[3.6] Immune HOWA Jugg | CI 15k+ es | Insane dps | Indestructible | Uber Elder video up

How worth it is it to switch to molten strike, lets say i switch but loose ~40 int and some flat es on my helm, is it worth it?
random55577 wrote:
Any tips for keeping shaper alive during elder fights, im very tanky and have decent dps but even on a tier 11 elder i could not keep shaper from being killed

Just adding a bit more information about the use of Frost Wall.

To increase the length of time that Frost Wall is up - link it with increased duration. This makes protection of Shaper a lot easier.

Also, note that Frost Wall is target-able and goes off where your cursor points. Point the cursor just a fraction in front of Shaper to protect him from mobs. If the wall comes up at a strange angle, you may need to cast a 2nd wall to protect him from the exposed side.

Due to the length of each of the 4 portal stages, you'll need to recast Frost Wall twice for each stage - the 2nd time because your initial Frost Wall will have expired.

Note that Shaper is pretty squishy so you want to be ready to cast Frost Wall as soon as the Shaper moves to a new set of portals and when your initial Frost Wall expires. Top priority in this stage of the fight is getting into position to protect Shaper and making sure that walls protect him. DPSing is secondary - but try not to let too many mobs build up as after a portal switch incoming DPS from the mobs limits the amount of time you have to get Frost Wall in place.

With a bit of practice, use of Frost Wall as described above is very easy.

Finally, if you mess up and Shaper dies, you can portal or exit to character selection to abandon the fight - load up another copy of the map and you can fight Elder anew; this way you'll still have a chance at a Watcher's Eye drop.
Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 8, 2019, 12:09:38 AM
So i finally managed to get enough currency to get my gear so good i dont need purity of elements anymore. Dropped it for aspect of the spider and war banner, and it's just ridiculous now. The dmg boost from dropping purity of elements and gaining 2dps aura's is so insane.

Still a lot of upgrades to do.

and btw. i noticed the -x mana cost to skills craft on rings deals with a LOT of your mana problems!
Last edited by hallohoofd#1439 on Jan 7, 2019, 10:22:53 PM
Hey all-

Enjoying the build, still leveling but was curious about some jewels i have, i know that the order is intel > ES > Stats and Flat dmg but wanted to know which i should be using till i can afford better or craft better..


Current gear is here:

I need to buy new rings / ammy / boots (using rainbow stride for rez and some es for now) ive seen the need to corrupt the belt / shaped gloves im waiting for temples to do so

Any other tips or pointers would be appreciated thank you

got these , should i save enchant (seen ppl are having mana issues) or aim for regen \ attack speed if killed recently )
IGN Dareiosh
Mioushu wrote:

got these , should i save enchant (seen ppl are having mana issues) or aim for regen \ attack speed if killed recently )

Depends on how much you like running Lab and whether or not you have mana problems lol.
Im sure this has probably been discussed, but I couldnt find it while combing the pages.

What is the benefit of BF vs MS? Is one clearly better then other or is it just preference?
The build is crazy tanky! Exactly what i like. I'm lacking a bit in dps but i did a few lab runs for fun as a test and i'm still leveling the gems. It's great that u can stand in everything that uber lab has to offer.

Any tips when it comes to next big upgrades would be appreciated! I kept it to a 6ex budget for now when it comes to gear and jewels but i feel like i can do some good currency farming already with the amazing tankyness. I had a hard time finding the same gems as you also. Always Int+Es but never with added flat claw damage as a 3rd stat on top of that.
animadnb wrote:
The build is crazy tanky! Exactly what i like. I'm lacking a bit in dps but i did a few lab runs for fun as a test and i'm still leveling the gems. It's great that u can stand in everything that uber lab has to offer.

Any tips when it comes to next big upgrades would be appreciated! I kept it to a 6ex budget for now when it comes to gear and jewels but i feel like i can do some good currency farming already with the amazing tankyness. I had a hard time finding the same gems as you also. Always Int+Es but never with added flat claw damage as a 3rd stat on top of that.

A simple flat ES/Lightning damage abyss jewel is going to be the cheapest jewel you can buy. Flat int or claw damage on top of that starts to cost 2ex+ a pop.

You passive tree is wonky. You have running Pure Talent Jewel but you're not connected to Scion start for +25 all attributes. You also have 3 points in the minion wheel which are useless unless you have Spiritual Aid.

Gref wrote:

A simple flat ES/Lightning damage abyss jewel is going to be the cheapest jewel you can buy. Flat int or claw damage on top of that starts to cost 2ex+ a pop.

You passive tree is wonky. You have running Pure Talent Jewel but you're not connected to Scion start for +25 all attributes. You also have 3 points in the minion wheel which are useless unless you have Spiritual Aid.

Yeah i was actually working towards Spiritual Aid next. And i wasn't really sure in which slot to drop the Pure Talent Jewel. Is it a good idea to unlock a Jewel slot on the tree for now instead of Spiritual Aid?

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