Upcoming Divination Cards

Artwork is superb, drop rate is abyssmal. Also; 8 cards for 3 max tier essences that make 1 mod out of 6 good is too much gating for me.

I will buy a div card tab when at the end of each league i don't have 15+ sets of whispering ice (and similar sets) and 3/4th of a set of poorjoy's and 2/11th of a set of chains that bind. Gating is good, but i feel like div cards were made to mitigate the randomness of drops a little so you could get items WITHOUT trading. For the good sets you still have to trade to complete them, making the feature either redundant or actually more time consuming than just trading the item. SSF unfriendly SSF advertised bait. Bring back encroaching darkness....

(Thicket and Arachnid Nest maps have also nice density for t16 upgrade if i remember correctly)
WithLoveEarL wrote:
sirgog wrote:
Looks like my card is in this expansion. It might puzzle people at first, so here's the intention behind it.

The Price of Protection

5 card set

T16 (Elder) Chateau Map, white

I like variety at endgame.

Because you only get one Elder Orb, the game mechanics encourage you to pick the very best map to use it on.

The playerbase has largely solved the question of which map this is - it's Armory or Underground Sea if you want absolute monster count; Beach if you want the best layout; or Burial Chambers or Lair if you want the best divination cards.

Chateau is one of many maps that isn't quite the best at anything. It has a high absolute monster count, a mediocre but not amazing layout, and a mediocre pool of divination cards. Its biggest strengths are being able to use white sextants and Vaaling into a decent map.

It's a decent map to run as your t16, but not **the best**, so you pick something else instead to use your one Elder Orb.

This is the motivation behind the card - if you are running Tier 16s in a trade league (or SSF if you can compile sets), you now have one more tileset to add to your endgame pool of maps.

I don't know where the card will drop, but I'm hoping it drops from one (or more) of the challenging and frequently skipped higher tier map bosses.

Why pick mediocre map? There are plenty of other great maps that people don't use an Elder orb on, like Atoll/Dunes/Courtyard etc. Just feels like a good idea that was wasted. Maybe make it more rare and give a 'one use to "elder-orb" any map of your choice'.

Atoll and Dunes are among the worst maps now. There are very few monsters.

Both feel like Gorge, which has about 21% less monsters than Chateau last time I checked. I haven't checked Atoll.

They also have terrible Breaches. Few monsters and lots of awkward spots.

Courtyard is excellent - and basically is very much like Chateau. Mediocre layout, huge density.
Le Toucan Will Return
nope, not nice. u guys gotta increase drop rate.
Woo that's sick ma duude, now let me hit that juul
awesome stuff. now i dont have to message some1 to buy 1 single essense or more for a higher price....reeeeeeeeeeeeee
I really really wish we could get a card for inspired learning, got one dropped in race on from Cadiro never had one before and not sure I a would really go back to playing without it.
Ugh, not more cards. I haven't got a single useful thing ever from these things.
Nice, artworks look so cool
Div cards for an elder map? never could have thought of that.
First Mirror drop at t8 pier map in legacy league :D
Second Mirror drop at t16 promenade map in delirium league :D
Gods knows what happened in affliction league... :L
at last arts that doesnt look like children drawing
Last edited by Homyak555#0967 on Aug 16, 2018, 3:13:42 AM

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