Super Slow Mo! (All content! No uniques required! Perfect for new, SSF, & challenged gamers.) (3.4)
"Hey Blacksheep1775. Short answer? Shield Charge. But honestly, every movement skill is meh for me. So many pro's and con's for each. The reason I chose CD for my movement skill was that I could get Fortify from a distance without needing to start in the middle of combat, it has a really big AOE for a movement skill (thinking of proc'ing EE) that lasts the whole distance of the channel/travel, and I can tell my minions to attack a distant enemy without being in the middle of danger. The skill does more than that but those were the biggies for me. CD gets me in sticky situations too. Sometimes I find that holding the skill for a while and channeling is best, other times (like the freaking Phoenix fight) I just tap CD quickly to apply it to an enemy and then get out of the way again. For options I think Phase Run is actually my favourite movement skill. 3.4 improved it substantially by giving it a 0 cast time too :). It'll keep you really safe, but you won't get Fortify. And you'll have to attached your Curse on Hit to a CwDT Lightning Ball or something. That's what I'd do if I wasn't applying Fortify. Maybe it'd live more always being where I want to be (even without Fortify), who knows...but then no Holy Relic... In keeping with the setup and just switching the skill, it really depends what you plan on using the skill for. I suggest something that escapes as quick as it applies your effects. Concentrated Path - Never used it but it doesn't seem "escape-y". Though it does give life regen. Cyclone - Kinda sweet, kinda slow (too slow for me). But because it's slower you can steer the channeling better. Flicker Strike - I can't use it, I'd puke ;). But it's a teleport so the AOE for EE would be sad. Leap Slam - Nice, quick, epic, has an AOE. Your minions react similar to you using CD. But you only get the AOE at the end of the movement. Shield Charge - Likely the most similar option. You get to click where you go instead of "guess" with CD, but you get much less of an AOE with it. It does move right away though so your escapability is better than CD. (I don't use this for the puke factor too.) Whirling Blades - Pretty weapon specific, good for a good puke, no AOE, really fast. ***Keep in mind that if you go away from CD that YOU have to find your own way of applying lightning or fire damage to the enemies for EE.888 Happy choosing and exploring ;) And don't worry if your question is a repeat or anything. Ask what you like. We're all here to help. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Oct 2, 2018, 11:48:08 PM
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" I hadn't considered the AOE size and Fortify triggering sooner... That is a big bonus as well as telling the minions where to go. I might just have to see if I can learn to use CD. " These were the two main ones I was thinking about, but you've brought up some good points there. I may test out whirling blades and see what I can get it to do, maybe I can zoom around fast enough to make up for the lost AOE... but overall I'm leaning towards getting better with CD after thinking about all that. Thanks again! |
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"Another thing to consider though, is that the Zombies are so strong that you only really notice EE on bosses or crazy rare enemies anyway. So CD's AOE may not be as big of a factor as you get used to the build end-game. Also, if you find a movement skill that's just perfect for your liking, you'll likely find that being able to be where you want, as fast as you want, will likely keep you alive way more than proc-ing Fortify from a distance but being locked into your destination. Just food for thought to complicate the matter :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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First of all, Thank you so much for this build!
