The Summon Raging Bees Effect
just came home after a hard day and what do I see ? RAGING BEES!!!!
I *NEEDED* THAT LAUGH!!! now how can you do ZOM-BEES ? |
Well now. I like this one.
Support a free Hong Kong.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -Galileo Galilei |
It doesn't look so great, but the idea is too hilarious to not love. :D
" ( Mods who want to delete it...we're all adults here. -_- ) |
" Someone's lost his momma's ccv. I don't mind it lol, it's kinda hard to see with the general color schemes of the game, but considering the price, it's still worth picking it up if just for the laughs. No rest for the wicked.