Community Q&A with Chris
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" Please for the love of god let us respect our bandit quests! I chose all wrong! The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG Last edited by SpudOfDoom#5115 on Mar 4, 2013, 4:30:00 AM
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Question One
Are there any plans to give more options for pants? If so, please elaborate. Question Two If the answer to question one is no, can you at least change the templar's diaper to something less, well, diaper'ish? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Has No Pants P.S. For the guy above me, please answer in the form of a question. POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change, the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums. Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all." QFT: 4TRY4C&4NO Last edited by Phaeded#4782 on Mar 4, 2013, 2:28:59 AM
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Hello. I actually have 2 quick questions, but quite different in content:
1) Will you ever consider implementing this kind of a trading post?: 2) Technical question. Is the following able to be implemented as a method to solve the desync issue once and for all(or at least diminish it considerably) ? - create a service that runs in another thread which sends/receives 1 bit from the client to the server; this bit will represent whether there is a desync/lag or not. - this service should listen on a different port than the main game, and should be started after successfully logging into the game. - this bit should be sent over the same "route" as the communication between the client and the server. It may be possible to send it over another route, but it must be extremely reliable and still requires a way to determine whether the whole data was sent - which in my opinion creates more issues. - after a small numbers of pings sent + not received at one end, it means a desync has most certainly occurred (there is a lag spike most of the time too). - if that is the case, simply FREEZE all monsters and loot 2-3 screens around the character until the bit of data is received again properly; i suppose there is a way of finding the position of a character on the map (like an x-y coordinate system) so the position can be reverted when the lag/desync is gone. - what this should do mainly is to stop characters from dying without even noticing it; if everything is "frozen" around you, then it doesn't matter what you do as you will not die, nor affect the map in any other way. - in case of party play, by freezing everything people will believe desync is occurring (when it actually may not for them), but it would keep things fair so that everyone has a chance to loot/not die/etc even when lagging more than others and such. - this seems easier to implement rather than "exchanging" the idea of "server" with "client" when sending/receiving the acknowledgements to the data that is exchanged between them (i.e. the traditional way that online games do it). Reasoning: desync/lag occurs mainly because of network paths' congestion. The TCP protocol stresses the network to that limit and then adapts itself - it does not avoids it early even though it can predict it. So why not do something that will facilitate this instead of needing to adapt? Some routers/servers/etc do have support for what i'm proposing, but it's not important since we'd need all of them from your servers to our clients in order to see the improvement. |
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The Bandit's Quest is one of the most original ideas as far as quests that this game has had. It actually becomes something that players build around, and that they distrust other players regarding. This makes for a really cool dynamic with it. Will we see more of this in upcoming Acts? I was moderately disappointed at the "fetch this" and "kill that" style of questing in Act 3. The only quest rewards that I bother to go out of my way for are ones that give passive points and support gems. The ones that reward rares are usually a waste of time, and the ones that reward other skill gems deteriorate in value the more characters the player has made. Any thoughts on a revision of the rewards for quests? Perhaps even up to the point of having quests that give currency orbs or allow custom modifications to equipment, not unlike Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction's "Add a Socket" or "Enchant an Item" quests. Microtransactions: I posted a thread about Silly Microtransactions a little while ago. What are your thoughts to adding some humor to this grim game? "You are not a cockroach" was a good step in that direction, but adding microtransactions that players can spam and giggle at would definitely bring in some revenue, because there is certainly some demand for it. Similarly, do you have any plans for upcoming UI modifications or convenience-based microtransactions? Damage numbers, health bars on monsters, or anything like that? Skills: Now that you are working on 1 skill/week, there are a few skill types I've been wondering about. Are there any plans for
Alteration Orb Union Local #7 I'll smash your nose with 20 Alterations before I'll sell them for 1 lousy Chaos. 16:1. No questions. Last edited by Shippal#4556 on Mar 4, 2013, 7:31:39 AM
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id like to ask u Chris
why dont u create a new area in forum called "looking for a group / clan " ? it would dbe very helpful ty in advance. IGN : Daryel
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Hidden by mod. Not a question.
" I second this. Also, please add open world pvp into your game on a merciless map with increased map drops. Carebears can just use the pve version of the map no? The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG Last edited by SpudOfDoom#5115 on Mar 4, 2013, 4:30:59 AM
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Do you agree that the FFA loot is making public multiplayer far less popular than it would be and do you care / plan to do anything about it?
Will we ever see floating damage numbers and/or combat logs so we can meaningfully min/max our chars? Did you know level 91 is the halfway point to level 100? This means that a softcore character dying ONCE at level 85+ can lose many days of progress.
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Do you plan on giving monsters health points?
The reason a huge number of players are turned off by partying (especially with summoners) is because you cannot see the FREAKING ENEMY. Everything is just a blur. No distinction between allies and foe. Also, damage on mobs should be added ASAP and should be high on your priority list. If it isn't, why NOT? The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
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Can you give a time frame when we will be able to restored deleted characters? (I remember the date and the names). Thx |
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Are you guys planning to introduce proper gameplay/combat mechanics once the client-server consistency issues are improved on?
What are the causes for these issues? (economical? technical?) Things you do not like about the game in its current state? |
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