[3.5] Blade Flurry Elementalist. One tap the entire screen [Inpulsa+3Dragons] + Full video guide
" Actually, i think it is different. The original idea is to kill one enemy that spreads lightning damage which cannot shock (inpulsas). Because of the three dragons this damage will freeze instead. And this works together with herald of ice to make the explosions. www.twitch.tv/marloss_live
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" Are you sure? As far as i understand the wise oak only uncapped resistance matters. From Poe Wiki: " www.twitch.tv/marloss_live
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^ two posts above this one are correct.
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Yes, the flask is not an issue. Good, I have been chasing a vendor for some time without luck an will keep my shield.
Concerning the mechanic of the 3 dragons we both say the same: With 3 dragons, Lightning dmg freezes (but doesn#T shock), caused the targets to explode and shatter (thx to HoI). The ice pieces from theses explosions spread cold aoe dmg which now causes the surviving surrounding targets to burn (fire damage). Plus we have the gem "cold to fire" combined with HoI which transforms part of the cold to fire damage and increases it. This fire damage now in the next "wave" triggered by our attack causes the targets to be shocked. We typically also apply enough damage to kill them immediatley so these enemies now trigger the Inpulsa effect ("shocked enemies explode dealing...") So what we are doing here is (with a big enough cloud of enemies around us): We trigger a cascade of explosion waves. This looks like one single explosion but actually are two waves (and cause the server lag when attacking big groups). However you guys miss my critical statement here: You have to cause fire damage to trigger shock. this can be either done by killing trash in the way described above or if you go against a single target you have to apply this fire damage in a direct way. If you go against a boss, the only way to shock him is to inflict a hit with more damage than 0.2% of the total life the boss has using BF. And by looking at the PoB stats under fire damage this is never the case. So again: without enough single hit damage using fire damage there is no shock on the boss and any mod which you put on the gear (bonus from Inpulsa ("xx % increased damage if you have shocked an enemy recently", "xx % increased effect of non-damaging ailments", "xx% increased effect of shock",..) doesn't trigger in the boss fight. My outcome to get around this problem was to drop the 3 dragon helmet from boss fights. Another one would be to buy a Yoke of suffering amulet because the amu overrides the restrictions and causes every elemental damaga (including lighting which is our primary damage type) to shock. Last edited by Becks0816#5458 on Jan 8, 2019, 12:07:20 PM
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Please check my profile and advise what to upgrade
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" Sorry, maybe i misunderstood you. Yoke of suffering is recommended in the guide, so i think it is definitely an option. Besides of that we still have the elemental conflux. Isnt it enough? www.twitch.tv/marloss_live
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It 100% was my claw and shield. I upgraded both and I am now just absolutely murdering.
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can someone tell me, why he is using a claw with elemental damage instead of a phys claw? I really dont understand it. |
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" Because we deal only elemental damage with this character, there's no physical damage involved, at any point. |
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thx for the build, I'm having great fun with it, even if atm is not the strongest build I ever played... maybe due to some lack in my equip. Can someone help me understand how to improve? This is my pob: https://pastebin.com/cTEU3ZmP ATM im good with yellow elder, not done shaper yet (still need to complete my atlas), but I feel a little weak....some bosse still one shot me! thx a lot ps: what's the red porjectile nova spell we see in the gif on the first page of this guide? |
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