Grinding Gear Games Staff Overview

Your trading system demotivating to play the game !
120 employees
5 people in game design (LOLOL)
1 makes all the game design choices (c. wilson)

and you even dare to brag with that information?!? enough said, forever.

on the plus side, if wilson was to disappear in an abyss (or would delve too deep, or crystallized in an essence, or meet his nemesis, etc etc) - the road to freedom would be wide open! even the most raging fanboys must understand that the game is only stagnating and side-developing the way it is because of ONE GUY!

the only ggg employees I would hire are all of the graphics team and the water effects guy. THOSE do great work. but unfortunately graphics are the least important part of a video game bar none (well except for sound, which I rarely leave turned on in any game other than maybe shooters).

and I really LOL'D about there being 14 people in quality assurance ^^
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Last edited by LMTR14#6725 on Sep 17, 2018, 7:46:10 AM
Many of you have heard that Path of Exile started out in Chris' garage way back in 2006! The non-founders who worked in the garage and are still with us all these years later are Rhys and Harry, who are both part of the senior programming team.

I hope it still exist :D Do you have pictures??
Noice, laugh at the salty whiners and keep making the flagship arpg guys! Some optimizations would be good while you're at it though :D
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Sep 17, 2018, 8:48:46 AM
Perq wrote:
Our quality assurance team is comprised of 14 people, many of whom have been playing Path of Exile since Closed Beta in 2011.

Our game design team explicitly has five members

14 people? 14 people not seeing how bad account bound Azurite/mine is?
Dead Reckoning?
Sorry, but I'm not the biggest fan of those.

Design guys - eh, I guess it isn't all that easy. Game is kinda complicated, but still pulling off some nice designs. Too bad most of them aren't tested well enough by those 14 to be as good as they could be. :(

Sound and visuals guys - big fan.

Support team - 11/10.

Some people still stubbornly denying that trade is fucking bad - eh, not biggest fan. But still can't deny some great work overall. :@

They are probably burned out which mean that they are so used to play the game and aligned to the creative vision that they have become blind on some issues that are blatant to others

Its typical, and known issues that happens when testing a software/games

In the end they are good at finding bugs but BAD a finding gameplay loop issues.
Last edited by ffogell#6809 on Sep 17, 2018, 9:04:01 AM
Nice overview!
could not help notice you don't have any roles/teams on data analysis/data science :)
Best game ever there is nothing wrong with it only the servers compared to another games who have got p2w and so much issues into the game iam actually only 13 years old and i played your game for like 500 hours on steam and 200 on the poe client and i tried to support you of all i got by buying random stuff and ill try to keep buying these stuff to support you always :) <3
poe is the only game that i still enjoy after almost 20 years of gaming

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