Jeff_GGG wrote:
Hello everyone,
My apologies for the delayed response here. Chat is on the radar to be completed prior to the launch of PS4, stay tuned in the New Year for more on this. We had began some pieces of this internally when I had originally mentioned the topic earlier in the year, but there are other requirements that have to be fulfilled in order for us to implement it in-game. I'm aware of the importance of this, and other features that the console platform currently lacks and am pushing to have more of these done.
Got an update on this chat feature? PS4 release has come and gone with no new info...
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
Mixer - https://mixer.com/Corrison
Posted byCorrison#3825on Mar 27, 2019, 1:46:55 PM
Also this is my Xbox account since you can't actually link them. And no way to change PC account posts to be from my Xbox one.
TrueAchievements - https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/Corrison
XboxClips - http://xboxclips.com/corrison
Posted byCorrison#8649on Apr 18, 2019, 12:10:31 PM
Got some updated information here. No exact ETA's but it's a step up. They include:
Is there any update to the implementation of text chat on console platforms?
We really want to get this deployed. We have something that is 80% implemented, but it's still a few weeks of development away. The developer who was working it unfortunately left our company recently to start his own project, so console chat is in limbo until we free someone up to take over.
What are you doing about performance on console platforms?
Improving performance on all platforms is an ongoing goal of our growing engine team. Within the next few workdays, we'll be deploying a patch that makes a number of memory-related performance improvements to the console platforms. Memory usage and memory-related crash rates are improved on both Xbox One and PS4.
On the Xbox One, we have split out the 4k textures so that they're only downloaded by the Xbox One X version. While this does require a redownload of the entire game, it's smaller now, has faster load times, reduced memory usage and significantly fewer memory-related crashes.
Also, please note that if you encounter stuttering during gameplay and are playing on a Wireless internet connection, try plugging an ethernet cable in. Almost all of the time, this has a dramatic impact on network-related stuttering (which pauses the local game simulation when packet loss occurs until the data arrives).
Can we have a short AFK timer so that players who aren't at their console don't have their items appear on the Trade Market?
This won't work. If we require players to be at their console for others to see their items then people will just find a way to get around it. We already banned popsicle sticks. I really don't want to ban rubber bands too.
Can we get Cross Play between console platforms?
That'd be awesome. Players should let Sony know that they're interested in Cross Play being enabled for Path of Exile.
What will be done about people sending abusive messages on the console Trade Market?
We want to add a reporting feature. It just hasn't been a high priority.
When will Tab Pricing for consoles be ready?
This is a feature that requires very senior developers to implement it, and they have been perpetually busy with critical tasks for a very long time. We want to see it done.
Do you have plans to introduce PVP on console?
This is a really low priority because almost no one uses the PvP features on PC, and they're very much about critical mass to find opponents.
Will we ever get custom item filters on console platforms?
Now that we have added support for console players to be able to log into the website, this is something we can work on.
What about guilds and guild stashes on console platforms?
The missing ingredient was the ability for console users to log into the website to manage their guilds. Now that this works, we can finish off the console user interface for this feature as soon as we have time around our other commitments. We should note that it requires chat to be finished to be fully useful.
Are there any improvements coming to desync and rubberbanding under Predictive mode or on consoles?
We believe that this can still be tightened up more. Our last big push to identify and find subtle bugs that cause desync under Predictive mode was a few years ago when we introduced Lockstep mode. It's possible that a few more have crept in since then, and while they take an inordinate amount of time to track down, it'll be worth it.
TrueAchievements - https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/Corrison
XboxClips - http://xboxclips.com/corrison
Posted byCorrison#8649on May 2, 2019, 9:51:22 PM
Got some more updates - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2500872
Now that your console player base is bigger, do you have any plans to make the official website more mobile-friendly?
We do plan to improve this, but it's a slow process. We make sure that important new pages we add such as the trade site and expansion announcements are as mobile-friendly as we can make them.
Will you make console trading easier like it is on PC?
There is internal discussion about opening up the trade API for console realms, to allow support for trade sites that find items in your premium stash tabs. Currently we haven't reached a definitive conclusion on this. One thing to note is that text chat on consoles (which isn't yet finished) is probably necessary for this system to work well.
There are other improvements not specific to console listed there as well.
TrueAchievements - https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/Corrison
XboxClips - http://xboxclips.com/corrison
Posted byCorrison#8649on May 9, 2019, 10:39:01 AM