I tried to play (off and on) but a slight handicap caused me a lot of frustration attempting to play (I managed to fight it out and get a couple high level, but was a real chore). I proudly endorse this build as being "Handicap Accessible". However, I am starting to hit a little bit of a wall now at my current level of 46. Up until now my minions just steam rolled pretty much through all of the content. I have mostly targeted to passive tree nodes that boost the Minions. But now I'm having some trouble staying alive. My guess is, it has a lot to do with gear. I don't have much in the way of defense, with little strength or health. My health at this point is around 800+. What passive tree nodes should I start prioritizing now when I level up? And do you have any advice on how to get better gear at my level? I don't have a ton of stuff in the stash, but I do have enough to prob buy some reasonable stuff. (Or if I knew what to farm and where at this point I could focus on that). Any advice appreciated. And thanks again for the really fun, and sweet build. Edit: Took a couple of strength / health nodes. Still struggling in Act 5 Last edited by ozmiz#5851 on Oct 3, 2018, 11:22:51 PM
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"You're Welcome! "Success!!! :) "I think your best bet at this point is to simply keep trucking and save your respec points for something that may come up end game. Every node on the tree is pretty important: Life, Flask Improvement, Curse Improvement, EE, Jewels, Minions. What I did is just go through the tree in sections...the tree is pretty balanced with offense and defense that way. So since it's all important (you can't live without life) maybe start tackling the tree in sections: do all the nodes on the right, then all the top nodes, all the bottom nodes (near EE), all the far left nodes...I went through the tree like that and saved the left side as the last section. At level 91 I am only missing one jewel slot, one minor minion node, and the tree life nodes around/including Devotion. If that doesn't interest you and you just want life, aim for all the nodes that give more than 5% increase to life. Then go around and top up on everything else. "Do all the quests. Some of them give rare gear as a reward. And, this may be contrary to popular opinion, but go slow. Don't feel like you should be in a hurry. Also, if you started on Delve, there's tons of gear that can drop in there. It's good leveling too. The gear will come, but the games design would have it quite flukey to have lots of good rare gear drop during story. It's a grind. If good gear seems to be avoiding you at all costs, try over leveling. Pick a few waypoints of sections that seemed to have easy enemies and repeat the section over until you've leveled a few times. Being two or three levels above the monster level can make a huge difference. (To reset an instance on PC, CTRL+Left Click on the waypoint or doorway of the section you want to reset. Select New Instance. On console press Y.) "I hoped the advice helped and that you enjoy the build as you get to endgame. :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Thank you for such a fast response. If I'm going to ask for advice, I'm going to take the advice. I will start fleshing out the ones I missed by going back and finishing out the tree in the order you gave. By way of an update, that may help someone in the same boat: After I leveled up Molten Shell some last night, my problems disappeared. I have been speed farming Acts 5 - The Chamber of Innocence several times without any more problems. Last edited by ozmiz#5851 on Oct 4, 2018, 12:16:58 PM
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Well this build has done a lot for me! My first character to do the Act 10 Kitava deathless, for one, is huge for me. Because I'm almost exclusively playing HC (except right now) I haven't been able to get to Map content for a VERY long time. I mean, I still don't even have a movement skill or crafted gear OR anything CWDT and there really wasn't a single boss fight that lasted more than a couple seconds. I did die multiple times on one of the Map bosses, for some reason its Rain of Arrows was 1-shotting me.
As soon as I get 12 challenges done on SC Delve I'm going to re-roll on HC Delve. I have 100% confidence that this will be a great HC build for me and it's really fun, I love having an army! |
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":) "This build really gets strong simply by leveling gems. I like it a lot. "Depending on your level you can farm The Aqueduct at the very beginning of Act 4 or The Blood Aqueduct at the very beginning of Act 9. Anything you like works for farming but that map base has the chance to drop the Humility card which, once you get a complete set, will reward you with a Tabula Rasaaaaa. (I PM'd you but no need to respond.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Great job! That's awesome! "I'm very happy to have contributed to your progress in the game. I hope you enjoy it just as much the second time around! (On a side note, I appreciate the integrity of how you do HC: without quitting or quick portals to escape death. Good job hanging in there.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Check-in post!
I beat Act10 Kitava without any difficulty whatsoever - it was a cakewalk. Way easier than I had anticipated. Moving on to mapping for the first time now, and really enjoying the content so far. I'm also moving past L100 delves, and have yet to encounter anything that gives this build trouble. I spent about 8c total on some new resist gear after the -60% hit for killing Kitava the second time, but other than that I've not needed any specific gear/items to make this build work great. Having fun, and looking forward to taking down some shaper/elder fights and maybe a delve boss or two. Thanks again! |
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