[3.4] Poison Herald of Agony / Spectre Necromancer GUMMONER

Cool build but not really justifiable to min max for good delve result. You just can't play safe with this shit no matter what you do since you must spam that roa... So i really don't see point other to just have fun with it because its something else than regular Skeleton/specter or Skeleton/dancing duo... Or just Zombiemancer with minion movement speed.. It just falls behind compared to any of those bad boys :)

Im still playing it and i knew from the start that it would not be as optimal as any of those 3 choices i stated above. So just to stay clear... I encourage all players to try this build... I haven't had so much fun in AGES !!!!

Edit (14.9.208): I'm not so sure about what I've said about min maxing, since this build starts to shine on single target with barrage for those quick stacks of poison for vile toxins to be as effective as they can be. Also for delving i find Solar Guard's with "Unending Hunger" jewel to be doing some insane delve clears... also using Combustion over Elemental Focus seems to do the trick with endless waves for soul eater.

This might end up being a really good Delver, providing you replace that hideous chest for extra specter and some life. Also would go for every single Jewel spot available instead of taking that 4 health nodes with reduced cost of spells.
that's 5 nodes extra for jewels with some flat hp and minion damage/leach.

Will push this build as far as i can.
Last edited by Malamojapruskisatelitu#2410 on Sep 14, 2018, 9:41:13 AM
Have you tried combustion over Elemental Focus ?
Last edited by Malamojapruskisatelitu#2410 on Sep 14, 2018, 9:41:34 AM
Malamojapruskisatelitu wrote:
Cool build but not really justifiable to min max for good delve result. You just can't play safe with this shit no matter what you do since you must spam that roa... So i really don't see point other to just have fun with it because its something else than regular Skeleton/specter or Skeleton/dancing duo... Or just Zombiemancer with minion movement speed.. It just falls behind compared to any of those bad boys :)

Im still playing it and i knew from the start that it would not be as optimal as any of those 3 choices i stated above. So just to stay clear... I encourage all players to try this build... I haven't had so much fun in AGES !!!!

Edit (14.9.208): I'm not so sure about what I've said about min maxing, since this build starts to shine on single target with barrage for those quick stacks of poison for vile toxins to be as effective as they can be. Also for delving i find Solar Guard's with "Unending Hunger" jewel to be doing some insane delve clears... also using Combustion over Elemental Focus seems to do the trick with endless waves for soul eater.

This might end up being a really good Delver, providing you replace that hideous chest for extra specter and some life. Also would go for every single Jewel spot available instead of taking that 4 health nodes with reduced cost of spells.
that's 5 nodes extra for jewels with some flat hp and minion damage/leach.

Will push this build as far as i can.

Yeah, there's definitely more room for upgrades. Deeper delves are actually insane. Some people already did Uber Elder on a similar build. I can't imagine how much damage you could get with something like a +4 / 5L or 6L helmet craft or 7L +X bows.

Combusion is nice I suppose, it does change depending on what spectre you use of course.
Last edited by se7enaccuracy#3360 on Sep 14, 2018, 3:45:17 PM
Delvs are insanely chill and safe.
I still need to build up HP ( at 6k atm)
Did guardians and tried shaper. I have huge issues with zombies but will just ditch them for shaper/ uber elder fights cause they die to beam in 2-4 seconds. And i really don't need them for such fights ...
Will go for cast when damage taken/offeringfor burst damage and take Mistress of Sacrifice for that extra cast/attack speed. What i don't know is Mistress of Sacrifice boosting just my damage (40%) or both mine and minions?

Hit a brick wall at leveling. Im not used to summoners but I've never imagined i would not be able to level from 92-93( kinda hurts my ego^^ ) Today in 5 hrs of gameplay between t13-15 maps and 260 Delves i died around 10 times.

6300 hp goes in one shot against almost anything on t13 + maps... Running into 5+ sekeletal warrios = oneshot ( around the corner). Anything that explodes beneath my feet is certain death... If boss just looks at me and im not paying attention spaming that ROA that effectively masks any animation results in
certain Death.

Done shaper ( but that is not really hard now days) Minotaur doesn't allow mistakes or empty flasks, same with Hydra... Other 2 Guardians are super easy to do with this build.

Uber Atziri... not enough time to stack aura on split phase... and 3 lvl 84 tukohama's vanguards are not enough to burst down split faze... which is surprising.
I guess i need to practice to play that perfectly since one mistake is certain death.

I would not dare to enter Elder with this build ( im not skilled enough to dodge everything).

All in all had fun but not being able to level past 92 in 5 hrs of gameplay tells me I'm just not good with range classes that rely on distance and low damage mitigation.

Map clear speed is faster than average but at the cost of running into shit. Staying behind your minions would be recommended but that is just way to slow for someone who is used to fast map clearing.

All in all seems like GGG is adding more and more one shot mechanics that are hard to notice or impossible to react to, which is forcing more and more players to play boring tanky builds. I guess that is their way of balancing the meta but at what cost... At cost of having fun, at least in my experience.

If anyone here has more than 100 ex and is willing to min max this it would be so cool to see what skorpio can do in a +5 gem level bow with lvl 4 empower.
Malamojapruskisatelitu wrote:
6300 hp goes in one shot against almost anything on t13 + maps... Running into 5+ sekeletal warrios = oneshot ( around the corner). Anything that explodes beneath my feet is certain death... If boss just looks at me and im not paying attention spaming that ROA that effectively masks any animation results in
certain Death.

Not really sure what you're doing wrong. I loosely followed the gear for this build and only have around 6k life, but I extremely rarely die during T14-15 maps. Hydra was a joke, since most of his abilities are easy to dodge and he doesn't hit very hard. What flasks are you using? Since you're not doing any damage you can use full defensive flasks, which should be more than enough for most content, plus the LGoH helps a ton. Also recommend using Temp chains and Vulnerability for curses if you're having trouble defensively, then just remember to swap Pierce out for Vicious Proj when you do tougher bosses.
Im not sure you're using double dip correctly. In the days of old double dip the bonus damage applied twice to the poison. If a minion did 100 damage, and 20 poison came as a result from it... a double dip modifier of 20% would cause the minion to do 120 damage which would cause a 24 dmg poison that would then get multiplied by 20% ontop which would be 28.8. Now adays it would be calculated separately (the only carry over being added damages) and would be 120 and 24 instead of 120 and 28.8.

Or did what you find bypass this dot nerf?

Edit: I think ziggyd mentioned the damage division of the crawler in his preview vid.
Last edited by scrangos#2396 on Oct 14, 2018, 4:42:24 AM

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