_Duality_ wrote:
Destello wrote:
That is what we need, in a game based on realistic gear, Diablo 2 or Dark Souls style, we don't want to be ruining with hyper-baroque-ornate-GAY armors a la Warcraft, illuminated with absurd amounts of FX like Christmas trees...
"Special" gear should be moderately ornate like those king's armors in history, without FX, or at least, the possibility to disable FXs, even in standard unique items.
While I understand that not everybody likes all the effects on their gear, I feel like you shouldn't use generalizing terms like "we don't want" because you are speaking for you, not everyone.
Personally, depending on the build I am running, I appreciate some effects as I can theme my character based on abilities. With that in mind, I do wish they would allow us to use some sort of effects on our shields. It is a little annoying that you have to choose your mtx setup based on what is available for your shield.
I shouldn't use "we", just pointing how the art direction of most online games ends up compromised with weird microtransacrtions.
What all we should agree is that it will be perfect a way to disable/enable special effects, for example, I hate footprints, but love the Devoto's Devotion shape and buffs. I need to use another footprints effect, less visible and with short duration, that overwrites its current effect. Shouldn't be great to be able to disable unwanted effects that has nothing to do with gameplay?