The Spirit Blink and Mirror Arrow Effect
Gief chat filter.
" That's literally two different departments you're talking about. Do you think artists do the programming? If yes, why would you think such a ridiculous thing? The MTX looks sick. Nice job. Don't listen to the spiteful individuals GGG. =) The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Still better taste than who ever picked the winners in the fan art competition.
Dark Frost Blades. <3
looks pretty cool, but it would nice to see something like a Ghostflame molten strike. i really like that skill but theirs no effect for it.
[KITAVA] My guild is looking for new people to join, you can find more info here->
there was a time, when the announcement page wasnt always about the new microtransactions, but instead the actual new things done with the game!
the time of wonders it was called. |