Super Slow Mo! (All content! No uniques required! Perfect for new, SSF, & challenged gamers.) (3.4)
I'm not sure if it's been requested yet (or requested enough), but I hope triniparty will consider updating this Slow Mo build when 3.5 goes live.
Granted, we don't have any clue if summoners will get a nerf or a boost, but I hope the core idea remains viable! I'd very much like to play it again next league. Thanks in advance! |
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" You have a pretty great weapon. Did you use only random type of resonator or specific one? And i'm pretty sure that you used bound fossil? I'm just lvled fossil farmer build, will try to do something similar. And i need item lvl higher than 75, i suppose , preferably Elder or Shaper base. " I can not drop my shield right now, it gives me 114% res. But i really want to try Soulwrest staff (We already invested heavily in all minion stats, invoker , generosity gem and etc. , and it's basically a pseudo-7 link item with a cost of 6 sockets ) , especially with Bubonic Trail combo. My other setup will be something one-handed and a shield . And one more question: what is the 3rd jewel of choice? I'm using conqueror's potency but i have some spare currency. Is where something better? P.S. And i've found one thing in which mon'tregul is better than 10 zombies->6 player party and mercy to their CPU and GPU :) |
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"Thanks AbsoluteZero45967! That's very kind of you. I'm glad you enjoy the build as much as I do. (You know you like a build when you play it for an entire league, and then are excited to do it again the next league right away.) You've had some very kind things to say in this thread and have asked some excellent questions. Your questions have helped a lot of people. I WILL be doing this guide for 3.5. I don't think that they'll nerf minions. But like you said, we don't know what GGG is thinking about so I won't post the 3.5 version of this build until after 3.5's patch notes have been released. Thanks again for you kind words (again) and showing your enjoyment of the build. (I like what you've done with your character and how you've made it to your preferences.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey Precious. Thanks for the questions! You have a really neat setup with your character.
"You are correct on all accounts (Yes I used a Bound Fossil). Pick any one-handed melee (for Charged Dash) weapon you want that's item level 75 or higher. (Check this link out and find Bound Fossil's. This is a nice site that can save you some time for quick crafting questions. They seem to keep it updated.) When trying for the one mod on a one-handed weapon, I found the best crafting success while using a Bound Fossil by itself. They are dirt cheap to buy, same with resonators. When I added more fossils (like making sure I didn't get added cold damage to my attacks) I found that I didn't have the same success with Minion damage rolls. There was lots of focus on both requirements, not just the main one. You could easily get 20 Bound Fossils, 20 single resonators, and 20 75+ white melee weapons for next to nothing. **For those that don't know, the highest tier of mods can only roll on the higher tier items. The highest tier of any mod may not need a level 75 or 80 item, but rolling on high level items guarantees that you have the chance to get the highest tier mods for everything that rolls. So since we're only talking about the wanting one specific mod, since we know (from the link above) that the highest tier of that mod can start rolling on items that are level 75, we don't need to consider other factors. "Anything you can find that has Minion Damage, or Speed, or Life. Well, Life, Speed, then Damage ;). Adding Maximum Life to yourself never hurts either. Finding something that has only these mods is going to cost a bit. I haven't double checked to see how many of those mods can be on a rare jewel, but if you find one, it's fun to spend all your money on something :). "Ha ha ha. That's a very thoughtful point. Ha ha...very funny :). Thanks for the questions. Please let me know if you need anything else. I hope you're enjoying it. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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love this build,you did great work with it,thank you so much for your hard work /bow
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"Hey corndogg78! Thank you very much! You're very kind to take the time to complement. I'm glad you like the build! I couldn't see your character but I hope it was/is worth the time for you. I'm excited/nervous for 3.5! 3.4 worked out well for this build :). Thanks again! If you have any questions or need anything, please let me know! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"- Linking Enhance Support to TC will improve its quality by 16%.
- 29+10+16=55. So with those two skills Temporal Chains went from 29% slow to 55%." Are u sure u are right here? Its 0.5% slower per 1% quality so u will have 29+10+8=47. But generally thanks for the build. I dont play summoners so ill go Occultist with another 25% effect of curses. Just like the idea of slow. Finally ill use Enhance support after 3k hours in poe xD |
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"Hey An4LPunishment. I appreciate the correction. You are correct that the gem values add to 47%. I noticed the error not to long ago and was going to add the correct to the 3.5 version of this build, but maybe I'll take the time to do it for this 3.4 version anyway. You're welcome for the guide. I hope you like it. It's hard not playing Occultist when I love Curses so much. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Nov 11, 2018, 6:19:39 PM
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Is this build Deep Delve viable, and T16 viable?
Thanks for an amazing build nontheless!! |
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"Hey RagingMadness. Yes it is. You bet. The Zombies survive no problem. If you are already familiar with all the bosses' battles personally, you'll have no problem once you get a feel for this build. To Everyone: The thing with T16+ maps is you have to know the battles. You can't really zone out anymore. The T16+ bosses have some "avoid at all costs" skills that any build should avoid. So that's what this build uses Convocation for. That goes the same for deep delving too. The maps themselves are a breeze. 100%+ Alch'd t16+ maps feel like white T1s. Thanks for the message! I hope you enjoy the build! Let me know if you have any questions. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Nov 12, 2018, 5:55:10 PM
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