Super Slow Mo! (All content! No uniques required! Perfect for new, SSF, & challenged gamers.) (3.4)
hello: ok the rez is at max but i could only got 3600 for life only missing about 4or 5 nodes wich will give me about 20% more
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"3600 is fine for just starting maps. I'm not to sure what the trouble would be. I mean, we're always looking to improve the amount of health we have on our gear so that will come as you map. With full resists and your defensive skills up (do you see the visuals of them showing up?), you should be surviving pretty easily. So let's see, Do you have either Divine or Eternal Life Flasks? This build doesn't have insane life regen so I heal often enough with life flasks. How are you modifying your maps? Are you keeping them white? Turning them blue (magic)? Or using an alchemy to make them rare? If you're going the rare route some maps can roll heavy monster damage. Did you go your own route with some gems links or passive tree paths? If so, what did you do? (If you're comfortable making your character information public on I may see something (maybe not) that I can save you time with. You can Private Message me to let me know it's available if you choose to do so.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hi. this is a very great build but i have a question.
Can i use " the scourge , terror claw "? is it a god weapon for this build ? |
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"Hey Kingx. So after checking out your character, (thanks for doing that) here are a couple things I noticed: - You have capped resists except for fire. Fire is at 55%. It may not seem like a lot but with elemental resists being multiplicative, so though it's only 20%, fire will hit you a lot harder than you think. I know you don't intend on keeping fire at 55%...I'm just pointing it out incase maybe it actually ended up being fire damage that hitting you harder than you thought. (Remember that Commander of Darkness won't give you resists cause you have no aura that affects you (Blasphemies don't count towards it).) - Your tree is a little different than mine...and not in a bad way at all! You'll just have to play different than how I play. I like that you did your own thing! You have a lot more health your tree than I do. By the time you hit the same level as me, if you keep your same life amounts in your gear, you'll have more health than I as well! It seems that you've avoided getting the curse efficiency nodes and replaced them for life. Not a bad idea at all! But remember that my primary defense was the two curses. So your Enfeeble will negate 30% damage (not 50%) and your Temporal Chains will slow at 29% (instead of 70+% (I know Enhance can be hard to find)). Overall your situation on paper looks great! If you're going to sacrifice points from damage mitigation for anything, you may as well add it in life...which you did. So just keep in mind as you find your gear that you need LOTS of life to makeup for damage mitigation. I have no criticisms towards your choices at all. They just require a different playstyle to the one that I play. You'll probably want to always be moving around during combat, almost never standing still. Or I guess I mean, Charge Dash around...:) Since you didn't get into curse improvements, an option to consider is getting rid of Temporal Chains completely (unless you like it). Cause then you could have Enfeeble as your blasphemy. Then it's always on. (In my 3.3 version of this build I had both Enfeeble and Temporal Chains as blasphemies. It's my preference, but for 3.4 I didn't want to have so many points in the tree dedicated to decreasing mana reservation and put them into life instead.) You could then use any movement/melee skill to initiate Fortify and Holy Relic. You could then take the few nodes that are getting you your second curse and spend them elsewhere. You'd then have a couple gem slots to play with too cause you won't need Curse on Hit. What do you think? Let me know if that helps...or doesn't. Oh! I forgot, until surviving gets easy, maybe replace Frost Bomb with Immortal Call. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey hhermes. Thank you! I hope you're enjoying it! Yes, The Scourge is a great weapons for this build. Lots of fun elements are added to this build when your movement skill does damage :). The Minion damage and attack speed are enough to make the weapon great for this build, even if you didn't attack anything (which do lots anyway). But the extra perks a sweet. The Wolf will only have a chance to spawn on YOUR kills, not minion kills. But still, if you see it, it's a sweet little perk ;). Thanks for the message! Have fun with The Scourge! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Oct 24, 2018, 6:29:34 PM
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hello ty for taking the time to help me. i thought that the fire rez was max i need to get new glasses (am 64 yrs old :)). the curse nodes i will pick up, just wanted to get life till i get better gear:)
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"Anytime! I hope the extra life works well for you. Let me know if you need anything else. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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So, here I am now, at lvl 81 with your build and I really like it much! It was going super smooth through all the content till mapping and I only had 14 deaths until the Epilogue. (Have to say that I'm only wearing the two jewels you advice plus a melee weapon as uniques)
It's my first character at epilogue and most of the time things are pretty easy to play. I'm at 4.4k life, resis are capped, but sometimes monsters hit me really hard and kill me. I think, I could have way more Life and Armour, but finding new items is pretty hard. (I'm using your lootfilter, what makes is little bit easier) Maybe I'm just too picky with dropping items? Any sugestions/advices for better items? Feel free to look over my profile. :) |
