[On Hold] Elemental Hit Ascendant [All Content]
Uber Elder downed last night! Way easier with this character than when I used vaal double strike 2 leagues ago. Had 2 deaths (one at 15% left, and I had the wrong HP flask with me, and the second death was upon going in...an immediate death) I really think deathless is super possible and easy with this build.
I'm probably going to start working on a bow soon, just debating if I want to try and fossil craft a i82 shaper bow, or non shaper bow (for it to be easier to craft) I'll also probably try and make a better clearing bow, doesn't have to be too expensive, but the lightning resist on mine is messing my resists up. Then maybe try to fossil craft a helm (Speaking of which, does anyone know the proper way to go about that? prismatic + scorched?) |
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" Got a quiver with additonal arrow, pierce, t1 max life, inc elemental damage and onslaught on kill. Rly wouldnt wanna leave all that :D but yeah the 2 weapon setup is an idea. currently trying to get a +3 6L with ele dmg impl. and atk speed exp. so i can craft 80% fire dmg. After that im gonna try to get a 2nd set. Last edited by pyloniac#2266 on Dec 21, 2018, 10:38:29 AM
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Any1 got a good idea for a 6L gem setup in chest?
Im currently using a Loreweave for the 80% res with: 2-Link: CWDT 20 - Lightning Golem 20 4-Link: 20/20 Proj weakness, CoH 20/20, CWDT 1, Ball lightning 4 The 4l applies proj weakness to everything in front of me. The ball lightning also knocks enemies away from me. Pretty neat tbh :3 Any ideas what could compete? Last edited by pyloniac#2266 on Dec 21, 2018, 10:51:21 AM
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Everyone is REALLY concerned about their bows and I just want to remind people that it's not that big of a DPS upgrade. If you are considering dropping tons of exalts on a +3 bow... consider just getting a 21/20 Elemental Hit and using a +2 bow (this is literally the same thing as getting a +3 Bow). I think people are getting caught up in the fact that weapons are usually the biggest upgrades for attack builds (which is intuitive) but remember the base damage really comes from the gem itself and not the weapon. Yes, there are nice-to-have modifiers on bows but that's not what does the heavy lifting for our build. IMO the Slayer overleech and ability to basically ignore damage and pick up life nodes is what makes this build great. Damage is really carried by the mechanics of elemental hit (huge base damage through conversion, more damage for applying ailments paired with huge ailment chance).
"Connect to duelist starting area and pick up "Path of the Duelist" before removing points connecting to Scion start. "If you need damage then go EO! I find that my damage is fine with RT and don't want the headache of grabbing accuracy. If you have a creative solution for that (deadeye, effigon, etc.) then I encourage people to experiment with the build! "Congrats on the kill - glad you like it. My stream isn't for everyone but I do try and interact and build a positive community in my chat! "The PoB has the most recent time I've played the build. I'll probably post a link with my latest version soon. I would use my Final Skill Tree over the PoB because that has my actual recommendations and not my experimentation. "You'll receive 100% of the flat fire, ~45%-50% of the flat cold (with pyre or cold to fire), 50% of the flat phys, and 25% of the flat light with my current iteration of the build. To figure out how I got those numbers you really need to understand how conversion and Combat Focus jewels work but honestly most flat damages are just a drop in the bucket compared to the HUGE flat damage already present on the Elemental Hit gem itself. To give you an idea a base level 20 Elemental Hit with just Avatar of Fire gives you about 2000 average fire damage and it would take a flat 400 physical damage to get even 10% more damage. It's just not worth it. "To understand the difference you just need to look at which gems have which tags. What gems are fire? Combustion, Fire Pen, Elemental Hit. What gems are bow? Elemental Hit, Mirage Archer. What does getting an extra 2 levels to those gems do? In some cases it gives a huge amount of flat damage (Elemental Hit) in some cases it's a matter of -1 Fire Res or 1% Less Damage. "Congrats on the kill! I do go over how to craft items in the In Depth Gear section. Your guess for helms is correct. |
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Ahh you're right! I've been trying to find it (knew I read it) and was unsuccessful for quite a bit. Thank you!
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looks fun build, crafted insane belt+slamed STR 55 :)
My gear: |
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Build is still as good as ever. Chin-sol nerf actually opens up new possible crafting options for our single-target bow (if not using frostferno)
Uber elder down, 0 deaths. The slayer overleech and the insane damage u do with a level 21 elemental hit in "just" a +2 bow is enough to tank shaper's beam (and standing in the DoT pools) for a little while. If anything, blood-rage was killing me more than either elder or shaper were lol. Last edited by redragonblack#4395 on Dec 21, 2018, 6:52:37 PM
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what fossils do you use to craft helmets with —#% fire res? ^^
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" Scorched. What I used to craft my helmet / belt: Scorched - Pristine - Prismatic - (sanctified if you have money to throw away). Took ~2 exalts worth of material to craft the helmet and 1 exalt worth to craft belt (your results may vary). my personal opinion is try to avoid getting helmets that have shaped or elder on them since it adds more affixes to the pool that doesn't really benefit us as elemental hit. I only have it elder cause it was 45c to get the base + enchant. Last edited by redragonblack#4395 on Dec 21, 2018, 10:31:45 PM
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Is Chin Sol actually better for single target damage than a +3 bow with some Shaper mods on it or just more realistic?
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