Mods will be swift to delete 'negative' threads, its what they do. No freedom of speech on this forum whatsoever, especially 'freedom' that criticise game.
But to the point.
Obviously I am wasting my breath but GGG tends to think the community that plays their game is not very bright.
Well, you wrong GGG.
I think any magic find items you got on you are worthless and what seem to determine loot quantity is the actual map quality you use. But still this is up for debate.
So what makes me think that GGG manipulates the table. Its seems that they run some sort of algorithm that determines the loot, the moment you enter the map.
And Zana quests are the perfect example of it.
Find a map item, find unique item. What that information tells you? It tells you that there is already an unique item or map somewhere. Players of course are happy because 'hey, that map got unique'
And if you think about it, then what stops GGG from running such algorithms on any other random maps? For example I have never ever seen a single T16 guardian map dropping more than 2 other guardian maps at the time. And I wouldn't normally pay attention to it, but since I started farming guardian maps, this is something I eventually noticed.
Guys, I am lvl 100. I am rich, I farm shaper on daily basis with ease. And I got no reasons to be bitter and make false complaints or accusations about the game.
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2018, 1:32:42 AM
Posted bypanmisiek123#1218on Jul 21, 2018, 8:59:27 PM
panmisiek123 wrote:
Mods will be swift to delete 'negative' threads, its what they do. No freedom of speech on this forum whatsoever, especially 'freedom' that criticise game.
But to the point.
Obviously I am wasting my breath but GGG tends to think the community that plays their game is not very bright.
Well, you wrong GGG.
I think any magic find items you got on you are worthless and what seem to determine loot quantity is the actual map quality you use. But still this is up for debate.
So what makes me think that GGG manipulates the table. Its seems that they run some sort of algorithm that determines the loot, the moment you enter the map.
And Zana quests are the perfect example of it.
Find a map item, find unique item. What that information tells you? It tells you that there is already an unique item or map somewhere. Players of course are happy because 'hey, that map got unique'
And if you think about it, then what stops GGG from running such algorithms on any other random maps? For example I have never ever seen a single T16 guardian map dropping more than 2 other guardian maps at the time. And I wouldn't normally pay attention to it, but since I started farming guardian maps, this is something I eventually noticed.
Guys, I am lvl 100. I am rich, I farm shaper on daily basis with ease. And I got no reasons to be bitter and make false complaints or accusations about the game.
i think you can have some points for sure. I also think that ggg has back door on maps drops. I don't believe that is pure RNG. I think ggg manipulate drops sometimes.
Last edited by Kastmar#4974 on Jul 21, 2018, 9:06:15 PM
Posted byKastmar#4974on Jul 21, 2018, 9:05:33 PM
Kastmar wrote:
panmisiek123 wrote:
Mods will be swift to delete 'negative' threads, its what they do. No freedom of speech on this forum whatsoever, especially 'freedom' that criticise game.
But to the point.
Obviously I am wasting my breath but GGG tends to think the community that plays their game is not very bright.
Well, you wrong GGG.
I think any magic find items you got on you are worthless and what seem to determine loot quantity is the actual map quality you use. But still this is up for debate.
So what makes me think that GGG manipulates the table. Its seems that they run some sort of algorithm that determines the loot, the moment you enter the map.
And Zana quests are the perfect example of it.
Find a map item, find unique item. What that information tells you? It tells you that there is already an unique item or map somewhere. Players of course are happy because 'hey, that map got unique'
And if you think about it, then what stops GGG from running such algorithms on any other random maps? For example I have never ever seen a single T16 guardian map dropping more than 2 other guardian maps at the time. And I wouldn't normally pay attention to it, but since I started farming guardian maps, this is something I eventually noticed.
Guys, I am lvl 100. I am rich, I farm shaper on daily basis with ease. And I got no reasons to be bitter and make false complaints or accusations about the game.
i think you can have some points for sure. I also think that ggg has back door on maps drops. I don't believe that is pure RNG. I think ggg manipulate drops sometimes.
I am not saying they got overall control of drops, because valuable items do drop. But its more down to amount of 'valuable' items that can drop in a single map. Thats the point.
Posted bypanmisiek123#1218on Jul 21, 2018, 9:09:14 PM
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia
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My beloved pets....
Posted bypeachii#3920on Jul 21, 2018, 9:11:04 PMValued Poster
peachii wrote:
I am so yet to see a MVP to agree with game criticism xDDDD
Posted bypanmisiek123#1218on Jul 21, 2018, 9:27:11 PM
If you can't tell the difference, what does it matter?
Posted byShagsbeard#3964on Jul 21, 2018, 10:00:39 PM
and dinosaurs are real
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Posted byCoconutdoggy#1805on Jul 21, 2018, 10:07:41 PMOn Probation
鬼殺し wrote:
panmisiek123 wrote:
peachii wrote:
I am so yet to see a MVP to agree with game criticism xDDDD
maybe read some threads that you didn't make then. VPs criticise the game all the time.
You've confused setting up specific conditions for a mission (which is itself generated by rng) with generic loot table operation. To then run with that and hypothesise that this means TencentGGG actively manipulate loot tables is definitely to stride into tinfoil hat conspiracy theory territory.
TencentGGG have absolutely no need to make that sort of effort. You are just another ant in the farm. As long as the ants are doing what ants should do, the antfarm owner is not going to interfere. If you can successfully argue how it might be to TencentGGG's benefit to manipulate drops for individuals and worth the massive risk of being caught (this sort of thing tends to end developers when they get caught) then you might not be so quickly dismissed as crackpot.
But your starting position of using mission goals as proof that TencentGGG maliciously fucks with loot tables, or even has some algorithm to regulate them, was a mistake.
I can appreciate the desire to see order in the chaos but its just not there. They dont need algorithms when rarity and probability do the job.
oh, and yeah. Manipulate was probably the wrong word to begin with. You mean regulate.
but i guess manipulate is better clickbait.
If you want to call it 'regulate'.
When you start farming something for more than 1 hour straight you will notice something odd about that loot tables yourself. Like you said, it takes more than 1 person to find out that's something isn't right.
Posted bypanmisiek123#1218on Jul 21, 2018, 10:48:30 PM
RNG stands for RANDOM. random isnt fair. random does not mean 'even distribution'. it means there will be streaks. Just because something is 'likely', does NOT mean it is going to happen.
Look at the threads where people farm 'the doctor', and post how many maps they run/other div cards drop between each doctor. There are VARIATIONS in them, which can look extreme. This is 100% NORMAL when an outcome is random.
You are trying to assume random means 'even distribution'. it doesnt.
Posted byThror2k5#7154on Jul 21, 2018, 10:52:51 PM
panmisiek123 wrote:
Find a map item, find unique item. What that information tells you? It tells you that there is already an unique item or map somewhere.
what stops GGG from running such algorithms on any other random maps?
Did you purchased your tinfoil hat on the internet or made one by yourself?
retired from forum because of censorship and discrimination
(also poe2 bad)
Posted byDivineChampion#3546on Jul 21, 2018, 11:22:09 PM