The Ebony Character Effect and Super Stash Sale

鬼殺し wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:

I was expecting this from you Charan

Really? Just that one word? Of all the many words in the English language, of which I have employed so many when commenting on this game, you were expecting that one?

That's amazing, because not even I was. It was tapped out and entered before I even thought about it.

I mean, I knew it'd be short because I was on my tablet but I haven't posted 'lame.' by itself...ever, I think.

Still, it's appropriate. Lame MTX announcements like this drive genuinely interesting news pieces like BOTWs and art competition winners down the page. While some of us have suggested a separate board for mtx announcements (no names mentioned Sarno bless his well-meaning soul) the reality is, for now, lame recolours and low-effort mtxes at premium prices will probably dominate this board until 3.4 is announced.

I figure that's where all the real effort is going right now. Why else would they be selling old shit with new paint jobs and running flashback events?

Pretty sure he meant the sentiment and not the exact word bro.
maybe Tencent should move a few mtx designers from fortnite to poe for a few weeks and teach them how it's done
I just want the spam broadcasts about sales to cease.

Or at least let us click some check box saying "Ok I understand there is a sale and do not wish to receive more ads"
I wish GGG would do some plain armour skins than look simply like stuff that was used in medieval europe.

Funny how rare the mundane is in fantasy arpgs.
Sick of wings, edgelord spikes and horns, and swirly stuff.
nice but when gc mtx <3
drenched 👌
blue blade flurry mtx plssss
also crystal earth shatter
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
whatever happened to quality mtx's?
"but i tell u its just fo' try, fo' peep n' fo' know"
I don't mind recolors and using old styles to make new ones because at the end of the day, there are still people who would love to own a certain style of MTX but with a different color. The only thing that drives away people from uninspired MTX like these is the insane price tag. I mean come on GGG, you aren't an indie developer anymore. Atleast make the MTXs reasonably affordable for the community. I'd pay $21 for a whole armour set and depending on the design, even for a pair of wings. But this?
HoangBoss wrote:

It looks better then the particle Sin Character Effect
Looked over the Micro's for the week. Disappointed. Nothing to add a row to my backpack. That would have been an instant sale, and damned damned damned useful.

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