whirling blading back and forth instead of going straight?

why is my whirling blades back and forth in stead of going straight when i get soul eater or use vaal haste? and i even tried ligthing warp with full 21/20 4 link red duration setup and uberlab lighting warp enchant still have 1 seconds delay? or am i doing something wrong? can someone give me advice how to moveskill doing maps faster? what is the fastest way to do map?

EDIT: it looks like whirling blades cannot be solved, please suggest me the fastest sonic map clear meathod which mvoeskill thanks.
Last edited by dvasan#5121 on Aug 28, 2018, 3:36:06 PM
Last bumped on Sep 7, 2018, 6:41:33 PM
dvasan wrote:
why is my whirling blades back and forth in stead of going straight when i get soul eater or use vaal haste? and i even tried ligthing warp with full 21/20 4 link red duration setup and uberlab lighting warp enchant still have 1 seconds delay? or am i doing something wrong? can someone give me advice how to moveskill doing maps faster? what is the fastest way to do map?

When you get the buff that makes your skills repeat it moves you back to starting location when you use whirling blades, same goes for shield charge. No idea why is it happening with vaal haste though
Server latency, combined with high enough attack speed, can sometimes result in a double input for Whirling Blades that bounces you oddly. Happened to me often enough to be frustrating on my Molten Striker, does not happen to me often at all on things with slower swing speed.

Don't sweat movespeed-ing through maps too much. Go as fast as feels right for you and people who grouse about shaving every second off their times can fly off a cliff. We should never have gotten to a place where Whirling Blades replaces the character's feet anyways, and I don't think we'll be at that place forever.
1453R wrote:
Server latency, combined with high enough attack speed, can sometimes result in a double input for Whirling Blades that bounces you oddly

i only have 50 ms come on
usually happens when you whirl through packs, barrels, boxes, some kind of targetable object. If you are name locked on to a target you will whirl back and forth through it rather than continuing off in the direction u think ur going.

Can sometimes happen just from slight lag but its usually a namelocking issue when having super high attack speed. If you move ur cursor further away from ur character when targeting the whirl ull get it less from the lag, but if you name lock anything targetable you will always whirl at the target rather than at your mouse, so once you pass the target you will go back again. High attack speed shows it up more because you often perform 2 whirls when u think ur just gonna do one, which will send u in front of ur target and then back behind it again.
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This is a very old thing - see Whirling Blades "random" zip-back moves

IME Shield Charge suffers less from such problems. If you have/use a Shield and a weapon with attack speed it currently is the "best" movement skill in PoE. May change in 3.4 though as it is on the nerf list.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Once you get the hang of how it works I actually like the whirling blade back and forth function. Its mainly due to the minimal length of the whirl and very high aps, but its entirely predictable whether you do the back and forth or target location.

Lightning warp has to be supported a great deal to work quickly, high cast speeds and shorter duration. I am hoping the slight change to it for Delve will help it out some but will see.
In your case, it's an ancient and well known bug, due to the interaction of WB with very high AS.
That's why it's way more frequent with soul eater and vaal haste on.
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Snorkle_uk wrote:

Can sometimes happen just from slight lag but its usually a namelocking issue when having super high attack speed. ... it again.

i tried everything but its just uncontrollable at high speed only going back and forth
by the way is there any setting related to name locking so i can turn it off?
there is no settings no. Ive been asking for a setting to let us turn off targeting for movement skills for literally 5 years now due to these kind of issues, I shit you not, and... still waiting... never happened. They turned it off just for cyclone, thats the only moveskill weve actually managed to sell them on changing.

If you can find a way to record videos of it happening it would be interesting to see when its happening to you, the circumstances surrounding it.
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