Herald of Purity Skill Reveal

about time that another herald gets released
<3 u bex
INB4 Herald of Corruption that grants extra chaos damage...
Smoke_dawg sux

cool reveal!
Looks like this is designed to be in synergy with the new dominating blow. The Scourge prices are gonna reach an all new high.
Looks good
Guardian gets 2 notables for 1 skill?

I knew Ascendancies were supposed to be a bit more specialized, but damn, I didn't think it'd ever hit "spend half your Ascendancy points to beef up one specific skill and nothing else ever" specialized.
Slow motion meta confirmed?
Awesome! Delve is going to be so much fun.
not what Ive expected at all upon reading the name. expected a Herald with all 3 elements combined, this looks something like Dominating Herald. names a bit miss-leading honestly, but we'll see how it performs.
Synthesised Synthesis of Synthetic Synthesising
Revert 3.7 melee changes | Tfw Synthesis still not core | REVERT SUNDER
IGN: JustineㆍFlorbelle [Removed by Support] imagine being a forum janitor lmao

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