3.7 In-Depth Ice Golems Guide - Snowybois - On Hiatus for 3.8

everdream2k wrote:
overall very strong build but iam still failing at uberelder ( 3 tries now) :/

Some parts of your gear has poor life rolls, take out convocation for UberElder, and put some curse on him, like enfeeble or *vulnerability (*if you have like 6k HP/MANA).
Command of the pit is a good source of accuracy(very important/one or two jewel slots), and you need jewels !! with taunt, blind, hinder and some life/mana.(you miss a jewel slot on the tree><) One tip is stigyan vise belt.

Recommended bruttality build tree is better for survivability , without hatred, your damage decrease a little bit, but you gonna survive more, fallow that tree and you gonna be fine.

I testing this build in STANDART and (I intend to start league today), build is good for all content, im a little bit struggle in Hall of Grandmasters, but all the rest is relatively easy, some dodge is always needed > see: phase run and flame dash. my english isant very good, but the idea is here.

PS: my gear is far from perfect and i can doo anything. I trying reach lvl 100, danm its a hard task OMFG!!!
Last edited by reinaldo1409#1050 on Mar 28, 2019, 2:15:03 PM
Can someone help me with golem damage please? https://pastebin.com/6eRapCHw
Currently in PoB i have 100k dps (shaper dps, maim, EE, no charges). Clear speed is ok and i can kill T16 guardians comfortably.
But golem DPS in other PoB/characters posted here is way higher, like 170-200k+ (same checkboxes) vs my 100k. Gear pretty much the same. If i add 20% 40%+ Harmony jewel i only get 10k~ DPS.
I just don't understand what is wrong, have like 7 different golem build saved in PoB and i slowly melting because of this.
I've problem!i've only 5.2k hp
I try last night to do uber elder but no chance that low hp.
How i can add more hp?any good suggestions?

Last edited by Korpivaellus#7417 on Apr 1, 2019, 5:28:47 AM
Korpivaellus wrote:
I've problem!i've only 5.2k hp
I try last night to do uber elder but no chance that low hp.
How i can add more hp?any good suggestions?

Hi, maybe you gonna get one more layer of defence like ( MoM ).
Your gear is much more better than mine, and I can do all content, bosses(uberElder too) and maps.
I have like 4.1k HP and 2.1k Mana = 6.200k (MoM)
Empower LVL 4 for the Ice Golems is very important .
Or maybe you just need learn more about the fight.
I gonna link this video, this guy have a shit gear, and he can do uber elder,
try to absorb something good from this fight:

Last edited by reinaldo1409#1050 on Apr 1, 2019, 7:23:15 AM
Ok,i may be bad player..need more practise :)
Well two more try and didn't manage do that,better change game some easier like solitaire.

Well i didn't giveup and now uber is done!
I watch some fight videos and it was pretty easy after all.
Really love this build.
Last edited by Korpivaellus#7417 on Apr 2, 2019, 2:24:29 AM
What can I use until I get an empower?
"Bonus points if it is Scion/Witch because they have nice knees. Ranger has ugly knees and other characters are men so playing them would be homoerotic." - CAKE, 10/20/21
darciaz wrote:
What can I use until I get an empower?

On the helmet use minion life, on the chest use maim/ruthless.
Got some exalts and a heap of chaos left and i have gone as far as i feel i want to so check me out and see if you can spend my money wisely lol.
Don't ask me to try for a +1 to gems and maim chest cause they are like winning the lottery.
Thanks again for the build and the very good help given.
after my 4th try i got uber elder down now with 6.3k EHP. Retroperspectively the fight is easy

thx for the guide.

since i hate the synthesis mechanics iam delving now
everdream2k wrote:
after my 4th try i got uber elder down now with 6.3k EHP. Retroperspectively the fight is easy

thx for the guide.

since i hate the synthesis mechanics iam delving now

Gz on Uber Elder!

Has the synth mechanic been improved at all since patches? It didn't feel good and work has really picked up for me so I haven't been playing much until they changed it.

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