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"Right on Alayron! Thanks for the message! I'm glad you like the build and I'm happy to help! Mods: After looking at your gear, gems, links, and passive tree I think that the only issue you're facing isn't really an issue. It's just unfamiliarity with end-game. For example, I was able to walk through story no problem with my girl. I could zone out anytime. But once I hit endgame, I was reminded that I have to keep moving most of the time. Just a little bit. Making sure Fortify was up and Enfeeble was getting applied to all the rare and Unique monsters. I find (unfortunately) that having 10 zombies run around can be pretty distracting and if you find yourself standing in one spot for too long, it's easy to miss something underneath you that could damage you pretty good. Another thing that happens while mapping is Map modifiers get stronger as you move up in tiers. For example: In map Tiers 1-5: Shocking - Monsters deal (50-69)% extra Damage as Lightning In map Tiers 6-10: Shocking - Monsters deal (70-89)% extra Damage as Lightning In map Tiers 11-15: Shocking - Monsters deal (90-110)% extra Damage as Lightning So, it'll be the same mod, but by the time you're trying tier 11 maps, the damage is doubled. (Lightning also shocks so it increases the damage you take even more). But it's like that for ALL map mods. Whether the effect is something negative against you, boosts the monsters' defense, or boosts the monster's offense...different modifiers combined together can be harsh. It doesn't mean we can't do them, but not knowing what they are can be deadly. (Rare enemies roll their own modifiers no matter what the map has rolled. So if you have already rolled a scary map, a rare with even more scary mods come at you, you might not have time to see what the mods of the enemy are by the time they hit you. Other surprisingly hard hitting enemies are some enemies from Beyond and some Bloodline rolls (purple guys).) Some maps require a more careful approach. Your Girl: In terms of gear and such, 4400 (I only have 600 more than you) is a good amount of health, but not something to be tanky with. So you'll want to keep your defenses up with Charged Dash. I keep mine up all the time. Your Enfeeble won't be as strong cause you still have the Curse Efficiency nodes to allocate. There's also some gear that could use some health improvements but that will come with time. I know this is stuff you know; you already mentioned it. Honestly, I think everything looks really good! You know what you're working towards. I like your gear. Just keep in mind that your current weapon only affects your Charged Dash. Mods that don't specify allies, minions, or Zombies will only affect you. Another thing to keep in mind, but looking at your tree you already know this too, is that offense will keep you alive well too. So once you get that last zombie from Gravepact and Elemental Equilibrium, you'll see that harsh enemies will die much faster with your 5 link. Filter: With my filter, I pick up EVERY rare that drops. I ID all of it. I'm not sure if you do or not. I prioritize high health over everything as resists are pretty easy to cap when there are so many rares to work with. There's nothing wrong with keeping a couple rares with a couple good rolls in your stash to see if they'll work out once you get another item to complete it (keeping resists maxed). I think it looks really good! I don't have any advice for you that you already don't know. (Once you get 75+ health on almost all your gear, you'll have more health than me.) Your tree path is deliberate so you have already chosen the nodes you've selected knowing what you've chosen to save for later. So just keep going through maps and keep Fortify up. (You don't have to channel it. Lots of the time I just tap Charged Dash to get Fortify and then move around.) If you have enough Orbs of Alchemy, make all your maps rare. Get used to seeing the impact of different map rolls. You'll want to be familiar with them for when you start Vaal'ing the T11+ maps. I find a surprisingly hard combo to escape is when maps give enemies multiple projectiles and an increase to AOE. I think you're doing great and have done well with your gear and tree choices. Let me know if I didn't touch on something or you have other questions. OH! You'll notice a huge difference once all your gems hit level 20. Huge difference. (Your gems don't lose XP when you die.) Thanks again for messaging! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thanks for your response and for your PM too.
At the moment I'm selling most of the rares unidented to NPC for Chaos Orbs(as long as they're up to ilvl 74) except those that your Lootfilter is highlightening. After ilvl 74 I'll pay much more attention to all the other rares dropping. In fact I figured out that moving is essentialy for staying alive. Most of the time I'm charging around the monsters after I charged into the pack. For my Passives Tree I need to look after some rares with STR and DEX, so I can refund the nodes I'd spend to push them to keep my skills working. But I'm almost at the tenth Zombie and from there on I'll pay attention for the curses too. Further I'm thinking about to wear Mon'tregul's Grasp, but not sure if the bonuses are worth to lose 5 of my Zombies. Otherwise Queen's Decree could be a very nice boost, if I'm finally lucky with its links. Thanks so far for your warm words and advices and my respects out on you for taking all the time to help us so very detailed. I'm looking forward for one or another build of you. Maybe the next one will be a RF? |
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