FunRoom wrote:
Quill Rain only causes YOU to deal 40% less damage, but not your minions, totems, traps and mines. Most of those builds won't be using Quill Rain anyways, except Herald of Agony.
We are using Quill Rain for it's attack speed to triggering poison and stacking virulences.
Each stack of our poison damage is like 10-12 of chaos damage per second, which is insignificant. 40% less of this poison damage is like a 0.0001% reduced dps in our build.
This is incorrect. Your minions don't use your stats, but your totems, traps, and mines do.
Posted byNuraihyon#1395on Dec 5, 2018, 1:15:04 AM
Nuraihyon wrote:
FunRoom wrote:
Quill Rain only causes YOU to deal 40% less damage, but not your minions, totems, traps and mines. Most of those builds won't be using Quill Rain anyways, except Herald of Agony.
We are using Quill Rain for it's attack speed to triggering poison and stacking virulences.
Each stack of our poison damage is like 10-12 of chaos damage per second, which is insignificant. 40% less of this poison damage is like a 0.0001% reduced dps in our build.
This is incorrect. Your minions don't use your stats, but your totems, traps, and mines do.
Hmm, I am not sure about that part, but either way, minions are fine.
Right, just fire.
Posted byFunRoom#6335on Dec 5, 2018, 1:17:37 AM
FunRoom wrote:
Hmm, I am not sure about that part, but either way, minions are fine.
Try it out yourself in the game. Grab a Ancestral Warchief and a couple of weapons, see how its damage changes.
Or look at any mine or trap build and notice their use of weapons. All of those stat stick mods give you the extra damage, yet the damage gets transferred to the mine's Glacial Cascade all the same.
Posted byNuraihyon#1395on Dec 5, 2018, 1:20:36 AM
Nuraihyon wrote:
FunRoom wrote:
Hmm, I am not sure about that part, but either way, minions are fine.
Try it out yourself in the game. Grab a Ancestral Warchief and a couple of weapons, see how its damage changes.
Or look at any mine or trap build and notice their use of weapons. All of those stat stick mods give you the extra damage, yet the damage gets transferred to the mine's Glacial Cascade all the same.
Well, if you use ranged attack totem / siege ballista which uses your weapon it sure does less damage with quill rain. However, patch notes says "you deal 40% less damage". And those mods that says "when you xxx" does not apply to mines and totems (e.g. pre-nerf shimmeron). So I doubt if that's the case.
Right, just fire. Last edited by FunRoom#6335 on Dec 5, 2018, 1:42:15 AM
Posted byFunRoom#6335on Dec 5, 2018, 1:41:56 AM
FunRoom wrote:
mezmery wrote:
Herald of Agony
The Agony Crawler summoned by this skill now deals increased Physical Damage per Virulence you have, rather than increased Damage.
what about this?
The base damage we are using in this build are pure physical damage given from Herald of Agony skill itself.
The increased physical damage per virulence will apply to this base damage before we convert it to other elements.
The change would only cause non-physical damage added to minions to not getting the multiplier. Examples would be added lightning damage support, added cold damage support, innervate support, anger aura, wrath aura, envy aura, and added elemental damage mods from abyss jewels.
Since we are not using any of these stuffs, we are clean from the nerf. Things like added fire damage support, hatred aura, grip of the council, which converts damage from HoA's original physical damage, would be unaffected.
thanks for explanation!
ill definetly try this build.
No rest for the wicked Last edited by mezmery#2042 on Dec 5, 2018, 2:59:50 AM
Posted bymezmery#2042on Dec 5, 2018, 2:59:39 AM
Last edited by xtothemax12345#7492 on Dec 6, 2018, 8:36:59 AM
Bookmarked this early in delve to start new season wiht this as i usually play only one char per season. Good thing this didnt get nerfed.
What you think about new banners? for me they seems pretty good, atleast war banner gives nice accuracy for leveling, but what about that impale?
And they have pretty low mana reserve but that str req and can we even make room for them?
edit ah didnt remember that we only do 10% phys so pretty useless?
Last edited by JokerC4#1548 on Dec 6, 2018, 5:56:58 PM
Posted byJokerC4#1548on Dec 6, 2018, 10:24:38 AM
I just thought of my characters name for this league using this build. I'm going to go with something along the lines of -youmissedme- relating to dodging both the Quill Rain and HoA nerfs for this league :P.
Posted byCapnSparrow#0441on Dec 6, 2018, 5:11:15 PM
JokerC4 wrote:
Bookmarked this early in delve to start new season wiht this as i usually play only one char per season. Good thing this didnt get nerfed.
What you think about new banners? for me they seems pretty good, atleast war banner gives nice accuracy for leveling, but what about that impale?
And they have pretty low mana reserve but that str req and can we even make room for them?
edit ah didnt remember that we only do 10% phys so pretty useless?
About this I have already prepared a new POB that uses dread banner.
Considering between the two banners, I personally prefer using dread because you can gain stacks even while fighting boss. And the mortar skill from agony crawler should be effective for stacking impale debuffs on the boss.
However, this also means that we will not be using physical to lightning support anymore, but instead added fire damage will be replaced to the slot.
Right, just fire.
Posted byFunRoom#6335on Dec 6, 2018, 7:48:13 PM
CapnSparrow wrote:
I just thought of my characters name for this league using this build. I'm going to go with something along the lines of -youmissedme- relating to dodging both the Quill Rain and HoA nerfs for this league :P.
Right, just fire. Last edited by FunRoom#6335 on Dec 6, 2018, 7:51:31 PM
Posted byFunRoom#6335on Dec 6, 2018, 7:51:20 PM