 2) Increased Duration This gives us 13.7 seconds of Vaal Grace with our Ascendancy, great for tough situations. Other gems (Don't need to be linked to anything): Summon Stone Golem (Taunts, gives good regen) Summon Holy Relic (Good regen while attacking) Clarity (I keep it at lvl 1, you can level it a bit) Vitality Arctic Armour (It's Free!, don't use if you don't have The Perfect Form) Blink Arrow The Golem and Holy Relic can be swapped out for a CwDT setup (probably linked with Inc Dur), but I haven't felt I've needed one yet, maybe for Delve 400+. Clarity can be useful for keeping up mana at higher levels, but I use it at level 1 with the - mana cost Watcher's Eye.
Passive Tree
PoB: https://pastebin.com/i92bTdPN https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAAQHBLMI9A-rEFERLREvFScWbxa_Fy8YVhhdGjgbyBzcIvQlISaVJy8o-iycLOIy0TWSNj06WDrGOtg8LUGHRUdFnUqfSshMs1BCUzVTUlVLVcZV1lnzWpFg-GHiYqxi9GTnZlRmnma6aHRo8mpDaqxr22wLbIxtGW1sbqpvO3Gycg94DXvDfIN8u4CkgseDX4PMg9uJvIqvjDaMsY6-jxqQEZBVksGTJ5RvmE2YrZrgm4qdqqEvogCofaqprfGvbLVItfK3PriTvOq-T76KwBrAZsWKz93QH9OP0_vYvdpi37Djautj6-7sg-yK7-vwH_GK8kX56PrS_gr-jw==?accountName=Boomdog83&characterName=FiftyShadesOfAgony I leveled to about 60 as Arc, but that was at league start when Tabulas and Quill Rains weren't an option. I would start by heading to the good minion nodes by Templar. Then down towards the life wheel, and over to Shadow last. Have your dex conversion jewels ready once you start pathing to the next one, as you'll not want to waste that potential Dex. Options: - Ideally, I would like a reduced reservation enchant on my helmet either for Vitality or Herald of Agony. That would let me drop Sovereignty and get some points back, most likely for life. - I've considered dropping the Shadow area and going down into the Duelist start instead, but I haven't found an outcome I really like, since you'd likely end up with fewer jewel sockets. - If you can get absolutely crazy resist jewelry/jewels, you might not need to spend the points to get the jewel socket under the Scion. That was only worth it to me due to being next to 66 total resistance.
Future Improvemets
My builds are always a work in progress, I like to push one or two builds as far as possible every league, rather than stopping once they're "good enough". Here are some of the ideas in my head for pushing this build further. - Figure out true best links for HoAg: This one really just requires some concrete evidence of damage types, and sitting down and doing the math. However I think there's some real potential for damage increases here, especially against bosses. - Helm Enchant: As I've mentioned a few times, getting an applicable helm enchant would be a pretty big boost for this build, but I'm not sure I like Lab enough to care. - Corrupt Null's: Since they're so cheap, and you only need a 5L, getting a good corruption shouldn't be too hard. Ideally, looking for: Additional Arrow, Chance to Gain Frenzy, Attack Speed, Blind, and non-fire ele damage in that order. - Filling out Poison chance: Chance to Poison currently sits at 80%, and while I'm usually at max Virulence stacks, an additional 20% chance to poison would make it easier to keep it higher during tough fights, like Uber Elder. - Bossing Bow: A separate 6L to replace Null's when fighting tough bosses like Uber Elder. I gave an example of one I was messing with in the gear section, which would add some supplemental damage, although not really as much as I'd hoped. I'd like to try to craft one with 3 - 5 Cold Damage per 10 Dex, but then I'd need some other gear to make it worth it. Probably one with chance to poison and good attack speed would be best, the 6L alone would allow me to add 2 more gems to my main Virulence building attack, like Maim, LMP, Lesser Poison or Withering Touch. Thanks for reading! Don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Last edited by Boomdog83#1001 on Nov 8, 2018, 4:12:34 PM Last bumped on Dec 26, 2018, 3:21:11 PM
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Any news on Single Target?
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I could never really get it to where I wanted it. I tried using a bow with some damage, but it was barely an improvement. I tried one with utility (movement speed, poison chance, more attack speed, etc.) and it had about the same result. I don't think damage is the issue, it's more that you need to constantly be applying poisons, and shooting the target, or the crawler will be weak and will just walk around behind you, shooting. It's definitely not bad at killing most bosses, it just definitely doesn't fall into the boss killing category.
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I like your build, I’m guessing this is the same one I found on YouTube killing Shaper. My Null’s went the complete opposite route and I scale up Elemental auras while doing no damage myself. I share the same bossing problem but at least you can handle it way better through a portal than I can. I am trying various alternates but my Dancing Duo didn’t work. I’m now at using an SRS caster bow in my stash. Do you something weird like Ranged Attack Totem + Multiple Totems Support could work for bosses? I’ve found that totems work well for bosses since the game design implies you run around avoiding everything and stop momentarily to drop totems which can also distract. They could be applying the poison stacks while add to it at times. I think I will try Vaal Grace instead of Vaal Haste. My build is a little too good at the clearing part and not good enough at keeping minions alive during boss AoEs. Since I can’t seem to burst down red bosses like in previous leagues like Breach, I can try keeping them alive longer. |
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