whirling blading back and forth instead of going straight?
" ok, heres what I am talking about with targeting, using some quotes from this thread you linked... " " " you see the way its this recurring theme of being among monsters, that people are trying to whirl out of packs and then finding they whirl right back into them and probably die? Its because theyre namelocking a monster in the pack, whril is an attack, if you namelock a monster it will keep attacking that monster. So they whirl at that monster, end up the other side of it, and then whirl back through that monster again leaving them where they started. This has been an issue for whirling blades forever. It was even worse back before lockstep, because what would happen is that because the monsters could be miles out of sync your whirl would start targeting a monster instead of your cursor, and that means that on your screen your character is whirling at a monster whos in 1 position and on the server you are going somewhere else entirely to this other position the server thinks the monster is in. Thats why whirling blades would massive desync you constantly, I kept making threads about it to take away its namelock function or give us an option to disable it but I dunno what the deal was, stuborn or stupid? we will never know. Warp etc suffer the same thing, you namelock it will warp you at the monster, not to your cursor, causes deaths and issues, used to cause massive desync issues. I made endless threads, they didnt listen. This quote from bex is interesting, I had not seen this before... " this is regarding the attack in place function they added recently, apparently. I had no idea it had this extra functionality, theyre saying when you use attack in place on a movement skill it will disable its ability to namelock a target... WWWUUUUTTTTTTT??!?!?! Yeah... I had no idea it did that, not sure why that functionality has been tagged on to attack in place but shit, ill take it, awesome. Try enabling that then, enable attack in place and see how much of this issue gets removed from ur play. Im gonna go in and try it now, see if I can replicate the whirlblack and see if I can then prevent it happening with attack in place. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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ok so I tried out the new attack in place function, it works, when used on a movement skill it removes your ability to target a monster.
I recorded a video of it... https://plays.tv/video/5b85e7e3c4f6affd0b/stickywhirl if we had that button 5 years ago I think 60% or more of the games fatal desync would have been removed. Its great, turn it on with all your movement skills you dont want to actually attack monsters with. Its going to completely remove these instances where you open a strong box, try and whirl away from it, accidentally namelock a monster and end up making a second whirl right back to where you started thanks to massive attack speed performing 2 whirls rather than 1, or you try and whirl out of a boss slam and end up whirling right back into it, all these really annoying "bugs" with whirl. Theyre not really bugs, its just an attack and like most attacks it will keep targeting a monster if you namelock it. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" The namelocking thing is not the only issue. See my thread. The "random zip around" thing never required namelocking a monster. It also happened without any monsters on the screen. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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the further your mouse is away from your character the less that happens, thats a sort of lag zip back, its kind of impossible to completely eradicate those if you get them but just keeping ur cursor futher away removes most of them.
note that you can also target things like barrels, boxes, pots, other destructible objects and these could cause the zip back whirl too without any monsters around, but its still because of targeting. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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"It may be "impossible" for the player to prevent it from happening but GGG could "completely eradicate" it by simply making the quoted bolded text true(*): " " I have experienced this myself. Its a systematic problem and it is not based on clicking on something. You just needed to have enough attack speed and aim close to the character and it would crazily "randomly" zip around. (*) Assuming that it is still not fixed - I havent played with WB for a long time - but I have seen something maybe similar with Shield Charge "Random" Shield Charging No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" saw that clip dam is there a way to make whilring blades not target monsters like that? |
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"The requirement to get some object under the cursor is not consistent with my (rather old now though) past testing of this. I consistently got this effect in some 'Dried Lake' with speed shrine buff. Only requirement was clicking close to the character. It would then "randomly" zip around. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" ya, turn on the "always attack without moving" button for the skill, when you click your skills on the skill bar and get the little menu of possible skills to put on that button theres the option to turn that on for the skill at the top, just make sure its clicked, the little icon should highlight yellow when its on. If you keep tapping whirling blades so that you only ever perform one whirl in the given direction then it wont happen too, because each time you take ur finger off the button it lets go of your previous namelock. Problem starts when your whirl becomes so fast that it till sometimes trigger twice from what you intended to be a single use, or a little spike of lag makes it think u held the input down longer than you did etc. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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Attack in place solves absolutely nothing and the answer by @Bex_GGG is all wrong apparently. I've attack in place activated on whirling blades but my attack speed is high enough to be a problem. I did a thread in the suggestion forum to add a toggeable option for namelocking (for movement skills).
I tried stuff without success with AutoHotKey so far. If someone has a solution to this, it'd be appreciated. |
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attack in place removes the ability to namelock, ur blades seems to be messing up all over the place even when ur not namelocked, i can see ur not namelocked cause theres no monster name at the top.
That vid looks completely fucked up, I dunno what exactly is happening to your blades but its really bad. Ive seen lag cause a little bit of sketchy movement like that but that looks pretty next level, Ive never seen it that bad before. If I had to guess Id say theres some kind of lag effecting the game applying your input, so its applying your position targets far too late, even to the point of pulling you backwards when ur cursor is obviously in front of you. Have you tried fiddling with stuff that effects lag? Like switching from lockstep to predictive? Switching log in servers? Do you have any programs like agressive antivirus stuff that might be messing with ur connection? Well done for getting it on video because that needs to be seen to be believed. That happens to me for a brief moment maybe once in every 50 hours I play a whirling character, if even that. For you it seems constant. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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