3.6 Synthesis Arc/Freezing Pulse Totems, easy Shaperkills with less than 1-2 Ex investment!

Bourgee wrote:
insane103 wrote:
Bourgee wrote:
Quick Math: 4 Totems 400% dmg - 1 support gem = 320% dmg - 4 * 20 from gem= 240% dmg * 1,5 (cause 6 totems) = 360% dmg. so 6 totems with new supp would be 10% less dmg per totem.

Could you give a more in-depth explanation to where you get that 1 support removal is 80% reduction in overall damage? Also you seem to be missing the change to the ascendancy node Ritual of Awakening that gives +3% damage per totem.

Based on the PoB you linked, removing the Increased Critical Strikes support gem is the lowest impact on DPS. PoB shows about 692k DPS with Increased Critical, 625k without which is a change of about 10%.

4 Totems each deals 100% dmg. so you get 400%. if you lose 1 supp gem you lose about 20%. so you go from 4x100% to 4x80%. that's 320%. with ritual of awakening you will get 6% extra you are right. but it's still less dmg than. cause 6% < 40% :D and inc. crit strikes is 19% dmg. even if you do the math with 19% you will have 4x81 = 324% - 4*20 from the new gem = 244% * 1.5 = 366% + 2x 3% = 372% instead of 400%.

With 3 Totems it's 300%. 3*81 = 243 - 3*20 = 183 / 3 * 5 = 305 + 6% from ascendency = 311% so at 3 Totems it would be worth using it.
Bourgee wrote:
insane103 wrote:
Bourgee wrote:
Quick Math: 4 Totems 400% dmg - 1 support gem = 320% dmg - 4 * 20 from gem= 240% dmg * 1,5 (cause 6 totems) = 360% dmg. so 6 totems with new supp would be 10% less dmg per totem.

Could you give a more in-depth explanation to where you get that 1 support removal is 80% reduction in overall damage? Also you seem to be missing the change to the ascendancy node Ritual of Awakening that gives +3% damage per totem.

Based on the PoB you linked, removing the Increased Critical Strikes support gem is the lowest impact on DPS. PoB shows about 692k DPS with Increased Critical, 625k without which is a change of about 10%.

4 Totems each deals 100% dmg. so you get 400%. if you lose 1 supp gem you lose about 20%. so you go from 4x100% to 4x80%. that's 320%. with ritual of awakening you will get 6% extra you are right. but it's still less dmg than. cause 6% < 40% :D and inc. crit strikes is 19% dmg. even if you do the math with 19% you will have 4x81 = 324% - 4*20 from the new gem = 244% * 1.5 = 366% + 2x 3% = 372% instead of 400%.

Your math doesn't work out. First, when you apply the reduction of inc. crit. (which you say is 19%), you reduce damage per totem from 100 to 81 (100 - 19), but this is incorrect. The correct value would be 100 / 1.19 = 84.

Secondly, you then subtract the damage reduction due to the multiple totem support gem, but this is also not correct as these multipliers are (as the name implies) multiplicative. Since the multiple totem support gives a 21% reduction, you multiply by 0.79 (1 - 0.21).

Incorporating these two corrections into the calculation gives 84 * 0.79 = 66.36.

And then there's the Ritual of Awakening bonus increase due to having more totems out. You say it's 6%, but that's not entirely right either, because adding 2 totems increases the RoA multiplier from 1.12 (12%) to 1.18 (18%), which is a net increase of 5.36%.

This means that if the baseline 4 totem setup did 100 damage per totem, a 6 totem setup (assuming 19% bonus lost from having to replace a support) would do 66.36 * 1.0536 = 69.92 damage per totem. Or 419.49 in total, compared to 400 for the 4 totem setup.

Computed differently:

Suppose 1 totem is 100 damage. If you have 4 totems (so no mult. totem support), you get +12% from Ritual of Awakening, making each totem do 112 damage. Times 4 totems: 448.

If you use the multiple totem support, each totem has 21% reduced damage, so 79 damage remains. But, you have 6 totems, so +18% from Ritual of Awakening, bringing it to 93.22 damage. Times 6 totems: 559.32.

That's an increase of 24.8%. So if any of the other supports provides an overall increase of less than 24.8%, it'll be worth replacing it with multiple totem support (not counting things like totem placement time etc).
Just go over on pob and check it when we have the gems. I can tell you that it will be less DPS. Also since it is a red gem we can't swap it to another gem for some scenarios. 3. More totems will also lead to a bigger chance to get hit by abilitys cause the bosses will have more to target (you should almost never stand behind/close to your totems) so in the most scenarios more totems will be worse espacially in small bossrooms.
Last edited by Bourgee#1142 on Dec 6, 2018, 3:30:10 AM
With the loss of 4-th totem in hierophant ascendancy, do you think it's worth it to go inquisitor?
SocialFox wrote:
With the loss of 4-th totem in hierophant ascendancy, do you think it's worth it to go inquisitor?

We will lose so much by going into Inquisitor. That makes no sence.
Hiero gives us Power+Endurance Charges for free, +1 Totem, Totem Duration, Totem Placement Speed, The up to 40x 6% Damage if you killed enemys. 3% more dmg per totem and so on.
Hi kann ich dein build auch mit SSF spielen? Wirst du dein build updaten oder ist das ok so?

Ist der build dann für alles viable? Uber elder etc?

Auf jeden fall cooler Stream von dir habe gestern bei dir reingeschaut 👍
bullitt wrote:
Hi kann ich dein build auch mit SSF spielen? Wirst du dein build updaten oder ist das ok so?

Ist der build dann für alles viable? Uber elder etc?

Auf jeden fall cooler Stream von dir habe gestern bei dir reingeschaut 👍

Bis wir ein Schild +1 Totems haben wird alles so bleiben. Wenn wir eins haben werde ich dies in POB einfügen.
SSf viable ist es auf jeden Fall, da es keine Uniques benötigt und außer Essence Worm sind auch alle common drops.
Uber Elde mit Totems ist immer so eine Sache. Ich habe mit diesem Build Uber Elder gekillt letzte Saison aber es war nicht die geilste Sache, weil deine Totems permanent 1shotted werden.
Danke fürs vorbeischauen :D Werde jetzt auch wieder täglich streamen 👍
whats your opinion on self flagellation and soulmantle? would it be worth picking them up along with 2 Kikazaru to mitigate the curses. or would the clear mind + aura + stats from rings be too much of damage loss at that point?

Thank you
Nephanis wrote:
whats your opinion on self flagellation and soulmantle? would it be worth picking them up along with 2 Kikazaru to mitigate the curses. or would the clear mind + aura + stats from rings be too much of damage loss at that point?

Thank you

With the new Update Soulmantle is even worse cause we gonna get an odd number of totems and since we spawn 2 with 1 cast it always gonna respawn 1. that's a dps loss cause of the delay. also you lose the 22 wrath aura and some hp/mana on the body armour. also you gonna lose a ringslot. and all that for 25% spelldmg and 20% per curse from self flagellation?! not worth!
Last edited by Bourgee#1142 on Dec 6, 2018, 7:27:30 AM

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