[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|

If you want I can buy your helmet MS+3 for few ex ;)

I just succeed to kill Uber Elder deathless with this GREATTTT build !
but i'm sad on this fu...ing nerf :(
Like for blizzard... why nerf when you can up other skills/items... to balance !

Thanks hybrid for updating the build !
Do you plan to test with another ascendant like zerk ?
Cyb_bat wrote:
If you want I can buy your helmet MS+3 for few ex ;)

I just succeed to kill Uber Elder deathless with this GREATTTT build !
but i'm sad on this fu...ing nerf :(
Like for blizzard... why nerf when you can up other skills/items... to balance !

Thanks hybrid for updating the build !
Do you plan to test with another ascendant like zerk ?

other ascendancies dont provide the tankiness and QoL that jugg does.
i will have to test things when the patch comes out.

Lol, figures that I spent a fair amount of currency gearing up a MS Jugg in the last 2 weeks and it got walloped with the industrial nerf hammer.
From what i see untill now i am sad :( wanted to play this amazing build on 3.7 tried it on flashback and literaly was just walking melting everything without even die at all spent like 2.5-3 ex and literaly as your guide tells left click everything into ashes

I hope that with the buffed tree and maybe some alternative ways we can still enjoy this amazing build happy to test it on his very high potential before the nerf

Keep up the good work m8
i loved this build im at 99 and within spitting distance of 100 but now with all the nerfs im beyond pissed and almost ready to just say fuck this game and move on because i already know if i try something else thats fun to play theyll probably just nerf that into the ground too before i ever get anywhere with it

but i just have to shout out to hybridboy very solid and enjoyable build and youve been very active and helpful in this thread. nothing but respect to you man
Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on Jun 5, 2019, 11:37:52 AM

F to pay respect for the build

3.7 killed it
Dudes...at a glance the build IS dead but the patch notes and passive info JUST came out...give hybrid a few days to process it all and then a few more to fiddle after go live...I'm confident he'll get it into a viable spot

The core principle of the build is very simple...lots of life/defences and attack speed and LGOH...keeping with those principles in a new meta is doable
bad changes in my opinion they killed molten strike almost completely and now we have to find other builds to go endgame and kill bosses. sad
Watching the [3.7] Updated on the name of the thread gives me hopes but i feel like it will never be the same feel again
I read that Ancestrall Call wouldn't create more balls on additional enemies, but now I can't find it in the patch notes or anywhere anymore. Hopefully I misunderstood or hallucinated, because that is a bigger nerf to the build than the MS nerfs.

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