Winners of the Path of Exile Fan Art Competition

I find some people really harsh with GGG, about the results. It's also kinda insulting for the actual winners. It's pretty easy to make your own selection of winners, but trying to be objective must be so goddamn hard.

Seeing the winners from several competitions, GGG overall seem to favor the feeling and mood of the entries, more than raw technical ability. Which is good, because it means anyone can win with a neat idea and a lot of work. The bad news is, it's kinda subjective.

Of course it's disappointing if you work your ass off and don't win anything. It can feel arbitrary AF. For instance, Alva in the rain (by Jugles, I think ?) definitely deserved to be there for me, but once again it's just my opinion. The fact it was not selected says nothing about the quality of the work itself, just that it didn't resonate with GGG's staff. And who knows what goes on in their crazy brains ?

In the end, GGG gets a fun community event, every competitor gets an incentive to work their asses off on something cool, and everyone involved gets the chance to see some beautiful stuff. I feel like everybody wins here.

That being said, GGG if you ever read this, it would be REALLY nice to have at least one winner selected by community votes. Maybe it would feel less arbitrary that way ?

To people who hate on the results : you can organize your own fan-art contest, and I really mean that. Anyone could post a contest on the forums, and giveaway loot and currency as prizes. Or something like that. I know I'd participate. But then it would be your turn to pull your hair, trying to be fair and objective somehow. So yeah, whining about it is easier I guess.

End of rant, congrats to all the winners, very much deserved, some amazing stuff in there.

If you didn't get selected, please don't be sad or discouraged, or stop participating. At worst you get a reason to make a piece you wouldn't have made otherwise, it's not that bad, is it ?
Last edited by MisterKedan#0937 on Jul 18, 2018, 12:30:43 PM
Daeeek wrote:
I find some people really harsh with GGG, about the results. It's also kinda insulting for the actual winners. It's pretty easy to make your own selection of winners, but trying to be objective must be so goddamn hard.

Seeing the winners from several competitions, GGG overall seem to favor the feeling and mood of the entries, more than raw technical ability. Which is good, because it means anyone can win with a neat idea and a lot of work. The bad news is, it's kinda subjective.

Of course it's disappointing if you work your ass off and don't win anything. It can feel arbitrary AF. For instance, Alva in the rain (by Jugles, I think ?) definitely deserved to be there for me, but once again it's just my opinion. The fact it was not selected says nothing about the quality of the work itself, just that it didn't resonate with GGG's staff. And who knows what goes on in their crazy brains ?

In the end, GGG gets a fun community event, every competitor gets an incentive to work their asses off on something cool, and everyone involved gets the chance to see some beautiful stuff. I feel like everybody wins here.

That being said, GGG if you ever read this, it would be REALLY nice to have at least one winner selected by community votes. Maybe it would feel less arbitrary that way ?

To people who hate on the results : you can organize your own fan-art contest, and I really mean that. Anyone could post a contest on the forums, and giveaway loot and currency as prizes. Or something like that. I know I'd participate. But then it would be your turn to pull your hair, trying to be fair and objective somehow. So yeah, whining about it is easier I guess.

End of rant, congrats to all the winners, very much deserved, some amazing stuff in there.

If you didn't get selected, please don't be sad or discouraged, or stop participating. At worst you get a reason to make a piece you wouldn't have made otherwise, it's not that bad, is it ?

Yea a community vote of the pieces would be great, I would love that so i can actually see all the submitted art without having to click thru the forum pages and shuffle through the comments and replies.
I don't want to sound like a needy fuck but I'm just wonder what do people think of my piece? I didn't get any replies on the original forum post and I don't have a huge followering on any social media sites but I do want feedback. I know my lines are thick and its not realism, but that's just my style and I don't strive for a hyperrealism smooth painting style.


my fav
Last edited by Sha0Kahnn#0013 on Jul 18, 2018, 1:03:13 PM
Jugles wrote:
Thank you. A little surprised myself. With 50-60 hours of work its a tough one to swallow. But guess the cartoonish style of the lines might not be suitet for this community. Maybe had been better of with a realistic proportioned Alva.

like the other guy said, nah, u couldnt have done more, what you did was great, you didnt fall short based on the technicality or skill of what you did.

Thing you got to remember with these comps, its not like you are submitting music to a music competition that is being judged by master music composers and engineers, who are deeply schooled in the art and have an ear that is honed by a lifetime of intense experience. Its not hans zimmer judging your work here and saying well the suspended C used in the 2nd bridge slightly clashed with the D minor and your supporting piano line in the main verse section was slightly lost in the frequencies of your sustained violin line... and its not supposed to be.

Its supposed to be fun, light hearted, its the guys in the office and they have a look and say oh, thats fun I like that. Theres nothing wrong with that, I dont think its pretending to be anything more than that, its about the taking part, the community coming together. They have an art department, as far as I am aware theyre not grabbing the 3 biggest art snobs from the art department and saying guys, find us THE most skilled, masterful works in this bunch. I think its just everyone in the office having a look and saying oh thats cute I like that one, oh this one made me laugh Im going with this one. Thats the impression Ive always got anyway, and theyve been doing these for years.

Artists know art, I looked through that thread, I know the top handful of pieces I looked at and thought ok, thats actually taken some serious skills. Of course your piece was in my top selection, and I think it would be in the top selection of most artist who looked over them and was judging on skill. A musician is gonna listen to a music competition and pick steve via because hes a musical genius, some random guy in your office at work is gonna listen to the same entries and pick blink 182 because he liked the catchy chorus. Nothing wrong with that, it is what it is.

If youre looking for acknowledgement of what you achieved, thats what matters mate, you know what you produced, you know we all saw it, of course we rated it. Keep taking part in the comps, and dont ever expect to win regardless of what you submit, know what it is and enjoy it for what it is.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Thx Snorkle. Definately helped cheer me up 😀
Wow!! Amazing work! Well done to everyone!

Man, RmncC's piece is sooo epic! Path of Exile II should be futuristic like that :P
leafjelly wrote:
I don't want to sound like a needy fuck but I'm just wonder what do people think of my piece? I didn't get any replies on the original forum post and I don't have a huge followering on any social media sites but I do want feedback. I know my lines are thick and its not realism, but that's just my style and I don't strive for a hyperrealism smooth painting style.

Wow dude! How did u not qualify? That's fantastic work. Well done!
Last edited by Quentz#0882 on Jul 18, 2018, 1:54:59 PM
Congrats and thank you to all who participated. So much talent. Was truly a joy to see all the works of art!
Should I have taken a better picture of my piece? =(

I didn't think I would be so devastated.

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